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Parents of college students: spring break?

Jane in NC

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Will you be seeing your student over spring break?


My son flies back home on Saturday although the weather report has me keeping my fingers crossed. Yet another winter storm on his end.


I also wonder if I will be so fortunate next spring break. The way I see it, I need to treasure these times.


How about you?

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This is the best spring break ever: 3 dd's away at different schools with the same break schedule. They approached us around Christmas with the idea of going away as a family. We splurged and are all going to the Bahamas! We may never have the chance to do this again, so we are savoring the opportunity.

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Yes! Ds is home this week (flew out last Fri; flies back on Sunday) and we are treasuring every minute. I switched around our homeschool schedule so that dd would have her spring break this week as well, so she can spend more time with her brother (they are very close.) Even nicer... ds's spring break week also happened to coincide with two of dd's most important music performances of the year, so he gets to be here for those. We feel very blessed! :001_smile:

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My son's choir is touring in Colorado next week, over the break, so my youngest and I are flying out and staying with family. My youngest is not all that excited about going to one choir concert after another (my mother has a recital on Sunday, too!), but he'll survive. It will be nice to be with my two big boys again. It's a miracle that my son's spring break coincides with my work spring break. Taking advantage of that!


Next year the choir will be touring in Europe, unless something catastrauphic happens with the economy. So we will not see him between January and June, unless we can rustle up funds to get out to Illinois for parents' weekend or something. So yes, cherishing this time.


Bahamas sure sounds like fun! What a treat, Beth!

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Ds goes to local college, is off this week. Dd is in 11th grade. So, we made this week her spring break. We put dd's pet to sleep last Friday, so she is mending. Ds is trying to get ahead with his reading (English major). We went shopping one afternoon, went to see King's Speech yesterday (great movie), going to Winter Jam concert today.

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Ds1 is home this week, but dd's dual-enrollment spring break is in a few weeks. So, no coordination. I've found he just wants to take it easy -- read, fish with his little brothers, see some old friends. I've been cooking a lot. :001_smile: Enjoying it, as he announced he will be gone most of the summer. ::sniff, sniff::



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The younger one was around. He went to see a friend and they went snowboarding. He took youngest snowboarding. He relaxed with his laptop. He slept until 1 or 2. And he explored a few local rock gyms and entered a few competitions.


The others (my oldest plus the two that are regularly with us for vacations) went icefishing. Have you ever read the Rover boy books? My older ones are leading lives very much like that but with fewer encounters with villains. They spent half the week running running wild. After that, they came home, went to a few concerts, did some business, and then went back.


I miss them. The older ones said they had a good break and they weren't too unhappy about returning, but the younger one didn't want to and that makes it hard to send him. Sigh. They left a nice salmon in the fridge and their fishing licenses on my laptop desktop and the dog.


The older three are waiting to hear about where their summer internships will take them.



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I am enjoying reading about all the Spring Break activities! Older ds is a freshman in TX (home is in CA). In addition to his classes, he is acting as a grunt for the Senior Design team (there may be more than one team, I am not sure). He and a couple other freshman grunts have been invited to spend Spring break at some windy place on the TX coast testing the wind turbine the seniors have built. He is very excited - they will be camping on the beach. I hope he remembers sunscreen! I am sure he will have a great time, and I am really looking forward to mid-May when he will come home for the summer (during which I hope he is gainfully employed...)


April (who thinks spending Spring break in the Bahamas sounds amazing!)

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When is a kid coming home not a visit?


Dd is coming home. However, Dh and I will be spending HER spring break in England visiting with our son who is studying there this year. My younger two are pretty excited about having their big sister home for a week!


For the first time since she started college, dd will be home this summer, so we will have lots of hang-out time then. And in August she is off to grad school -- how time flies!


You have to grab those hugs when you can!

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When is a kid coming home not a visit?


Dd is coming home. However, Dh and I will be spending HER spring break in England visiting with our son who is studying there this year. My younger two are pretty excited about having their big sister home for a week!


For the first time since she started college, dd will be home this summer, so we will have lots of hang-out time then. And in August she is off to grad school -- how time flies!


You have to grab those hugs when you can!




I love hearing about your family. You and your children embrace possibility.


Thank you for the constant inspiration.



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Dd and I will both be on spring break at the same time. However, I have to get our taxes ready and do homework. Apparently my teachers didn't get the memo about spring break. :glare:


Nevertheless, I'm going to make the most of it, watching favorite movies and playing plenty of card games with her. :)


I'm definitely looking forward to the break from actual classes, however. Much more productive use of my time.

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I think mine is going to stay in Tempe with her housemates. She and about 6-7 of her friends (some still in the dorms, others not) make up 'the commune' and all live part or full time at an apartment across the street from campus. They chip in to buy organic food and cook nice meals and play WoW. They may go tubing. But she's just an hour away so I see her a few times a semester. Once a month or so, she and the commune come out here and pick up the siblings and take them to the park so they (the college kids) can climb trees, fly kites, and have light saber wars on the trampoline :D It's like a college field trip. Last time they came out, they stopped a few blocks over and cleaned out a lemondade stand...the kids were ecstatic. (mine are the standing ones) I love my daughter's friends.



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dd1 was home for study break the 3rd week in Feb. It was lovely to have her home especially as she had work to do so it wasn't so hard for dd2 who doesn't get a real break as all her online courses have different schedules.


We managed to fit in an appointment with the oral surgeon about removing her wisdom teeth -- guess what she has to look forward to after her exams at the end of April... We also took in a couple of plays and had some quality time.


Looks like she'll only be home for a week in late April before heading off to spend her summer in Calgary.



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My guy has been home this past week and returns on Sunday. So far he's mainly been helping dad on the job and he went to the state chess tournament last Sunday with his brothers. Last night he was reconnecting with friends in his youth group. Today I took off work and we plan to hit Pizza Hut's buffet and get in some games of Rook (did that before too) as well as start cleaning the house since a girl "friend" of his is coming over tomorrow and spending the night before they return Sunday.


With all the "work" I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to get back to school! :tongue_smilie:

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My daughter is home this week. I drove up and brought her home last weekend. We leave to take her back Saturday night. She's been sleeping and letting me feed her and helping me look for a new car. We managed to arrange for her to see three shows while she's home. This is also the first time since she's started college that she has been home for her brother's birthday. So, we did a family outing on Wednesday for him to celebrate.


We will see her at least one more time this semester, too. She is in a play, and we will go up to see that next month.


Then, in May, she graduates. And after that, we'll see her a lot for the next couple of years.

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