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I knit my first pair of socks

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I'm so jealous!!!


I want to learn to knit socks.


Did you teach yourself or take a class?


They are so nice!!!!!


I taught my self. I watched some videos and took the plunge. I did know how to knit already; my nan taught me many, many moons ago, but I have not really ever knit anything apart from a very long scarf.

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Before you say anything, I know that they do not match. There is a reason for that. I never wear matching socks, so why knit a matching pair?



Congrats! I remember that feeling of finishing my first pair. Actually, today I threw out that first pair. :crying:


As to non-matching socks, I'd heard that one way to avoid second sock syndrome is to knit both socks in different patterns but same yarn so they sort of match. That's supposed to keep the boredom factor at bay. Haven't tried it yet, though I was tempted to after completing my first Pomatomus sock.

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I am planning to learn to knit socks. While in college my first knitting project ever was a sweater for my boyfriend. I knitted some very simple scarves. Now I need to learn to knit socks. My son always wants me to knit. Maybe I should take a sock knitting class offered by community ed.

I have a hard time reading the American knitting books, though. Otherwise I would purchase a book and follow the pattern.

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