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Admittedly not the biggest problem, but thin people please share. . .

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I've got a funny story about that. My sister is 6 years older than me. We are a fair-skinned family and she always worked at being tan, even using tanning beds. One day we decided to go get a haircut. It just happened to be a prom night and the salon was hopping! The receptionist looked at me, then spoke to my sister asking if she brought her dd (me!!) for a prom up-do. I was about 27 and my sister was about 33 years old. She was LIVID! And I was laughing my hiney off! :lol:


My mom went to her 25th(?) high school reunion and people marveled over her smooth, clear skin. When asked for her secret she replied that she wears sunscreen and doesn't drink or smoke. :)


I'm very pale myself. The lightest shades of foundation may not be light enough. Dh is four years older than I and has an olive complexion. People have mistaken me for his teenaged daughter because I look young. He says that it will be fun when we're in our fifties and people will think he married a 20-year-old trophy wife. :lol: Embrace the paleness! :D

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There are so many people overweight now, that I think people that would have been considered average in weight 40 years ago are now considered thin.


:iagree: I never got comments when I weighed 200 lbs. I'm 5'7". Now that I'm under 130 I get many comments. They usually aren't bad comments though. I've had digestive problems and food allergies and dropped to 113 last spring. I was asked frequently if I was sick. 113 is very thin for my height though and I actually did feel very sickly. Those who know me comment on how I look much healthier now. I don't feel overly skinny and don't think I look particularly thin so the comments on my weight now are surprising. I think it is due to the above quote. We like to watch Family Feud. (Lame, I know!) The Game Show Network has reruns from the mid-1980s as well as from a few years ago. That was eye-opening! Dh and I commented that all of the people on the ones from the 1980s would be considered abnormally thin today. Almost every single person on the more recent shows are overweight. I think our perceptions have changed quite a bit!


Isn't it interesting, though, on how many people think it is perfectly acceptable to comment on people's weight?

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Oe time I was shopping at the (for our family of eight). My grocery cart was overflowing and a woman stopped me. Flabbergasted, she pointed at me, "You get all that food, but you are so thin??"


Yeah, ds, dd and I had the same thing happen (we're all thin). We had butter, whole milk, a lot of meat, including chicken legs and thighs. Another shopper stared and said "how?" I told her about fat satisfying you so no need to snack. Another time, the checker asked me if I had a catering business! (No, just a college aged son that has a hollow leg!!).

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We like to watch Family Feud. (Lame, I know!) The Game Show Network has reruns from the mid-1980s as well as from a few years ago. That was eye-opening! Dh and I commented that all of the people on the ones from the 1980s would be considered abnormally thin today. Almost every single person on the more recent shows are overweight. I think our perceptions have changed quite a bit!



Dd was looking at my high school annuals. Her first comment was that everyone was skinny!

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I think people are more vocal towards thin people, and the people who are "thicker" are either judged silently or given mean, horrible remarks, stares or treatment. It's really ridiculous. YOUR body size is YOUR business.


My youngest has always had food issues. I used to limit her food because she'd eat until she threw up. She was from an orphanage and my pediatrician told me she'd outgrow it. After two years of dealing with vomit I finally started to control what she ate. Only recently have I decided not to control what she eats. Food truly is a source of comfort for her. Since she could speak, she would say that food was her FAVORITE thing. It's dangerous, I know, but I've tried to help her. Food IS a comfort for her and I'm not sure anything can change that. My stray cat will also eat until the food is all gone, and she once broke into a 25 pound bag of cat food and ate it ALL while we were away for five days! I don't think anyone can change that.


So dd has been eating what she wants freely now. She doesn't eat until she throws up but she DOES eat until she feels sick. She's getting better at stopping before this happens. Still, she's gained a lot of weight and she's chunky now. What's sad is that the change in the way people respond to her is visible. She knows she's chunkier than most kids her age and she's perfectly ok with that. NObody has actually said anything to her, but it's obvious that they think differently because she's now chubby.


How sad is that?

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I am identical to you in size , and I never get comments one way or the other.


Are you dressing correctly for your size?


(wearing properly fitted clothing)


I'm not sure what you're asking. . . are you asking if I wear tight clothes?? That's hilarious because no, I don't. In fact, dh is often asking me to wear more form fitting clothes and I tend to go more of the bag lady route.


Yeah, quite honestly I don't get it either. I really don't.


I've even had petite, thin women say, "do you work out a lot?" (And the answer is no.)



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When I was in highschool I was........I'll use the term bullied because it was. It was always about my weight. I was thin, and weigh only about 5 pounds over my high school weight currently. I was called anorexic, and bulimic to the point that people would get really quiet when I went in the bathroom just to see if I was going to throw up my lunch. It was awful, because I didn't have any type of eating disorder. Not even close. It was made worse because I have very thin legs and I went to a school where I had to wear a uniform so there was no hiding it. Some days though, I would wear 2-3 pairs of tights at a time just to add something to my legs.

Fast forward to today and I still get comments, not the eating disorder kind but usually snarky. It doesn't bother me as much today as I have grown a thick skin over the years. I just don't know why women spend so much time and effort into trying to make each other feel bad about themselves. Body image is something women should unite in, not cut each other down over.

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You know, when I spent a weekend with my college friends for my bridal shower, I went for my morning speed walk. One of the reading materials I brought was a fitness magazine. I worked on being fit; I've never had genetics on my side. But, yeah, I was healthy and fit -- it was something I took seriously, and I liked it. I liked my clothes fitting well. I remember the pounds and inches coming off.


One of my friends, who had already had a child and who had struggled with weight more than I, said, "I hope you spend as much time on your spiritual life as you do on your body.". That really hurt my feelings, but I knew what she was really saying was, "I wish I were as fit as you."


