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Imaginative toys for a 4 year old and 2 year old?

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My MIL sent some money to get the kids toys, and I'm trying to think of some things that they can both share and will keep them busy for a while, promote imaginative play, creativity, etc. Usually they get toys as gifts, not $, so this is a treat since I get to actually pick out something good rather than some kitschy electronic stuff like they usually get.


So far all I can think of is trio blocks (we already have legos).


What other neat toys are out there that will be good for these two?


FWIW they are a boy (4 year old) and girl (2 years old) although they both play with typically "boy" and typically "girl" stuff.

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Wooden trains

Geo Trax

Pop up tent/playhouse with tunnel (collapses for easy storage)

Bounce Around

Water/sand table

Tool box/tools - Melissa and Doug has a nice wood one

Capes, hats...

PlayDoh with tools

Magic Wonder markers/paper

Wooden Vegetable/fruit set they can cut/serve (Melissa & Doug)

Giant appliance box they can decorate and make into a playhouse

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Marble run


These: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=baufix+toy&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Abaufix+toy&ajr=3


Or These: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=gears+gears+gears&x=0&y=0




My DSs are 4 & 2. They love them. DS 2 is a bit young, but he still plays alongside DS 4 with supervision. There are some small parts.

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I was going to second the kitchen set. Honestly, I would try to find a small one. The kitchen set has been loved by both my boys and girl. It would also help promote cooperative play.


Play Doh is the biggest hit with my 2yr. old DS right now, but also a toy tool box, and balls of all kids. He enjoys going our in the backyard and just hitting playground balls around with a whiffle ball bat.



He also enjoys having a small backpack that he can load with toys to take on the road (older siblings activities), or just carry things around the house.


Toy phone (not an electronic one, just a simple phone that they can pretend to talk to relatives and friends in far flung places.)

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My girls (6 and 4) have loved the following for the past few years:


trains of any kind

Schleich animals

Trio blocks


They play for hours with those things.



Oh! Forgot schleich animals. They love these too! And playmobil, of course! My DS 2 has playmobil 123 that he loves, and DS 4 has the forest ranger playmobil stuff.


Also, forgot about this. DSs love this too. http://www.amazon.com/Kidkraft-Deluxe-Fire-Rescue-Set/dp/B001BWY2JQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1302289488&sr=8-3 They got it for Christmas from the g-parents.

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For a two and a four year old I would say playsilks.


I made those when my eldest was three. 8 years later they are still being used. I have acquired a large selection of different colours and sizes over the years.


My kids also adore Lyra Face crayons. I keep them in the bathroom next to an easy to reach mirror. My 2 year old niece can use them. She loves to put random marks on her face (pink, of course) and play 'kitty cat'. My kids and their friends use those face crayons so much that I buy a set ever year for christmas.

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For a two and a four year old I would say playsilks.


I made those when my eldest was three. 8 years later they are still being used. I have acquired a large selection of different colours and sizes over the years.


My kids also adore Lyra Face crayons. I keep them in the bathroom next to an easy to reach mirror. My 2 year old niece can use them. She loves to put random marks on her face (pink, of course) and play 'kitty cat'. My kids and their friends use those face crayons so much that I buy a set ever year for christmas.


:iagree:I second play silks. Here's a great source:




They are great for capes/headscarves/skirts/belts, playing peek-a-boo, making roofs for forts, waving around while dancing or running, making bases for playing with little toys (green can be a meadow, blue can be water, yellow a wheat field, etc.).....endless creativity and fun!

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For a two and a four year old I would say playsilks.


I made those when my eldest was three. 8 years later they are still being used. I have acquired a large selection of different colours and sizes over the years.


My kids also adore Lyra Face crayons. I keep them in the bathroom next to an easy to reach mirror. My 2 year old niece can use them. She loves to put random marks on her face (pink, of course) and play 'kitty cat'. My kids and their friends use those face crayons so much that I buy a set ever year for christmas.


I third the playsilks! My now 4 and 7 year olds still play with them! And, I dyed them myself (MUCH cheaper than buying them done already). I bought the play silks from Dharma Trading and then dyed them with koolaid packets and vinegar. Here is a blog describing what I did (they even got the scarves from Dharma as well).

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I've said this before, but the "toy" that got the longest-running, most creative use for my two was a set of "play silks". We had six 44" squares in pastel versions of primary and secondary colors, and a couple of rainbow-dyed silks. They became capes, wings, turbans, dresses, belts, handcuffs, leashes, walls, rivers, pulleys, blankets, doll-slings, blindfolds and a jillion other things. We got the set when my oldest was about a year old and they were in heavy use for about 7-8 years after that (and still, after more than ten years, get used with some regularity, though not daily as they once were). In this case, real silk ones really ARE *worlds* nicer than other fabrics. If I had it to do again, I might try to get a couple of sizes.


This is a really fabulous set: http://www.atoygarden.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&Product_ID=1114 (If you want to spend less, you can buy smaller sets or individual scarves). Note, the "Sarah's Silks" that some of the bigger toy catalogs sell tend to be a lighter grade of silk and fall apart sooner. I'm glad we had silks that could stand up to 10 years of use.


