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Help Dr Hive HELP!

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DD9 spilled boiling water on her tummy just a few minutes ago. I have put ice on it (directly), solercaine (for pain) and now we have a towel between the ice and the skin. It is mostly light red (like a sunburn) with a couple of places where the skin has bllistered and peeled off (about the size of a nickel).


What do I do now?


I plan to keep ice/wet towel all night long, my insticts say neosporine for scar control, but I worry the grease of it will "lock" the heat in.


please advise.



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You really shouldn't put ice directly on a burn, it is much better to immerse the area in cool water. If you have to use ice (which it sounds like you might unless she gets in the shower make sure you keep something between the burn and the ice.


Once the area is cool to the touch you can cover it with a bit of antibiotic cream (ointment will lock in heat, cream will not) and then a sterile bandage. If you don't have any antibiotic cream honey has great antibiotic properties. If you can get to a drugstore tomorrow try to find silver sulfadazine cream. It is the standard for protecting burns while they heal.


eta: Definitely give her some motrin for pain and swelling.

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You need silvadene cream, it has sulfur and silver in it and is thick to protect it. If the area burned is as big as it sounds it is I'd take her to an urgent care place for a prescription for i. Or, see if you have any from a previous burn in your medicine cabinet. Or see if your ped will call some in to a pharmacy. That's going to be the best thing for pain control and healing. Also, lots of motrin to bring down the inflammation. It's going to hurt worse before it feels better I'm afraid.


And next time no ice. Instead run cool water over it for about 15 minutes. When I spilled boiling water on my thigh I jumped right in the shower to run water over it. It helps to cool the skin without damaging it further.

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How big is the affected area?


A friend's daughter was burned by boiling water on her thighs and one wrist. (A vaporizer fell off the table.) In her case, management of the wound was extensive. In your shoes, knowing of my friend's ordeal, I think you should take your daughter to the ER.



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I just did a few searches online but this one says that if the skin blisters right away the person needs to be seen.




Do you have something like Ask-A-Nurse where you live? We have those. We can call the ER and tell them what's going on and sometimes they help over the phone, recommend you call the dr. in the morning, or take the person to the ER.


It does say to use cool water (I also read on another site cool cloth compresses) because ice can further damage the skin.


POOR BABY and POOR MOM!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Is it a decent sized area? Is it blistering? If yes to those questions, then honestly, I would take her to the ER. Burns are really nothing to mess around with....they can be extremely painful and can become infected pretty easily. I'm so sorry this happened to your DD!

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Poor baby! Poor mama:grouphug: If it is still hurting, have her try getting in a tub of cool water. If the area is large, you may need to take her in tonight. Definitely some pain killer/anti inflammatories are in order. Hopefully she has fallen asleep.:grouphug:

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Go to the ER. Sometimes burns can be worse than they look. My nana had a burned hand, and our regular ER didn't think it was so bad. The next day they had to transfer her to the burn hospital in the area. Unfortunately, they couldn't do much at that point, and she had to have 3 fingers amputated.

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WOW it took me forever to get on this page--sorry it took so long to reply!


The original area was large, after cooling, the red area is only about 2 inches by 1 inch, with a small blister in it. I've callled DH to get the silvadene (thanks for that suggestion). She is in my bed with a wet towel and an ice pack to keep it (the towel) cooled. I don't think this is bad enough to go to the ER, but I think I'll call the Dr tomorrow if it looks worse.


Thank you for your answers and next time we have a burn I'll remember to not put on ice.


Thanks again!!



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