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Hairdresser help needed. Love the way she cuts it, but hate the way she fixes it!

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I really like my hairdresser. She is close, fast, and good. I get consistently good cuts from her. However, I HATE the way she fixes my hair. I mean, I literally cannot go ANYWHERE other than home afterwards, it looks that bad. I always have my hair fixed the way I fix it when I walk in there. It looks completely different when she does it. Yesterday I made a comment to her about how she fixes it completely "differently" than I do. She didn't catch it, b/c she started telling me how I should dry it to get it to look like it does when SHE does it. I don't want to hurt her feelings, but it is a complete waste time for her to do it. I either go home and hide the rest of the day or go home and start over with re-washing my hair. Should I:


a) keep on as is since I really like the way she cuts it? OR

b) tell her the truth and leave "wet" so I can fix it at home?


I don't relish the idea of driving home with wet hair, but it isn't very far (3 minutes). I do fear seeing someone I know out driving around!


I don't want to hurt her feelings or have her get mad at me so she stops doing great cuts (she probably wouldn't do that!).


Watcha' think?

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You didn't say specifically what it is about how she does her hair that you don't like. In my case, I love my hairdresser, (the whole family uses her) but not how she would do my hair. I also generally wouldn't go anywhere but home directly afterwards, so that I could flatten it out a bit. It became the family entertainment to chuckle at me as I walked in the door with my "big hair." Big hair just isn't me.


I never really let it bother me I guess. Ironically this last time, she commented that she felt like trying something different, and I REALLY liked how she did it (not so poofy). Of course now I can't get it do what she did! :tongue_smilie:


I don't really have any advice, just thought I'd let you know you weren't alone. I know had I said something to her, she would have changed how she did things - she always seemed to have fun (I have very fine hair that likes to be flat, so I think she enjoyed the challenge! lol). I'm not sure how I would have reacted if I'd told her I didn't care for it, and she'd acted as if she didn't even hear me though. :glare:

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A good cut is way more important than the style she blows it into afterward. If she charges you for the blow out - go home wet - get big sunglasses and a hat if you are that embarrassed. I wish I could find someone whose cut works great at home. I always walk out looking great, then it really doesn't work for me at home!

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Okay, this is a little embarrassing? My hair dresser does the same thing...I let her do whatever to my hair and then I go home and get it wet and redo it...why? because the time I get to sit in her chair and have someone work on my hair is about the only time i don't have children at my knee or on my hip and even though i don't like how she does my hair, i do enjoy relaxing in that chair and being pampered!:001_smile: So I go home with big hair and dh laughs as do I....She cuts it really great though!

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I was in this same situation several years ago. The woman who cut and permed my hair would always style it into a hideous bouffant or beehive style (she mainly worked on elderly ladies). After my appointments with her I would have to go straight home and wash my hair because she would laquer it with half a can of Final Net!


However, she was the only stylist I trusted to cut my hair; other stylists would cut it way too short, unevenly, or damage my hair with the perm. My stylist ended up retiring so I didn't have to say anything to her about the way she styled my hair. I'm embarassed to admit this but I haven't had my hair cut, permed, or styled for almost 9 years! :eek: I desperately need at least a trim but I really don't trust anyone else with my hair.


My suggestion would be to keep going to her. If you don't feel comfortable saying something about it, keep a scrunchi in your car and whip your hair into a quick pony-tale as soon as you leave the salon. That way you won't be embarassed should you run into someone you know on the way home.

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You could ask her to just blow it dry before you go home.


Our hair chick is great. I love her. She trims my children's hair, for the most part, which works well. She has about one hair cut for women. LOL It varies in length, but it's basically the same thing. When she styles it, it is very poofy. More often than not, I don't like how she styles it. In fact, this last week, I got my hair cut and my girls hated it.


It's so hard to find a person you trust to do hair. I wouldn't give up that relationship due to the styling.

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I have absolutely never gotten a bad cut from this guy. He does a wonderful job.


However, he is used to a clientele that likes really poofy, done-up, elaborate hair. I prefer a very simple look. I let him do my hair because it is relaxing and he tells funny stories, and then when I get home I just re-do.


