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Those who get migraines, WWYD

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After 3 days, I typically go to the doctor for a stadol shot to get the cycle broken. The weather could very well be causing it, or you could be experiencing rebound headaches from your medicine. Read the dosing instructions for your medicine and make sure you don't take more than you should, most of mine have a maximum you can take in a 72 hour period. There is a risk with chronic migraines to develop a daily headache syndrom as a side effect of taking your medicine too frequently.

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You poor dear.:grouphug: Migraines are horrible and triggers often go over looked. You are the best judge of what triggers one in you; yes they are often looming or tiny while you suffer knowing it is going to explode later.


You might try call your pharmacists for more information on what you are taking or even your doctor. I hope you feel better.

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Do you normally drink caffeine? That could help, in addition to the meds you are taking. For DH & me, we take zomig. It is Rx, and on our plan, it is not cheap. But it makes up for it in the amount of time the relief comes. (usually within an hour). One thing we do to help the meds last longer, we request a stronger dosage (maybe a 10 mg?) and then we cut them in half, becuase for most of the headaches, 5mg does the trick. (It may be we get 20 mg, and only use 10, not sure).


There are many types of headaches. Karen in CO, yours sound like cluster headaches. DH was not getting enough medication from our GP, so he went to a neurologist who specialized in headaches. We found many triggers (weather is one of them; he goes through a patch in Autumn where he has a headache every day for 3-4 weeks). He did not show any allergies, but MSG is a trigger for him also. DH gets stress headaches, where he says he can feel the muscles in his neck spasming. He takes somethig else for those. Oh, the Stories I could tell you about headaches. I've had the pharamcist question me about the drugs. Well, you know, quality over quantity. If it's killing my liver, so I die at 65 instead of 70. But right now, I'm still employed and can play with my kids...:glare:

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hope today is a better day!


fwiw, sometimes extreme weather + time of the month + screen time + food triggers set me up for a series like you are describing. i break it by going down in altitude, no screen time or radio or anything, no artificial lights, caffeine, chocolate (which is not a trigger for me, thank goodness), tons of water, a banana, a vitamin pill, protein with every meal, only food i've prepared myself so i know there isn't anything added.... and hope.


if i did all those things and still got another one, i would call the doctor...



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Get thee to a migraine specialist. My DH is a lifelong migraine sufferer and he is *finally* getting some relief after he consulted a doctor who specializes in migraines earlier this winter. I only wish we had done this years ago.


FWIW, my husband has also at times gotten tremendous relief from acupuncture; while other times it has not done much at all. According to his migraine doc, acupuncture has been shown to help about a third of the time.

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Sounds to me like you need a much better "rescue" drug.

Have you looked into Maxalt or Immitrex?

Also - BC will make migraines much worse for some - including me. I had to stop using the pill for that reason. If you've changed any of that - might be something to check.

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After 3 days, I typically go to the doctor for a stadol shot to get the cycle broken. The weather could very well be causing it, or you could be experiencing rebound headaches from your medicine. Read the dosing instructions for your medicine and make sure you don't take more than you should, most of mine have a maximum you can take in a 72 hour period. There is a risk with chronic migraines to develop a daily headache syndrom as a side effect of taking your medicine too frequently.


:iagree: If the pesky migraine doesn't go away after a few days and I've maxed out on my rescue med, I go my doc and get a narcotic. That lets me sleep it off. :grouphug:


I found Heal Your Headache by David Buchholz to be very helpful to me and dd9 (also gets migraines). Dd takes a daily preventative medication which reduces her frequency by a lot. It is an antihistamine prescribed by her neurologist. It works a lot better than the antidepressant we tried.

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My middle child gets migraines. If there's anything I've learned, it's see a specialist. You can waste years with well meaning peds and GPs, or you can go straight to a neurologist (or ped nuero in our case) who deals with these things on a daily basis and has up to the minute info on all the latest research, meds, treatments, etc.

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My middle child gets migraines. If there's anything I've learned, it's see a specialist. You can waste years with well meaning peds and GPs, or you can go straight to a neurologist (or ped nuero in our case) who deals with these things on a daily basis and has up to the minute info on all the latest research, meds, treatments, etc.