Oh, and you mentioned not having space for a toy kitchen. We had that same problem too, so I made a shelf in the kids' room into a "kitchen" when they were small. I stuck old AOL discs shiny-side-up as burners on the stove. I stuck a small bowl (if you're really handy, you can use a jigsaw and cut a round hole in a shelf and set a stainless steel bowl with a lip down into the hole -- but I just used a pretty wooden bowl) on the shelf and put an inexpensive "over the door hook" (like the kind one might put over a bathroom door for hanging robes or towels on) upside down, so the hook became the "faucet". Next to their shelf, I put some Ikea kitchen organizers -- a little rail and wire baskets that could hang on the rail and a pack of hooks (same series). They could hang their play ladles and spoons and things on the hooks, put the play food in the baskets, even hang an extra kitchen towel up... I only spent a few dollars here and there and it took up almost no space at all, but they love it. I mean, lol, they *still* play with it sometimes! ;)

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We just got my 4 year old Magnatiles for his birthday and his 2 year old sister loves them too! They are both huge fans of them and love to play and build with them.


We also have playsilks which the 2 year old enjoys playing with the 4 year isn't a huge fan of them, and a play kitchen which they both love to use as well. They are also both fans of the train table.

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What's popular in our house:


playsilks (we went the buy from Dharma, dye w/kool-aid route on this too)

play kitchen and all of the foods/accessories



swords (Three Sisters Toys has some silk-wrapped foam ones)

indoor kiddie trampoline


ETA b/c a prev post reminded me - DD4 has been sleeping in her little pop up tent for the past several weeks. So I guess that's popular at the moment too.

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I was gonna say a pop up tent or tunnel. That way you can get it out to play with and then stash it under a bed, or behind a piece of furniture when it's not in use. Both of those can be outdoor or indoor toys too. For outdoor toys and crafts I LOVE Oriental Trading. If you sign up for their rewards you'll get tons of coupon codes for free shipping + X amt off your order, etc... get more bang for your buck! I just ordered my 3.5 & almost 2yo a see-through pop-up tunnel, a magnet maze, a tapping set w/ little "nails" and a hammer with a corkboard to hammer shapes into, and a cutting food set... I've ordered from OT numerous times though (and keep coming back!!!) because I've always been happy with the things I've ordered through them... we have the stacking pegs, the pipe building set, the nuts & bolts set, do-a-dot stampers, a set of counting cookies, a window painting set (I ran a few OT co-ops locally a year or so ago and we got the HOOKUP!)... ooooh, the sticker scenes are great too, especially if your kids are sticker fanatics like mine! ;), stamps (alphabet stamps & animal faces which are super cute!), and big foam stamps & color paddles...


OT has a ton of good outside toys too! I would definitely check them out before spending a ton on the same items somewhere else! Sign up for their rewards!!! :)



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http://www.barclaywoods.com/-- real "school blocks". I have no connection to the company except I bought my huge block set here back when their prices were a little lower. Even at these prices, still worth every penny.


2 is still young for citiblocs or kapla blocks, but if you do buy them, buy a lot. My kids (the 4 bigger ones) love these and do so much with them. citiblocs are cheaper (shop around) and as far as I can tell the same. We have both, mixed together.


a sandbox


a good wooden truck each. I like Carlandme.com for (pricey) German-made trucks. If you are only going to buy one truck per boy, these will last forever and be passed on to their kids.


I went to look up Trio blocks, since I am not familiar with them. I mistyped and I ended up here instead. I quickly clicked away, thinking, whoa these toys are way out of my price range. http://www.subtool.com/tp/9151_taft-peirce_precision_tri-blocks.html.

Edited by yellowperch
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I was going to second the kitchen set. Honestly, I would try to find a small one.


They can have mine. :tongue_smilie: They got them as a gift and it takes up SPACE. I truly prefer my playstands - a la Waldorf.


Get them a set of playstands or have anyone make them - they're VERY simple to make. DH made ours for less than 1/4 of what we would have paid retail.


Playstands TRULY inspire the imagination. They aren't just a kitchen and can't be played with ANY other way. They're a kitchen one moment, a fort the next, a cave, then the library. They become a market, a house, and then a puppet theatre. If you're looking to TRULY inspire, go for Waldorf style toys.


GOOD art pencils

Playsilks (http://www.beneaththerowantree.com is my favorite place!)

Felt creatures and toys

A "branch" miniature play house with furniture

Waldorf dolls

Wool or cotton crocheted food

Little market bags



Truly the BEST toys we own are play silks. I really can't say enough....

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Thanks for all the great ideas! My DD ended up picking out an Olivia (the little piggy) dollhouse that converts into a pirate ship, and DS picked the trio blocks. Then we added in some toy dinos.


I'm going to definitely save this list once the holidays or other special events come around. I'm intrigued by the idea of a general use playstand...

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