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RoughCollie's Artery Is Bleeding Out As We Speak

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I live near Pittsburgh. You know PA is about as big as New England, right, except for the parts of Maine in which no one lives unless they are related to Paul Bunyan? At least it seems that way to me.


If you are coming to western PA, I'd love to meet you. But you cannot take Aidan home. He thinks I am his mother, and sadly, so do I.


Oh, you mean where Parrothead lives? :lol::lol::lol:


I will be in Collegeville PA and just checked Mapquest. It's 5 hours away from you. :sad: It was worth a try!


Stay well!!!

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Maybe b/c we are in such close proximity, I can sense when there is problems. I knew I needed to see how you were. Strange.


Your kids are great, I dont know many that wouldnt buckle under the pressure. You should start getting the docs at the hospital to sign internship credits to them and then they can get into medicine. They are so cool under pressure.


So happy you are feeling better, at least the weather aint tooo bad. Lift your feet and listen to the rain and sit w/that sweet puppy. Hope dh is doing well and taking time off.


Prayers and lots of hugs.

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RC, what the heck were the doctors thinking by letting you go home the same day of the surgery? My mom had a stent last year, and they kept her for at least 3 days...she was not allowed to move for several hours after the stent was put in....then she was told to remain as still as possible the entire next week. I'm sorry, but you really should not have walked up the stairs the very day of the surgery as your son reported!

Please take care of yourself.


Well, that's the way they do it here with abdominal aorta stents. I stayed at the hospital for 5 hours after the surgery, then they let me go home. The stents placed at or near the heart are the ones that get to spend the night at the hospital.


I had to walk upstairs. There is no bathroom on the first floor. That is one of the things I dislike about this house.


I am allowed to resume normal activity on Monday.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Lift your feet and listen to the rain and sit w/that sweet puppy. Hope dh is doing well and taking time off.


What rain, Jet? Is it raining where you are? Send it north! I think a goblin must be hiding in the woods, laughing, because no one but me actually wants rain since it has been raining so much.


We put down fertilizer on Wednesday, under a cover of black clouds, and it hasn't rained here since then. Even though the fertilizer bag says it is pet and child safe, I want it to be watered in very well before I let little Aidan's feet touch fertilized ground. We left about 1/2 acre unfertilized, on the other side of the driveway, so that Aidan can go outside. The kids carry him from the house to the yard and back. I hope that pup doesn't get used to this!


If it doesn't rain, the kids will have to water the lawn in front of our house, but that always ends up with wet kids and fighting and so forth. Guaranteed that he who announces he does not want to get wet will be soaked.

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Oh, you mean where Parrothead lives? :lol::lol::lol:


I will be in Collegeville PA and just checked Mapquest. It's 5 hours away from you. :sad: It was worth a try!


Stay well!!!


Yes, Parrothead was exactly the person of whom I was thinking. Of whom? Who talks like that?


Yes, 5 hours! Amazing, when you think that from where we used to live, near Boston, we could get anywhere in New England (except frozen northern ME) in 3 hours. Well, not sure about all of CT -- I never went there; too many Yankee fans.

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I am home, and obviously, I am alive!


Thank you very much for your prayers, concern, and positive thoughts.


One of the arteries with an incision in it started bleeding, and the doc had told me to call 911 if that happened, so I did.


I don't have an aneurysm or anything else. They did 2 kinds of ultrasounds and a doppler to discover all this. They had a 2" high gauze bandage on this wound, and it was saturated, along with a paper towel I had folded and placed where it would catch any further bleeding. Because of the thick bandage, there wasn't any geyser of blood or anything.


The bleeding clotted at the ER and finally stopped! They were planning on putting another thick bandage on top of the original one, but the doppler guy loosened it so much it may as well have not been there.


When they went to re-bandage it, the clot was gone and the bleeding had stopped, and the nurse and dr couldn't figure out where the clot went.


I could have told them you all prayed and thought it away ... but decided you are my secret!


It is 1 a.m. and I am very tired.


I'm so glad you're home. Now get some rest and heal yourself. :grouphug:

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So glad you are ok. Please take it easy, and no more emergency room trips, Please! I can't believe they sent you home. Last summer after my dad had a heart cath done, we just said to the nurse, "Can't you keep him overnight", and they let him stay.

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*to the board as a group* Does RoughCollie have the best sons or what?!


Take care, RC.



I agree!!!! RC you have great sons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My kids/Dh would never even think to post anything about me on here.


And if I told them to do so, very little detail would be given that is for sure... just a "mom is sick" and that is it. I could be at deaths door and that is all they would post.

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What rain, Jet? Is it raining where you are? Send it north! I think a goblin must be hiding in the woods, laughing, because no one but me actually wants rain since it has been raining so much.


We put down fertilizer on Wednesday, under a cover of black clouds, and it hasn't rained here since then. Even though the fertilizer bag says it is pet and child safe, I want it to be watered in very well before I let little Aidan's feet touch fertilized ground. We left about 1/2 acre unfertilized, on the other side of the driveway, so that Aidan can go outside. The kids carry him from the house to the yard and back. I hope that pup doesn't get used to this!


If it doesn't rain, the kids will have to water the lawn in front of our house, but that always ends up with wet kids and fighting and so forth. Guaranteed that he who announces he does not want to get wet will be soaked.


I was walking to get my dd from her school the other day, and a lady hat a pet sling for her poodle, I kid you not. I said hey, I need one of those for my kitty, and she said she could make me one. Next time I run into her, if I do, I will ask for one for Aidan, better get it while he is small.


Ohhhh, guess what we are moving ,........again. Blech. So that is what I will be doing for next two mos.

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Yes, Parrothead was exactly the person of whom I was thinking. Of whom? Who talks like that?


Yes, 5 hours! Amazing, when you think that from where we used to live, near Boston, we could get anywhere in New England (except frozen northern ME) in 3 hours. Well, not sure about all of CT -- I never went there; too many Yankee fans.


Hey now, I was praying for you, but after that Yankee remark . . .


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I am home, and obviously, I am alive!


Thank you very much for your prayers, concern, and positive thoughts.


One of the arteries with an incision in it started bleeding, and the doc had told me to call 911 if that happened, so I did.


I don't have an aneurysm or anything else. They did 2 kinds of ultrasounds and a doppler to discover all this. They had a 2" high gauze bandage on this wound, and it was saturated, along with a paper towel I had folded and placed where it would catch any further bleeding. Because of the thick bandage, there wasn't any geyser of blood or anything.


The bleeding clotted at the ER and finally stopped! They were planning on putting another thick bandage on top of the original one, but the doppler guy loosened it so much it may as well have not been there.


When they went to re-bandage it, the clot was gone and the bleeding had stopped, and the nurse and dr couldn't figure out where the clot went.


I could have told them you all prayed and thought it away ... but decided you are my secret!


It is 1 a.m. and I am very tired.




Glad you are okay, and prayer for continued healing. :grouphug:

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