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I have this problem too. I'm always wearing nice, thick socks. I have fingerless knit gloves to wear. It's worst on my right hand ever since I broke that wrist pretty badly a few years ago. I just recently had blood work done and I am not anemic. I have no idea what causes it.

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I have the same problem and am not anemic and not vegetarian. Sometimes it is link to your thyroid.


Remember the saying: Cold hands, warm heart!


Same here -

I tell my husband all the time that I am glad God provided me with my own personal heater as I warm up my always freezing hands on his nice warm back. He loves that...really:D

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In the winter here, I'll wear a pair of socks, wool socks, slippers, and still have cold feet. Hands are very cold as well, but they do stay bare (although fingerless gloves might be interesting...).


Thyroid levels are fine. I've never been diagnosed with anemia, and (after checking link Elizabeth provided), I don't match up with Reynard's either.

I'm just generally pretty cold-blooded ;)


I'm glad we're heading into summer weather (although I would have liked a few weeks of comfy temperatures). Had to turn on AC today! But I was able to go barefoot in the house for a while :)

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I hope this is linked somehow to being anemic...

So what do you do , to prevent being anemic...:001_smile:


Plz.. I dont want to eat red meat..


First, get a blood test to determine if that is the actual cause. Iron is toxic if your system gets too much, so it's not wise at all to just start taking supplements. Make sure to get BOTH the hemoglobin test AND the ferritin test--they measure different types of iron in the body. It is possible for your hemoglobin to be within the normal range while your ferritin is abnormally low, so you must check BOTH.


IF tests show you are anemic, you can take iron supplements to help raise those levels. You can also take 2T of molasses per day--I usually mix with a little water so that it doesn't coat my mouth so badly. If your numbers are REALLY low you can take more molasses than that.

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I was diagnosed with Raynaud's Syndrome as a teen (I've lived in AZ all my life, so winters are not as hard on me.) It's a vascular condition that can cause (among other things) blood vessels to constrict reducing circulation to hands and/or feet. It makes them feel very cold. Sometimes it causes discomfort and pain. My paternal aunts have it too. It is theorized by my reproductive endocrinologist that it might be caused by some form of thrombophelia (sp?) which is a blood clotting disorder. Vascular issues like Raynaud's can cause an increased risk for all kinds of medical issues. (Miscarriage, placental problems, headaches, blood pressure problems, stroke at 40+, etc.) It's usually worth it to see a vascular specialist to see if (s)he sees a medical reason to pursue further testing.

Edited by Homeschool Mom in AZ
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I have Raynaud's and also I am chronically anemic..double whammy, I'm always cold.


my hands and feet will assume room temperature, which is not fun when it's cold, and it can get painful. I cannot touch things in the freezer, I wear gloves all the time. Yes, with anemia you can be cold. It is really important to see your Dr. anemia can cause serious problems even as bad as heart problems.

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