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Has anyone found someone on these boards that they used to know in real life....

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It was someone who I went to Jr High with. It was a person who gave just enough detail that I wondered if it was her, but since the old board was so public, I didn't want to ask. I have watched on this board to see if she has reappeared, but haven't seen her.



I stumbled onto her Myspace page and the ages of her kids and a few details matched up so I always wondered.

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Sometimes I wonder if there are people from my high school or college on this board that I don't know about. Has anyone met someone at these boards that they used to know IRL?


Not really, but my online life has definitely confirmed we're all "six degrees of separation". I've connected to people I used to know through people here. The one that really tickled me was touching base with a guy I used to hang out with in Houston when I realized he introduced Ree to Marlboro Man. Small world and all that...:D

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There is a woman here I attended college with (sort of), but we didn't know each other well. I don't think it was here that I recognized her, though--it was somewhere else online and then I saw her here too, because we're both doing classical homeschooling.

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It turned out that Marie in OH and I knew each other in college (Cedarville U.). We were both married while students, and our husbands were both in the Air Force, and we even went to the same dining out once!


Now they live in Ohio again, and we're here in Northern VA. My dh happened to put a copy of our Christmas letter on the desk of his boss, who he knew was a Christian and whose wife also homeschooled. (They live on the other side of the city, however, so our families had never met). The boss's wife started reading my blog, and she is good friends with Marie in OH. She figured out that we might have known each other--and she was right! How fun to reconnect with someone from your past, and realize that you really have a lot in common!

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Well, I found out that MeganP (not pmegan) was a mom that I made a quilt for when she had her second child and I was part of the quilting ministry at her church.


We didn't really "know" each other though. I just knew bits of information of the P. family through their church that supports them as missionaries and realized that they matched up with things that Megan had posted.


BTW - She just recently arrived back in England after 6 months of stateside with limited internet access. She said she might start posting again if she can figure out the new board format!


Anyone here grow up in Coral Springs, Fl in the 70s and 80's?

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Nope, and I don't want to know. That is why I don't post the names of my kids, my town, and my name. I would not feel safe to discuss all that I do here if I thought someone I know knew it was me. I had a hard time deciding whether to use a picture of my dog as my avatar, in case someone here knew me (collies are not a currently popular breed).




Has anyone met someone at these boards that they used to know IRL?
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Nope, and I don't want to know. That is why I don't post the names of my kids, my town, and my name. I would not feel safe to discuss all that I do here if I thought someone I know knew it was me.


Ah, but you'd be surprised how easily one can connect the dots, even without those vitals.:)

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Oh, believe me, I know. One only needs to know 2 or 3 pieces of information about me, aside from my name and town, to figure out who I am. It can be done, and it bothers me.


I am a very private person IRL, and usually don't tell anyone anything I don't want published in the newspaper unless I know the person very well and for a long time (as in decades). You guys know more about me than the vast majority of people I know IRL.



Ah, but you'd be surprised how easily one can connect the dots, even without those vitals.:)

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But I saw someone say (in the Duggar thread I think) that they live in the Bay Area. It made me wonder if I knew them from school. Oddly, I keep getting e-mails lately from when I was a Gold Member on classmates, that several new people have been trying to contact me. Not sure if it's just a classmates hoax or not and since I really don't know anyone I really care to reconnect with, I've ignored it.


Oh, well, I guess people do change so maybe it would be nice just to see....but I won't.


Any Livermore High/Granada High grads???

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Sometimes I wonder if there are people from my high school or college on this board that I don't know about. Has anyone met someone at these boards that they used to know IRL?


On the old boards, I once corresponded with someone who lived in San Francisco and we discovered that we had attended a tiny elementary school here in Arkansas at the same time.


And just recently, I discovered that someone who posts on these boards and I used to work for the same company. Our two companies merged, and she left before we officially moved into one building, so if we met neither of us remembers it.

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