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Urgent prayer request for my middle daughter

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Please pray for my dd. She hit her head on a pole on Sun. and has had a slight headache, but nothing terrrible. This afternoon she feels nauseous, dizzy, tingling in her body and has a worse headache. She is quite panicked by this as these symptoms have hit her all at once. My dh is taking her to the dr at 3:20. She has a real fear of going to the doctor, so please pray for peace to fill her. I'll update when I know more.




Bless you,






Update: She's fine. She just bruised it really bad. The dr. told her to take Motrin for the pain for the next few days to get the inflammation down. The other symptoms were anxiety related because she was afraid it was a concussion and that she had to go to the doctor. Amazing how the body works, isn't it? Thanks so much for praying WTM Mama's. We appreciate it so much.

Edited by MJN
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For my son, I brought him to the doctor immediately (it happened during baseball at school) and the doctor thought that he probably didn't have a concussion. Frankly, I'd prefer that they do an MRI or whatever. I feel frustrated with deciding on my own how worrisome his symptoms are. I made another appointment for tomorrow that I'll cancel if the headache goes away.

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Poor thing!


I'm so sorry! I recently hit my head on the bottom of our swimming pool (ouch) and we were in an insurance gap (just for the month of April- insured again now! yay!) at the time. I chose to wait it out at home and I'm pretty sure I had a concussion. I was dizzy for about 5-6 days and had a headache for well over a week. The dizziness and nausea peaked on day 3 or 4 I think before it started to get better.


It has been 2 weeks now and I have some lingering ear pain but that seems to be all...


I'm NOT advocating not taking your daughter to the doctor, just saying I think her symptoms might be fairly normal after a head injury. I hope it isn't more serious than just the "getting-better-slowly" stuff.


I'm so sorry :(.

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Please pray for my dd. She hit her head on a pole on Sun. and has had a slight headache, but nothing terrrible. This afternoon she feels nauseous, dizzy, tingling in her body and has a worse headache. She is quite panicked by this as these symptoms have hit her all at once. My dh is taking her to the dr at 3:20. She has a real fear of going to the doctor, so please pray for peace to fill her. I'll update when I know more.




Bless you,






We will be praying for her!

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The important thing, from what I understand, about knowing if it is a concussion is that you can decide when it is appropriate to return back to normal activities. My children are very active in sports so I've read quite a bit about concussions. It's recommended that you give the brain time to rest...i.e. no school or anything else that requires thinking. Not to mention the obvious limitations in physical activities.

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The important thing, from what I understand, about knowing if it is a concussion is that you can decide when it is appropriate to return back to normal activities. My children are very active in sports so I've read quite a bit about concussions. It's recommended that you give the brain time to rest...i.e. no school or anything else that requires thinking. Not to mention the obvious limitations in physical activities.


yeah, that makes sense! we did very little school for a few days (I couldn't read aloud without wanting to barf) and I didn't drive for a week. I also didn't swim for a week and skipped all roller coasters when we were at Disney that weekend. ;)


I'd be more scared about physical stuff for a kid than I am for myself as an adult. Not sure if that makes sense... but I guess I mean I know I'm not going to be doing somersaults or wrestling my sibling or... any of the other crazy things kids do! So I hadn't really thought of that aspect!


And sorry to the OP for hijacking! I was hoping to reassure you!

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Praying...but honestly, I'd go to an ER. They will likely order a scan

I agree with this. Hopefully it's nothing, but worsening symptoms after a head injury can indicate very serious, developing problems, and you want to get it checked quickly and thoroughly.

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That's interesting. Sorry to bring another all-about-me story, but my family had another incident like this. My daughter fell and hit her head at a hotel swimming pool. She had a nasty bump and began vomiting shortly afterwards. She had a clear CT and the doctor said she was probably throwing up because of stress.


I'm glad your daughter is ok. :grouphug:

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