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Just have to share, Katya ...

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Thanks sweet friends! I haven't been posting much on my blog b/c of life, but had to tonight. I'd love it if you could go read my post and then spread the word about the work of Stella's Voice. There's a link to a video on the blog that will take you a little over six minutes to watch. Tomorrow, I'll get my techno-chick daughter to embed it for me; I couldn't remember how to do it tonight.


After all that we went through to bring Katya home and then all that we've been going through since, it would be tempting to just check James 1:27 off our list and say that we've done our thing. I just can't do that. Right now, I am among those who simply cannot adopt, but my heart still breaks for the orphans, particularly the young girls whose lives will follow that of Stella's if we don't open our mouths.


Sorry to take this sweet celebration post and get a bit "heavy," but the contrast between what my daughter is experiencing and what so many other just as precious girls are experiencing just struck me when I saw this video tonight.

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... is reading Charlotte's Web to herself. After not even 1 1/2 years of being in the U.S., she is reading Charlotte's Web!


That's amazing!!!!! After so little time in a section of the English-speaking world! Great job, Cindy!! I had enjoyed following your story of her adoption, so this is great news to hear.

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Thanks sweet friends! I haven't been posting much on my blog b/c of life, but had to tonight. I'd love it if you could go read my post and then spread the word about the work of Stella's Voice. There's a link to a video on the blog that will take you a little over six minutes to watch. Tomorrow, I'll get my techno-chick daughter to embed it for me; I couldn't remember how to do it tonight.


After all that we went through to bring Katya home and then all that we've been going through since, it would be tempting to just check James 1:27 off our list and say that we've done our thing. I just can't do that. Right now, I am among those who simply cannot adopt, but my heart still breaks for the orphans, particularly the young girls whose lives will follow that of Stella's if we don't open our mouths.


Sorry to take this sweet celebration post and get a bit "heavy," but the contrast between what my daughter is experiencing and what so many other just as precious girls are experiencing just struck me when I saw this video tonight.


Thanks for linking that video. It's hard to watch, but what is happening to those girls is horrid, indescribable. Many times they are tricked, deceived or scammed into prostitution, and then they live out the rest of their lives in an inescapable, small room being horribly used by others.


More awareness of what is happening is a start in the right direction.

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Thanks for linking that video. It's hard to watch, but what is happening to those girls is horrid, indescribable. Many times they are tricked, deceived or scammed into prostitution, and then they live out the rest of their lives in an inescapable, small room being horribly used by others.


More awareness of what is happening is a start in the right direction.


Thank you. I totally agree. We need awareness and practical ways in which EACH of us can make a difference, even if it is just in one girl's life. Although clips like the one I linked are hard to watch, we need to watch them and share them, and then do ONE tangible active thing. I listed some possibilities on my blog post, but do you have more?

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