I say leave when your hair is wet, OR tell her to blow-dry but not worry about styling. It's the cut you have to live with every day--if she's got that right then you have what you need.

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My hairdresser cut my baby fine hair really well but I don't like the way she fixes it afterward either. I end up looking like Paul McCartney when he was a Beatle! I did learn my lesson however about fixing it after the appointment. I left the salon and then sprayed water on it to get it back to the way I liked it. I went into the general store down the street to get something from the deli and she came in and saw my hair. I could see she was upset that I "fixed" it another way. Now, I just leave it and wait until I get home. :)

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I had this problem when I first started with my hairdresser (10 years ago). I just told her that I really didn't like it styled that way. Here's the way I would do it: we'd be talking while she was cutting and I'd guide the converstation to how I liked to wear my hair and the things that I absolutely hated. She's very open to suggestion so it worked. Of course, BEFORE she styled my hair after that she'd ask what I wanted. Or she'd brush or hold it back a certain way and ask what I thought. Customer input is very important to her. When I was in Utah I wouldn't even let anyone else touch my hair - I didn't have it trimmed for a year! It's to the point now that when I go in I tell her to do what she wants. After 10 years we know each other so well that she knows what is safe to try. She also knows that my attitude is: it's only hair and it will grow back.

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I go to my hairdresser every 8 weeks for a color and cut which I love the color and cut that she always does. ANyway last time I was there, she asked if she could "try" a new style on me. I said sure and she flat ironed my hair which looked wonderful, took out all the frizzies. Anyway, my teen dd loves to flat iron my hair for me and everyone says it looks great. Anyway, my point is I agreed to let her "try" something new but if it had looked horrible, I would have laughed and told her to go back to the old way and I am postive that she would not have taked it personal.

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Same problem here. Great cut and color and convenient location, but horrible with the styling. When I was younger, I would go home and wash my hair immediately after because I never liked how anyone styled my hair. Now, I don't care so much and just go about my day even though my hair isn't really how I want it.



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I am grateful that I like the cut. It is somewhat inconvenient to have to re-do it, but small in the grand scheme of things. BTW, her drying it IS her styling it.


Thanks for the advice, and I am glad to know I am not the only one who has had this problem.

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It's gotta be a God thing. I had my hair done today! I use to think I was the only one who came home EVERY time and cried because I tipped the girl for work I was really not happy with, and had to come home and style it before I could go out again. The cut is always awesome, but gosh darn if she doesn't style it the way it should be. And to boot, I almost (thank you Lord I was too timid to insist) had her recut it while still in the chair because I thought she had cut it wrong because of the way it looked.



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I always tell her not to bother, as I'm going home to shower anyway. You could superglue that stupid cape around my neck and I'll still get hair snips down my shirt, which makes me this close >< to becoming homicidal. So, I just go home, shower and do my hair my own way. Problem solved!

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I actually love the way my hairdresser does my hair. But, while there, I have seen other women (who use other hairdressers there) do their own hair. One woman even brought in her own cheap mousse to use because she likes it better than their expensive stuff. Nobody seems to be offended when these women do their own hair, and this isn't a cheap place. Maybe you could just ask to do your own or else leave with it wet.

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I think you should just tell her! Next time you go in, and she has finished cutting your hair say, "You know, I just looove the hair cuts you give me, but when you style it today, could you ___(make it a little less puffy / not spike it / skip the purple sprinkles and orange feathers / whatever)__? I'm just not sure that's so much me, you know?" If you can honestly compliment the style she gives you, or some aspect of it, do it, but let her know that even though you'd like it on someone else, it doesn't feel right on you.


You can say all this in a way that lets her know how much you appreciate her skill, but how that particular style doesn't match *you* and your lifestyle/taste. Her job is to make you look good and feel great about how you look. She probably doesn't have as much ego tied up in one particular "style" when you walk out the door as you imagine -- and she knows it's in her best interest to keep her clients happy! She's assuredly fixing your hair as she *thinks* you want it -- and how will she know if you don't tell her?


Tell her. Compliment what you like, let her know what doesn't fit *you*. It's not about criticising her or questioning her skill, it's about letting her know how she can best serve you so you'll be back!

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