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Crazy Neighbors--From the You Can't Make This Stuff Up Files

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My neighbor yelled at me because my dog (neutered as a puppy 2 years ago) was attempting to mate with his dog. The incident took place in MY front yard. He says he will hold us responsible for any puppies.:001_huh:


I said nothing and brought my dog inside. He wasn't worth my breath.


ETA: The neighbor's dog is in heat.

Edited by Bradford Academy
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Oh, I can beat yours. While walking my male dog on a leash down the street, I had a lady let her dog out the front door and he came and started *edited* my dog. The lady then proceeded to come out of her house and scream at me about walking my dog down the street while she was in heat. I tried very calmly to explain that my dog was a BOY. She called me a liar and continued ranting.

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Oh, I can beat yours. While walking my male dog on a leash down the street, I had a lady let her dog out the front door and he came and started *edited* my dog. The lady then proceeded to come out of her house and scream at me about walking my dog down the street while she was in heat. I tried very calmly to explain that my dog was a BOY. She called me a liar and continued ranting.


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My neighbor yelled at me because my dog (neutered as a puppy 2 years ago) was attempting to mate with his dog. The incident took place in MY front yard. He says he will hold us responsible for any puppies.:001_huh:


I said nothing and brought my dog inside. He wasn't worth my breath.


ETA: The neighbor's dog is in heat.



You live next to a whackadoo!! Congrats on that!!! :D

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Oh, I can beat yours. While walking my male dog on a leash down the street, I had a lady let her dog out the front door and he came and started *edited* my dog. The lady then proceeded to come out of her house and scream at me about walking my dog down the street while she was in heat. I tried very calmly to explain that my dog was a BOY. She called me a liar and continued ranting.


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My neighbor yelled at me because my dog (neutered as a puppy 2 years ago) was attempting to mate with his dog. The incident took place in MY front yard. He says he will hold us responsible for any puppies.:001_huh:


I said nothing and brought my dog inside. He wasn't worth my breath.


ETA: The neighbor's dog is in heat.


Oh.my.word. He's likely to get puppies if he's letting her roam in heat :001_huh:

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My neighbor yelled at me because my dog (neutered as a puppy 2 years ago) was attempting to mate with his dog. The incident took place in MY front yard. He says he will hold us responsible for any puppies.:001_huh:


I said nothing and brought my dog inside. He wasn't worth my breath.


ETA: The neighbor's dog is in heat.


It soundsl like he needs to be nominated for one of the Darwin awards.:001_huh:

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Oh, I can beat yours. While walking my male dog on a leash down the street, I had a lady let her dog out the front door and he came and started *edited* my dog. The lady then proceeded to come out of her house and scream at me about walking my dog down the street while she was in heat. I tried very calmly to explain that my dog was a BOY. She called me a liar and continued ranting.



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This maybe doesn't beat yours, but it made me so upset......


We have a 5 acre lot that's completely fenced. Female german shepherd puppy that's about one year old. Man walks past with his dog and of course my dog is running alongside the fence (on the right side) and starts barking enthusiastically at the strange dog. We live in the country and don't get too many people going past so I went out to see what the commotion was. The man saw me and started cursing me out saying if I don't control my dog, he will shoot her. I was so mad, but didn't say anything. He was far away enough that I would have had to yell, and who wants to get into a shouting match with a stranger that's apparently a little crazy. :glare:

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Love, love the neighborhood we moved into here in NY, except for the neighbors on one side of us. They have complained to us and to other neighbors and even called the police about our barking dog ... the only problem w/ their complaints ...


we. don't. have. a. dog. Never ever have had one. No barking dogs on my property, except for said neighbor's 3 dogs when they slip thru their electronic fence, which is often. ugh! And their dogs are not friendly, chase my dc into the house & sit and growl at our door.


The rest of the neighborhood affectionately call those neighbors the crazies. I now know why.

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Ah neighbours. Mine is a certified loon.


A month or so ago, we found a dog wandering the street, it was dodging in front of cars and generally behaving in a manner likely to get it run over. We managed to catch it and then set about finding out who owned it. DS banged on neighbour As door (not their dog) and I did Neigbour B, they weren't home but neighbour C from across the road confirmed it was the dog of Neighbour B. So we tied it up and waited for them to come home. We handed the dog back, neighbour seemed agro, but he is kinda looney so we thought nothing of it.


One week on I hear yelling across the fence from B, I ignore. Then the next day I hear obscenities over the fence again and something about You B**** and your children. So DH goes out to see if it is directed at us.


Turns out B has security cameras, and saw me going into his front yard (to knock on the door) and decided that I let the dog out. Not only that, but apparantly I also took a previous dog and left it in the middle of the road with a broken back (um, got out and run over perhaps!! he never walks them) I also left abusive notes in his letter box, and I reported him to council for something or other. He also apparantly knows all sorts of important people and is going to get me into big trouble with everyone, and he also drove the last owners of the house away (um, no, they built their dream home, but anyway) So DH stood in this torrent of abuse of me for a good 20 min before getting the eejit to calm down and mellow out. We think we got through his thick noggin that I did not in fact do any of the things I have been accused of, but it's hard to know. The good thing though is that the ranting across the fence has stopped and I have not had a visit from DHS to check on my children like he promised I was going to get.


He seems to be paranoid, and delusional. Still makes me ill to think of it, and it's unlikely now that we will stay in this house long term.

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Love, love the neighborhood we moved into here in NY, except for the neighbors on one side of us. They have complained to us and to other neighbors and even called the police about our barking dog ... the only problem w/ their complaints ...


we. don't. have. a. dog. Never ever have had one.



This thread is cracking me up.:lol:

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Oh.my.word. He's likely to get puppies if he's letting her roam in heat :001_huh:


Because of this, the OP might want to have the paperwork handy proving her dog is fixed, including the date. I might even give the neighbor a copy now so when his dog has puppies he hopefully won't stir up trouble with the OP.

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Because of this, the OP might want to have the paperwork handy proving her dog is fixed, including the date. I might even give the neighbor a copy now so when his dog has puppies he hopefully won't stir up trouble with the OP.



Now that's a piece of paperwork I didn't think of needing to keep. I do have the receipts from his vet visit in January that list him as a neutered male.

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This maybe doesn't beat yours, but it made me so upset......


We have a 5 acre lot that's completely fenced. Female german shepherd puppy that's about one year old. Man walks past with his dog and of course my dog is running alongside the fence (on the right side) and starts barking enthusiastically at the strange dog. We live in the country and don't get too many people going past so I went out to see what the commotion was. The man saw me and started cursing me out saying if I don't control my dog, he will shoot her. I was so mad, but didn't say anything. He was far away enough that I would have had to yell, and who wants to get into a shouting match with a stranger that's apparently a little crazy. :glare:


If you know this guy, or if he comes by frequently, you might want to be careful. He sounds like the kind of moron who might actually DO something like that. He'd be in the wrong, and would be fined, but it would still have happened.

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Because of this, the OP might want to have the paperwork handy proving her dog is fixed, including the date. I might even give the neighbor a copy now so when his dog has puppies he hopefully won't stir up trouble with the OP.


Or the OP could just let the neighbor take a look under the tail of the dog.... I know, I know it could be a bileteral chryptorchid, but do you think someone that lets said dog in heat out to visit the neighbor would be bright enough to know what one is?


I'm sure the vet would be happy to write a note....while laughing his/her head off......

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