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Drum roll please................

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Glad you joined our group!! AARP members get discounts at a lot of places.


What?! You only need to be 50 to get AARP discounts? Woohoo! Dh will be 50 in 2.5 years - long, long before me. :D Well, maybe not that long, but long enough.

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Oh my goodness, she's hysterical.


Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm FIFTY!!!


Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Dh took me out to lunch and picked up the treadmill I wanted. We got some flowers at the nursery and I bought some chicks!!! They are so cute!


We're waiting for Sunday to have cake and ice cream, because then our oldest will be HOME!!! Yee haw. He's finished his second year of college and we can't wait to see him. Home for mother's day!

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