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Has anyone stopped using homemade laundry detergent?

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I use it for certain loads, and have detergent for others. Actually, I have three laundry cleaners right now-- homemade soap/borax, Seventh Generation detergent, and Eucalan (for woolens-- we wear a lot of wool!). ;) I just love the homemade laundry soap for bed linens hung in the sunshine. :)

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I used it for years and years.


A brown scum built up on the inside of my washer.


I don't use it much anymore. I'm in love with Target's store brand of free 'n clear. It rocks and the price is right: 64 loads for $7.98.

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We did. It wasn't doing an adequate job. Whites were yellow, colors were fading, stains (no matter of how much I was soaking and pretreating them) were not going away.


Another :iagree:


Now I use Tide powder and use 1 tbsp per load. It get the stuff clean and it's actually more cost effective than homemade because it lasts so long. I get a box that runs about 11.00 on sale (not sure how many loads it is suppose to do since I don't save the boxes, i pour it into other containers that are easier for me to use) and that lasts us about a year. Homemade cost us quite a bit more because I had to use so much more to get some semblance of clean.

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After using homemade for a while I visited my sister. Her clothes and whole laundry area smelled so great I came home and bought Tide the next day. I also felt like the clothes weren't getting as clean with homemade.

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I still use homemade. I put a TB of OxiClean Free in with each load and I also mix in Orange Essential Oil in with my liquid version of the Homemade deteger.


I did notice a funky smell on MANY loads I did a couple months back and since then I've DOUBLED the amount of homemade deterg. I use on certain loads. Instead of 1/2cp for a load, I use 1 full cup, 1TB of OxiClean free and if the clothing is soiled I'll even put 1/4cp of Borax/WashingSoda/OxiClea mixture into the load. Fixed the stinks!

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Yeah, we quit, too, for the reasons others have described. Loved the idea of it, and saving money, but it just didn't clean well enough for me.


So far we've had luck with Purex, and the price is right! I do use Tide as well, but only on my youngest's cloth diapers.

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Now I use Tide powder and use 1 tbsp per load. It get the stuff clean and it's actually more cost effective than homemade because it lasts so long.
Wow! 1 tbsp?! That's amazing.


Just thought of something: Do you have soft water?

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We did. It wasn't doing an adequate job. Whites were yellow, colors were fading, stains (no matter of how much I was soaking and pretreating them) were not going away.


Same here. Just bought a bottle from Costco about two weeks ago. I think the clothes that faded and yellowed will not recover!

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Oh man! I was pretty excited about trying homemade but it sounds like the results haven't been too great. I guess I'll still give it a shot and see what results I get.


Did anyone with bad experiences use the homemade powder? That's what I'm planning to try.

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My bad experiences were exclusively with the elaborate homemade stuff.


Once I re-did things I was happy with it, plus it took a lot less time.


I got sick of all the work, and grating soap made my asthma flare up. So one day I did the math, researched things like washing soda and Borax to see what specific role each of the chemicals play in cleaning clothes, etc.


This is my current method (I do go back and forth between this and the store brand Target stuff):


1) Assemble Fels-Naptha, 2 lidded pitchers, a plastic lidded container, washing soda, and borax.


2) Unwrap a bar of Fels and drop it into one of the pitchers, filled with HOT tap water. Stir periodically over the next few days. Go ahead and start a second pitcher now if you want to.


3) Mix together the Borax and washing soda in equal amounts and shake well.


4) Once the soap has become liquified to the point of the Fels no longer dissolving ("saturation point"), it's useable.


5) Use 1-4 oz of the liquid Fels (I use an old Oxy-clean scoop for this) and 1/2 - 2 Tbsp of the mixed powders per load.


6) When the level in the Fels pitcher gets low, stir in more hot tap water and stir periodically each time you do laundry. Keep a second pitcher going so that you always have some on hand. When the bar dissolves completely, just throw in another one.


Note: I swear it takes longer to explain it than it does to do it. Assembling everything takes less time than it does to cook the other stuff and it makes less mess. And since the soap and powders are separate this way, you can adjust according to water hardness and laundry odor: use more powder.


I had laundry odors when using the cooked stuff. I never had laundry odors when I did it this way. I also don't have build up in my washer when I use Fels; it was Zote that gave me problems.

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1) Assemble Fels-Naptha, 2 lidded pitchers, a plastic lidded container, washing soda, and borax.


2) Unwrap a bar of Fels and drop it into one of the pitchers, filled with HOT tap water. Stir periodically over the next few days. Go ahead and start a second pitcher now if you want to.


3) Mix together the Borax and washing soda in equal amounts and shake well.


4) Once the soap has become liquified to the point of the Fels no longer dissolving ("saturation point"), it's useable.


5) Use 1-4 oz of the liquid Fels (I use an old Oxy-clean scoop for this) and 1/2 - 2 Tbsp of the mixed powders per load.


6) When the level in the Fels pitcher gets low, stir in more hot tap water and stir periodically each time you do laundry. Keep a second pitcher going so that you always have some on hand. When the bar dissolves completely, just throw in another one.


What size pitchers do you use?

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I've so stopped it, I never started. :001_smile:


I use 7th Gen powder about 1.5 T plus 2 T of Oxyclean with vinegar in the rinse bucket. I also put Shout on stains when they happen and put that in the hamper till wash day, and my front loader does just fine with this. No sudsing, no build up, clean clothes. I just don't see how I'm going to beat this in cost/hassle/results.

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I've so stopped it, I never started. :001_smile:
Ok, this made me laugh.


What size pitchers do you use?
At least 2qt., but that's really a convenience thing. It's not a matter of concentration because once the water reaches its saturation point, it's at the concentration I used in my measurements.


When it has reached its saturation point and the water can't dissolve anymore, the bar will swell up and get much larger than normal size, and the liquid will be the consistency of snot. :lol:

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I still use it for some things. It works great on our towels and cleaning cloths but I don't use it for delicates or darks.


My recipe is super simple:


1 bar grated soap

1 c borax

1 c washing soda


2 Tbl per load


This is similar to what we do. I also add essential oils of lavendar and/or rose geranium when it's on hand. I've never done the elaborate liquid version. For soap, we use gobs of free soap samples we had, as well as Ivory soap or Dial gold. Dial Gold smells wonderful (to me); I don't add essentials oils with it. I take my Kitchen Aid grater attachment and grate the soap in a few minutes. Quick, easy, and it smells wonderful. FWIW, the laundry always smells terrific when we use this soap. :)

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