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If you could only recommend ONE resource, what would it be?


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I'm hoping to glean some new ideas from what you all say here...


A lot of times I will hang out with a group of home school moms, get to talking with them and someone will say, 'You've never heard of _??!!" And they are shocked to find out I've never even heard of it.


What is that one THING that you'd be shocked to find I don't know about. (Besides The Well Trained Mind, of course. That's kind of a "given," right?)


So, what is it? ...What's the thing you couldn't live without? :lurk5:

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Guest RecumbentHeart

This is a little tricky because the things I'd be shocked to know you hadn't heard of are not the same things I can't live without. For instance, one of the resources that has made the biggest difference for me has been The Latin Centered Curriculum but it doesn't surprise me at all if someone hasn't heard of it the same way it surprises me if someone gives me a blank stare when I mention The Well-Trained Mind (that has happened). Likewise, Professor B Math has been revolutionary in our home but I'd be far more surprised to hear you hadn't heard of Saxon.


Sorry to be difficult .. I also managed to squeeze 2 in when you asked for 1 .. I couldn't help myself. :P

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Homeschooling tear by year by Deborah Rupp ( Something like that anyway)

Charlotte Mason in some capacity. Whether you have read her actual books, or one of the summaries of her teaching methods.

The "What should you *th grader know books

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The LIBRARY!!! It is our lifeblood in this house. I pick up books from the request shelf at least twice a week (usually anywhere from 20-30 books at a time). It feels like Christmas each and every time and I get a serious thrill every time I get our goodies. Since I request so many things and many of them come from other libraries, take a while to come in, I never know what I'm going to get, but it's always a mix of books (fiction, non-fiction, for me, for dd8, for ds5, for dh), movies (educational, fun, classics), music cds, audio cds, etc.


Can you tell we love the library? Seriously, it is the one resource I could not live without!


ETA: Of course I'm not saying you wouldn't know about it. Just that it's the one resource I couldn't live without. And that I think we use it to its fullest potential, and I know many people don't!

Edited by tammyw
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Well it's a given that TWTM has been my primary guide to homeschooling, and I've gained more from The Hive than any other resource that's available. From this forum I've learned about curriculum, methods of teaching, and on and on and on. So understanding that first, I'd then have to say that TOG has provided me with a wonderful way to follow TWTM model.




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Seriously, this forum is what I consider my Number One Resource.


It's a teacher lounge.

It's a teacher training camp.

It's a teacher's decompression chamber. ;)

It's a curriculum fair.

It's a homeschool conference.


It's that, and more, and it's here every day, all day, year after year after year.


Thanks, PHP.

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Hands down.


The Library Card.


And if you've not heard of your library or don't already have a card I would be totally SHOCKED!!!


The library is the homeschooler's best friend.


It's like being granted a magic wish and wishing for more wishes. It's a never ending smorgasbord of educational feasting. :001_smile: Every once in a while I get an itch to ditch the curriculum and just let 'em loose in the library and see what happens. Hey, that sounds like a good project for July.

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The LIBRARY!!! It is our lifeblood in this house. I pick up books from the request shelf at least twice a week (usually anywhere from 20-30 books at a time). It feels like Christmas each and every time and I get a serious thrill every time I get our goodies. Since I request so many things and many of them come from other libraries, take a while to come in, I never know what I'm going to get, but it's always a mix of books (fiction, non-fiction, for me, for dd8, for ds5, for dh), movies (educational, fun, classics), music cds, audio cds, etc.


Can you tell we love the library? Seriously, it is the one resource I could not live without!


ETA: Of course I'm not saying you wouldn't know about it. Just that it's the one resource I couldn't live without. And that I think we use it to its fullest potential, and I know many people don't!


Great minds think alike. :001_smile:

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Handwriting Without Tears. I know, it's a narrow scope for a resource compared to everything else on this thread, but while I'm reasonably sure I could teach everything else by winging it if I *had* to... handwriting is another matter entirely.

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Well, this is pretty specific, but I am going to say All About Spelling. It was the missing piece in our LA studies. The further we get the more confident my daughter has become in her writing. It has been amazing. I am a natural speller and didn't really know the rules, so this has been a God-send for us.


DH has also agreed (only just today) to remediate his spelling/reading with me using AAS. That, to me, is incredible. He grew up in a home where literacy was not valued (no reading aloud), and he only really learned to read as an adult (victim of the sight method). This will be so exciting and do him a world of good! I can't wait to see his confidence with the written language soar :).

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Gosh there are so many to chose from; but for right now, with my young children we totally love Starfall. The more advanced parts work great for my 4 year old and my 2 year old loves the section on her ABC's.


Starfall has been so handy for me when I am trying to do more instructional learning with my 4 year old because I can pop my 2 year old on our laptop (its a touch screen which REALLY helps for her young age) and she will stay focused on it, and I can generally get through most, if not all, of my lesson with my older.


It's been great.

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My imac and chocolate. Everything else is negotiable.


Maid and library card come next in line. Truly, the farther I go, the less curriculum I want and the more pampering and internal spunk just to get done what I dream.


LOL! I've gotta agree with this. I'm getting old and I'm getting tired but I have great plans that I would love to accomplish. I just need the juice to keep me going - coffee.

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My imac and chocolate. Everything else is negotiable.


Maid and library card come next in line. Truly, the farther I go, the less curriculum I want and the more pampering and internal spunk just to get done what I dream.


Not the library card, but Amazon...I am not great at returning library books on time. Or even close to on time. My library has stopped the $20 cap on fines, so it's actually (really!) cheaper for me to buy books. :blushing:


I second the imac.


I have to say that my house cleaning service that I get every other week is my absolute life-saver and the one thing I really dug my heels in about when making homeschooling decisions. I need a clean environment in order to stay sane, and if I know the house will get cleaned, I can school the kids well. People might call me picky or anal or whatever...practically speaking though it's not something that some people can "just get over and deal with the fact that your house won't be clean when your homeschooling." Clean house = happy wife = dinner served at a reasonable time = I have time for the kids...and you. :blush: kwim? everyone's happier.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
If you lived here and had pre-schoolers, I'd be dragging you down to our local toy library. Boy have they saved me money :D




A toy library is an utterly brilliant idea. Why oh why do they not have those around here??

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  • 2 weeks later...
A toy library is an utterly brilliant idea. Why oh why do they not have those around here??


I agree! I want to know more! Is this put on by an individual? Or the city? How did it get started? I *love* this idea!


But back to the original question - ooh, that's tough. If I could narrow things down to ONE resource, I wouldn't have so many shelves of books in my house! :D I really do love this forum, though, for the reasons someone else mentioned above.

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All Through the Ages by Christine Miller (a chronological literature list)

I take this to the library.




:DI didn't know about this one! Thanks!!! I've been buying Truthquest guides to get a list like this and I can't stand the fact that they say they haven't even read all of the books they list! This looks super!

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I agree! I want to know more! Is this put on by an individual? Or the city? How did it get started? I *love* this idea!



I dunno! I suppose an individual gets a local government grant, buys some toys and something to use as a catalogue and it grows from there! Type 'Frankston Toy Library' into Facebook and ask them :P




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