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Help! There's a bat in my garage!!

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Okay, I want you to breathe deeply, in and out. Though this is indeed a grievous situation, you need to remember that there is a killer cobra on the loose in the Bronx! Be thankful for your bat. Pet the bat, love the bat, tell the bat thank you for not being a killer snake!


(You don't have to pet the bat; it is probably not a wise thing to do. But you can at least thank it for not being a snake. LOL)


Snicker, snicker, snort, snort!




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Call animal control. Bats carry rabies. Do NOT attempt to remove it on your own. Unless you want to chance a series of rabies shots. Also, animal control may suggest you get an exterminator to check other areas of your home (attics, in particular). They can be infested without the homeowner's knowledge, and possibly get into other areas of your home. Then it's rabies shots for everyone.

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Okay, I want you to breathe deeply, in and out. Though this is indeed a grievous situation, you need to remember that there is a killer cobra on the loose in the Bronx! Be thankful for your bat. Pet the bat, love the bat, tell the bat thank you for not being a killer snake!


(You don't have to pet the bat; it is probably not a wise thing to do. But you can at least thank it for not being a snake. LOL)


Snicker, snicker, snort, snort!





:lol:Right now I think I will take the snake over the bat. There is NO WAY I'm going to touch that thing with a broom!

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Call animal control. Bats carry rabies. Do NOT attempt to remove it on your own. Unless you want to chance a series of rabies shots. Also, animal control may suggest you get an exterminator to check other areas of your home (attics, in particular). They can be infested without the homeowner's knowledge, and possibly get into other areas of your home. Then it's rabies shots for everyone.


Don't worry. There is NO WAY I'm going to touch that thing with a broom (did I say that already??). I'm really creeped out. I think I'll leave this one up to dh to deal with.


INFESTATION?!?!? I will be moving out if there are more of them.

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Holy cow!




If I were working in that zoo I would have already driven away!




Okay, I want you to breathe deeply, in and out. Though this is indeed a grievous situation, you need to remember that there is a killer cobra on the loose in the Bronx! Be thankful for your bat. Pet the bat, love the bat, tell the bat thank you for not being a killer snake!


(You don't have to pet the bat; it is probably not a wise thing to do. But you can at least thank it for not being a snake. LOL)


Snicker, snicker, snort, snort!




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So all morning long my dd and I have heard an owl hooting. We think it is somewhere in our yard but dd says it kind of sounds like it could be in the garage. Is this even possible? I thought bats and owls were nocturnal so wouldn't they be sleeping? Why does my house seem so appealing to wildlife, all of a sudden? Could there be a killer cobra, too (no, I don't live in the Bonx)? Where are my strapping teenage boys when I need them??


I'm nearly paralyzed...

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Call animal control. Bats carry rabies. Do NOT attempt to remove it on your own. Unless you want to chance a series of rabies shots. Also, animal control may suggest you get an exterminator to check other areas of your home (attics, in particular). They can be infested without the homeowner's knowledge, and possibly get into other areas of your home. Then it's rabies shots for everyone.


Wouldn't this be that SOME bats COULD have rabies? (like any other wild animal) I know a fair number of people who have 'bat boxes' in their yards, encouraging bats to hang out, and nobody has ever worried about rabies.

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Call animal control. Bats carry rabies. Do NOT attempt to remove it on your own. Unless you want to chance a series of rabies shots. Also, animal control may suggest you get an exterminator to check other areas of your home (attics, in particular). They can be infested without the homeowner's knowledge, and possibly get into other areas of your home. Then it's rabies shots for everyone.

If animal control doesn't come, then call a wildlife agent from somewhere nearby - like a state park. They can help. They could also tell you why your garage is appealing.

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Wouldn't this be that SOME bats COULD have rabies? (like any other wild animal) I know a fair number of people who have 'bat boxes' in their yards, encouraging bats to hang out, and nobody has ever worried about rabies.


Yes, obviously not all bats have rabies. And it's more prevalent in certain parts of the country than others. I just don't like to take chances. And, as a peds nurse who's had to vax kids with the rabies series because of bat exposure, it's just made me a little more cautious. I'd personally let the professionals handle it.

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Wouldn't this be that SOME bats COULD have rabies? (like any other wild animal) I know a fair number of people who have 'bat boxes' in their yards, encouraging bats to hang out, and nobody has ever worried about rabies.


If they get rabies, they usually die pretty quickly since they are so small.


Bats outside in their natural surroundings don't worry me at all. You'd notice one acting unusual--and really they just don't want anything to do with us either, so pretty unlikely they'd choose to come close.


I wouldn't tangle with one in an enclosed space, however. Exposure (bite or even just a possible bite) does mean you should have preventative shots.

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Well, I bravely went through the big door and hopped into my van before it attacked me. Phew!!


DH is home now and wonders if it is in hibernation since the weather has recently turned cold again and this creature has not moved at all today. He's going out with the broom. I will not be leaving my house until I get the all clear.

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Also, animal control may suggest you get an exterminator to check other areas of your home (attics, in particular). They can be infested without the homeowner's knowledge, and possibly get into other areas of your home. Then it's rabies shots for everyone.


We had one bat in our house. We called "bat" man to come over and inspect our house and we did, indeed, have an entire colony in our attic. We had heard things in the attic and we assumed it was mice and set those traps. But NO!!!!! Bats. Lots and lots of BATS!!!! ACK!! They made our house so that the bats could leave and not get back in. AFter a week or so, he came back and sealed the holes. It was HORRIBLE! I was SO freaked out!


I can't wait to see how your dh did!!!

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We like bats. They eat our mosquitoes. Even if it looked like it would fly at you, it would miss you thanks to a combo of echolocation and aerobatics. It wouldn't want to run into you. The best thing you could do is continue on your merry way and not give it a thought. If it flies, it has a flight plan all figured out.


ETA: just saw your bat update - pretty funny!!

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We had one bat in our house. We called "bat" man to come over and inspect our house and we did, indeed, have an entire colony in our attic. We had heard things in the attic and we assumed it was mice and set those traps. But NO!!!!! Bats. Lots and lots of BATS!!!! ACK!! They made our house so that the bats could leave and not get back in. AFter a week or so, he came back and sealed the holes. It was HORRIBLE! I was SO freaked out!


I can't wait to see how your dh did!!!


Eeekkk!! I'm horribly afraid of coexisting with icky creatures. It must have cost a fortune to remedy but I'm glad you were able to get rid of them.

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So dh came in to show me my bat. It was a piece of insulation that got lodged between the rafters.


Thank you all for your advise and support. I'm crawling away in shame now....



(We did hear an owl, though)


:thumbup: for the brave dh!!!!

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So dh came in to show me my bat. It was a piece of insulation that got lodged between the rafters.


Thank you all for your advise and support. I'm crawling away in shame now....



(We did hear an owl, though)



AWE. SOME!!!:lol::lol: I am laughing WITH you, not at you. Seriously. We have had a total of three (yes, 3!!!) snakes INSIDE (as in, not outside, but really inside our doors). I have been known to absolutely flip out over a suspicious piece of yarn.

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I was afraid I would have to wait but I'd really like to make him leave before dark. Will he bother me if I go out to get into the car?


He will not bother you, but I wouldn't count on him flying out. I had one hide for a whole night (I was sure it was gone, and was eaten alive by mosquitoes I had so many doors open) but instead s/he took a nap under my woodstove and dessicated body was found weeks later.

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