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s/o Black Swan, sex in movies, etc

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A website I would recommend for you to look at before you go see a movie are:




It is a ministry of Focus on the Family and they review movies every week. The spell out any concerns with content, sex, violence, profanity, etc. Very useful for parents or those sensitive about what they watch. Yes, it is from a Christian perspective, but I imagine it could still be useful for those who are not Christian.


They also have similar reviews on that site of music, TV shows, and video games.

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There used to be a company that would offer the same movies with the sex and swearing removed. They went out of business.


I had forgotten how much swearing and sex was in Forrest Gump until I had my parents watch it (they are VERY conservative!) Oops.....it is one of my favorite movies, but man it has a lot of swearing and some inappropriate scenes!



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We were going to watch the Stargate Universe with our dd (the other Stargates did not have sex) and it was completely inappropriate.


I was disappointed. I don't think it needed sex scenes. :glare:


With movies just dh and I are going to see I don't generally care.

Edited by Sis
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I had forgotten how much swearing and sex was in Forrest Gump until I had my parents watch it (they are VERY conservative!) Oops.....it is one of my favorite movies, but man it has a lot of swearing and some inappropriate scenes!




"Your mama sure does care about your education, son." One of the best tag lines to an inappropriate scene ever!

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Both those websites are great....for me. I can not stand watching violence or gore and really dislike sex scenes and nudity. They are really handy. I especially love that kids in mind has a 1-10 rating system, it's easy to compare some movies I'd already seen to determine if I needed to read some spoilers, just watch it, or just walk away with a new movie.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did a quick google search and this came up:




Maybe that is why they went out of business.


When I was a teacher I thought the company I ordered from (can't remember the name) was great as it allowed me to show things like Glory and Schindler's List by eliminating the content that made them rated R.



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I *LOVE* my ClearPlay dvd player!

I can't remember when I've been so impressed with a product. We've had it for years, and have enjoyed so many movies that otherwise would have been spoiled for me. I no longer have unpleasant surprises while watching with any of my dc (or their friends :001_smile:).


There are some movies where it gives a warning that they were unable to completely filter some content, but we've never had a problem with what was shown. We've also never missed what was taken out!

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Ok, so you purchase the dvd player and pay a monthly fee?


Is this dvd player wifi enabled? Can you play Netflix with it? Does it filter Netflix?


We don't rent/watch enough DVDs on actual DVD to warrant the monthly payments, but if it also will do Netflix and Hulu it might be worth it.


So far my kids haven't been that interested in watching a lot of movies.....other than kid's movies, but I am sure they will watch more as they get older.




I *LOVE* my ClearPlay dvd player!

I can't remember when I've been so impressed with a product. We've had it for years, and have enjoyed so many movies that otherwise would have been spoiled for me. I no longer have unpleasant surprises while watching with any of my dc (or their friends :001_smile:).


There are some movies where it gives a warning that they were unable to completely filter some content, but we've never had a problem with what was shown. We've also never missed what was taken out!

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Ok, so you purchase the dvd player and pay a monthly fee?


Is this dvd player wifi enabled? Can you play Netflix with it? Does it filter Netflix?


We don't rent/watch enough DVDs on actual DVD to warrant the monthly payments, but if it also will do Netflix and Hulu it might be worth it.


So far my kids haven't been that interested in watching a lot of movies.....other than kid's movies, but I am sure they will watch more as they get older.



Sorry, it works with Netflix dvds, but not Netflix instant watch. It's been very worth it for us though, and I don't mind the tradeoff. We get our movies from Netflix dvd or Redbox/Blockbuster Express.

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Thanks. We really don't watch that many movies/DVDs.


As I said before, so far my kids haven't been interested in movies with sex and swearing, but I will keep this in mind for the future should we deem it necessary.




Sorry, it works with Netflix dvds, but not Netflix instant watch. It's been very worth it for us though, and I don't mind the tradeoff. We get our movies from Netflix dvd or Redbox/Blockbuster Express.
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  • 2 months later...
Like I'm going to put my trust in an outfit like Focus on the Family, a group that advocates beating children, to be my moral compass. No thanks!




I don't believe I have ever encountered this before? :001_huh: My search turned up this article, which presents a very balanced discipline plan.



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I don't believe I have ever encountered this before? :001_huh: My search turned up this article, which presents a very balanced discipline plan.




Spanking. Spanking typically works best with ages 2 to 6. It should be used only for specific, purposeful misbehavior and should never be done in anger. As with other techniques, spanking should be used as one of many discipline tools.


I guess so long as parents are not angry whilst they hit their children the practice is OK by James Dobson.


Personally, I will take a pass on taking advice on anything from James Dobson and Focus on the Family.



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I was curious, not knowing their position, so I looked some more at the site Tammy linked. I found this, so I gather that FotF feels that spanking is a Biblical part of parenting, which I assume is what Bill is referring to.




"the Bible's word on discipline clearly demands that parents be responsible and diligent in spanking,"


"When you spank, use a wooden spoon or some other appropri*ately sized paddle and flick your wrist. That's all the force you need. It ought to hurt — an especially difficult goal for mothers to accept — and it's okay if it produces a few tears and sniffles. If it doesn't hurt, it isn't really discipline, and ultimately it isn't very loving because it will not be effective in modifying the child's behavior. Have the child lean over his bed and make sure you apply the discipline with a quick flick of the wrist to the fatty tissue of the buttocks, where a sting can occur without doing any damage to the body. You want to be calm, in control, and focused as you firmly spank your child, being very careful to respect his body.

As your children get older and begin to think more abstractly, spanking becomes less effective and less necessary. A preteen is probably getting past the spank*ing stage and more into the lost-privilege approach. But if you've done your job earlier in their lives, spanking will have become less necessary at that point anyway. A firm, grace-controlled hand of discipline in early years, combined with a loving atti*tude, will usually prevent or soften the rebellion of later years."

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I can understand being against spanking. I just wasn't sure that was your reference given the stronger wording. Unfortunately I know there are some crazies that do literally recommend "beating". I had never heard of James Dobson being one of those. Yes, they have no qualm with spanking.


ETA: I was not attempting to open any cans of worms. I know this is a highly debatable isue. Please continue with the regularly scheduled program...:)


Spanking. Spanking typically works best with ages 2 to 6. It should be used only for specific, purposeful misbehavior and should never be done in anger. As with other techniques, spanking should be used as one of many discipline tools.


I guess so long as parents are not angry whilst they hit their children the practice is OK by James Dobson.


Personally, I will take a pass on taking advice on anything from James Dobson and Focus on the Family.



Edited by jewellsmommy
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I did a quick google search and this came up:




Maybe that is why they went out of business.


When I was a teacher I thought the company I ordered from (can't remember the name) was great as it allowed me to show things like Glory and Schindler's List by eliminating the content that made them rated R.




I just don't get it. A movie like Shindler's List should be rated R and should be uncomfortable to watch.


ETA: Sorry about the spelling of Schindler's!

Edited by WishboneDawn
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