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Well, we found out why the baby has been so fussy.

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She has a broken leg.


She tripped in the grass over a week ago. We actually drove all of the way to the emergency room parking lot that night, but convinced ourselves that we were overreacting.


We got it splinted, and will take her to a specialist tomorrow.


I feel so crummy about waiting so long to take her in. The nurse said none of them believed anything was wrong with her until they looked at the x-rays.

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My dd broke her leg in two places and we didn't know it for a weekend--so I totally relate! She fell off a small, carpeted step around our altar at church, then we left on an airplane to come to VA to interview for our current position (she was less than 2 at the time and hadn't started walking yet).

And get this--at the same time, my son had a broken wrist we didn't discover until a week later. Parents of the Year...

We spent the first 3 weeks of summer OUT of the pool. :D


At least they heal quickly!!!

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As you can see from the pps, many of us have done the same thing! My son broke his arm and I kept telling him to quit whining. :001_smile: A week later I took him in and found it was broken. I felt terrible.


She is small and will heal quickly. :grouphug:

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BTDT... My step-daughter broke her arm up by her shoulder. I was at the store and dad thought it would be a good idea to lay on his back with his feet up, let the kids sit on his feet and then launch them :eek: Course she was the only one to get hurt... she's always the one to find the odd piece of plastic or glass in her foot, trip, fall, etc... So I looked at it, she could move it, lift it, rotate it. I thought she was fine. TWO days later she is still whining about it, so I said fine I'll take you to the Dr. He sends us to an imaging place for x-rays. Now keep in mind DD has a heart problem, she is VERY teeny, and I am not. The x-ray dude actually told me I couldn't leave the building till he called her Dr :eek: I knew then something was wrong, and they likely thought I grabbed her or something... wonderful... I wasn't even home!! Course it didn't help it was 2 days before, but there was no swelling, bruising, etc... They ended up letting us go home... but the looks I got were NOT nice :glare: Did I mention I wasn't the parent in charge?? LOL


Anyway, it happens... I felt horrible for missing it too. And to boot it was Halloween :(

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:grouphug: Oh no! So sorrry to hear about your little one. But don't beat yourself up. It is so hard when they can't tell us what they are feeling and we have to go on our instincts. It is so hard to miss something like that, as you can see from the many posts. :grouphug:

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Poor dear. I did that to ds. Only, he was 8 and telling me for almost a solid month that he had broken his foot. I didn't believe him because he barely slowed down. I finally took him in (a month later) because he was driving me crazy complaining about it. Seems he had broken a bone in his foot.:001_huh: He spent the next couple of months in a cast.

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