Now, I'm the one struggling

-- doing all the right things and wishing I were more fit. I understand the frustration she felt. She shouldn't gave said if, but looking back, I wish I would have had healing words for her.


When I was in highschool I was........I'll use the term bullied because it was. It was always about my weight. I was thin, and weigh only about 5 pounds over my high school weight currently. I was called anorexic, and bulimic to the point that people would get really quiet when I went in the bathroom just to see if I was going to throw up my lunch. It was awful, because I didn't have any type of eating disorder. Not even close. It was made worse because I have very thin legs and I went to a school where I had to wear a uniform so there was no hiding it. Some days though, I would wear 2-3 pairs of tights at a time just to add something to my legs.

Fast forward to today and I still get comments, not the eating disorder kind but usually snarky. It doesn't bother me as much today as I have grown a thick skin over the years. I just don't know why women spend so much time and effort into trying to make each other feel bad about themselves. Body image is something women should unite in, not cut each other down over.

Edited by nestof3
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I think people are more vocal towards thin people, and the people who are "thicker" are either judged silently or given mean, horrible remarks, stares or treatment. It's really ridiculous. YOUR body size is YOUR business.


My youngest has always had food issues. I used to limit her food because she'd eat until she threw up. She was from an orphanage and my pediatrician told me she'd outgrow it. After two years of dealing with vomit I finally started to control what she ate. Only recently have I decided not to control what she eats. Food truly is a source of comfort for her. Since she could speak, she would say that food was her FAVORITE thing. It's dangerous, I know, but I've tried to help her. Food IS a comfort for her and I'm not sure anything can change that. My stray cat will also eat until the food is all gone, and she once broke into a 25 pound bag of cat food and ate it ALL while we were away for five days! I don't think anyone can change that.


So dd has been eating what she wants freely now. She doesn't eat until she throws up but she DOES eat until she feels sick. She's getting better at stopping before this happens. Still, she's gained a lot of weight and she's chunky now. What's sad is that the change in the way people respond to her is visible. She knows she's chunkier than most kids her age and she's perfectly ok with that. NObody has actually said anything to her, but it's obvious that they think differently because she's now chubby.


How sad is that?



I want to give your dd a big hug.

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I am pretty much the same since my early twenties- okay, I think I was maybe 5-7 pounds lighter but I think this whole obsession with someone's weight and our own weight results in these comments.

My answer is always: "I am trying to maintain a healthy weight for my height."

After that they can think what they want.

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When I was in highschool I was........I'll use the term bullied because it was. It was always about my weight. I was thin, and weigh only about 5 pounds over my high school weight currently. I was called anorexic, and bulimic to the point that people would get really quiet when I went in the bathroom just to see if I was going to throw up my lunch. It was awful, because I didn't have any type of eating disorder. Not even close. It was made worse because I have very thin legs and I went to a school where I had to wear a uniform so there was no hiding it. Some days though, I would wear 2-3 pairs of tights at a time just to add something to my legs.

Fast forward to today and I still get comments, not the eating disorder kind but usually snarky. It doesn't bother me as much today as I have grown a thick skin over the years. I just don't know why women spend so much time and effort into trying to make each other feel bad about themselves. Body image is something women should unite in, not cut each other down over.


This is a sad story. I mean, I know you've moved on and made a good life for yourself, but I'm sorry you had to deal with this.


And your suggestion that women should unite in the body issue is a beautiful one. Thanks for sharing this.



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People have always made comments on my size. I find it to be a bit rude.


Women are very hard on each other.


I had (past tense) a friend who was always trying to feed me. It became a real issue between us.


Other people notice and comment if you don't have cake or whatever at parties. I don't eat cake because I am conscious of my weight. I don't eat it because of health issues that are nobody's business.

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People have always made comments on my size. I find it to be a bit rude.


Women are very hard on each other.


I had (past tense) a friend who was always trying to feed me. It became a real issue between us.


Other people notice and comment if you don't have cake or whatever at parties. I don't eat cake because I am conscious of my weight. I don't eat it because of health issues that are nobody's business.


I had a friend just like this too. When I was losing my weight we'd go out for lunch and she'd keep track of what I was eating. I'd order plain vegetables or salad or something like it, and I could tell that it was bothering her.


Wow, it seems like we've really hit a nerve w/ this subject. Whether you're chunky or thin, it's easy to end up feeling not appreciated, understood or cared about when comments are made.



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I decide a long time ago that most people are socially inept! They will say you are too thin or to chubby. My parents are the WORST!!! They are truly miserable people though and I think a lot of folks are like them. It just makes them feel better in a sick way to insult others.


Just ignore EVERYONE!!!!

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I do get some comments but usually fairly benign. I am not super skinny, although when I have been a bit thinner from elimination diets I got a lot more comments. Right now I am kind of curvy but still fairly thin at 120 and 5-4- I wear a size 4 and really like this size for me. I get annoyed when people think that it just happens easy for me and I don't work for it. Especially when it comes from people who do eat crap and are not active. Like a lot of the others hear I do watch my weight and if it starts to creep up I am more diligent about snacks and such. I try to view comments positively though and try never to be snooty with others about their weight and be complimentary- I think there are many good sizes and agreeing w/ another poster thin does not equal healthy.

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I will admit to being skinny and in shape :) For the sake of the conversation.

I do get comments all the time from people who are unhappy with their weight and wish they had my genes, etc.

I really don't have the genes - I eat very little and exercise all the time. It can be frustrating.

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I guess since I'm relatively new at this "thin thing" (just five years) that I often wonder, "what is wrong with me?? Why do I get comments whether I'm fluffy or thin??"


That's why I'm asking: do all thin women get these comments?




Excellent use of the word "fluffy." ;)

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