I agree. I've been suffering with monthly migraines for about 8 years, and didn't know who to go to (I didn't want someone just prescribing something w/o really knowing about migraines). Recently, I found a neurologist who specializes in migraines - he has been a lifesaver, and also has a list of supplements to try to see if they reduce migraine frequency. I'm currently taking Sumatriptan (generic Immitrex) when I get a migraine, but he has a whole list of things to try if one medication or treatment doesn't work.


In the case of hormonal migraines, he said they are difficult to treat because they tend to keep coming back over the week, and may have to be treated with meds each time (I always thought I was just getting one very long, horrible migraine).

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I've reduced the frequency of mine by wearing a baltic amber necklace, taking magnesium and/or feverfew. I used to take Inderal(BP meds) daily and that helped. The feverfew acts like Inderal. I also have learned to pay attention to when it's coming on and I make sure I stay well-hydrated and don't go too long w/o food. I nibble all day long. I agree, too, about a specialist. Good luck, I know it's so frustrating.

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Barometric pressure always negatively affects my migraines. If you're having storms in your area, this may be what's causing a cluster of migraines. (My worst cluster was 17 days.)

I wouldn't take the meds preventatively. Does anything else work for you? Caffeine always helps me although some people react badly to it. Excedrin, when taken at the first signs of a migraine, can take the edge off-but remember Excedrin also contains caffeine.

I'm sorry you're hurting. My migraines have been with me since I was a bitty girl (maybe 5?). I know how you're feeling and it's very frustrating to have them cluster on you. I had one for 4 days over the Easter holiday-with an egg coloring party at my house Saturday and a family dinner, also at my place, Sunday. It was so hard! I'm so grateful to my hubby for chipping in!

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For the first time in years I had a migraine 2 weeks ago that was in my head for 6 of 7 days. A friend told me to stop taking my zyrtec for my allergies. Within 24 hours of stopping the zyrtec my migraine ended and has not returned. I don't know what it is about the zyrtec but I won't be taking it again. My mom a few days later reported the same thing happeneing to her - a migraine the day after taking zyrtec- despite not having a migraine in a long time and being on a daily dose of topomax (I think that is what she takes daily for migraines).

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I hope you're feeling better by now!


I'm a migraine sufferer also, and find I have to switch medications or combine them every once in a while as they become ineffective. I have prescriptions for Fiorinal and Relpax, which is a newer triptan drug that seems to have less side effects than some of the others. Sometimes the Fiorinal is enough, other times I need to take Relpax AND Fiorinal. And, to make matters worse, there are times when even that doesn't work.


I do use hot and cold compresses to try to halt a migraine at the onset if I'm home.


Weather absolutely can be a trigger. As can a change in elevation, smoke, aged cheese, red wine, etc. For me it's a combo of hormonal changes and external triggers.


As far as your migraine lasting days---that is not unusual. My record bout with migraines was this past February, when I dealt with daily migraines for 2 weeks.


Of course, it's a good idea to see your physician if your headaches/migraines seem different than usual. Plus, they can give you an injection or a prescription for something like Vicodin for a migraine that's not budging.


Feel better!

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Weather changes, lack of sleep and hormonal changes are my three big triggers. I have had migraines in clusters like that. When I was in very early pg with baby #4, I had a migraine every morning at 10 am for four days in a row.:confused: I take Imitrex, which works as well as anything, but it knocks me out and still leaves me with a hangover headache which would put a lot of people out of commission for 24 hours. I would take your meds as directed and if the migraines continue to be so frequent, I would see your doc.

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I have done Maxalt, Imitrex and they were junk for me. Excedrin! Believe it or not they stop it dead in its tracks. If they come on at night I choose Vicodin b/c it relieves the pain(not the nausea) but makes me itch like a crack addict:tongue_smilie:. Give Excedrin a try. You may be surprised.:grouphug:

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I've had migraines as long as I can remember and am another fan of Excedrin. I usually will take mine with a cup of coffee as soon as I feel the pain coming on. I agree that weather changes can be a huge trigger. I also agree with other posters about seeing a specialist if your migraines persist. A combination of the right prophylactic meds along with having rescue meds on hand allow you to function as you need to, being a busy homeschooling mom. :)

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