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Dr. Hive? Weird issue with my son...

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I'm asking here because I have never heard anything like this before and was hoping someone could chime in and say that they've heard of this/had it happen before.

I don't know if it warrants a Dr. visit because its so sporadic.


Anyway, my oldest son has these weird episodes when he's sick. Before you suggest they are fever related, I can assure you they are not. They happen when he's sick, but not at the time he has a fever.


It started about two years ago with the worst episode of all. He had a fever earlier that day but was cooling down. I fell asleep on the couch, and about 2-3am I woke up with him in my face shouting something at me. I was half-asleep and no clue what was going on. I panicked at first because he seemed so scared that I thought something really bad had happened. As I woke up I realized why I couldn't understand him...he was talking in complete nonsense, not even words, just weird jumbled up sounds. He proceeded to run through the house, from one end to the other. I followed him to be sure he wouldn't hurt himself. He'd stop every so often and look at me and just open his mouth and scream. His eyes were huge and he was in a state of sheer terror. Finally he ran downstairs and jumped into my bed. As he lay there he started to wake up and come back to reality. He thought he had a bad dream, he didn't remember doing what he did or why.


Fast forward a few months, he got sick again - no fever - and it happened again. This time I could understand what he was saying, but it made no sense at all. The same sheer terror until finally he snapped out of it.


It happened a couple more times, and now its to the point where he becomes afraid when he's getting sick because he always has these episodes.


This morning it happened again. No fever, but we have a stomach flu going around and he threw up once last night.

This morning we woke up at about 7am to him shouting at us about something he did very very bad. He kept counting too. He was terrified. I was terrified. He wanted us to follow him upstairs. When we got up there he had snapped out of it. He started crying because he says he doesn't know why he does this. He was very upset.


So...any ideas? :confused:

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I'd probably get it checked, but to me it really sounds like night terrors. I wonder if somehow he's just more prone to them when he's ill.

:iagree:Dd had one & ran screaming blank-faced into the living room where she proceeded to run around at top speed in terrified circles, completely unresponsive. I forget exactly what I did but it was something similar to a slap in the face to get her to snap OUT of it (which feels really weird to do to your own kid but a sharp shock was all I could think of). The night terror had to pretty much run its course first, I think--at the beginning NOTHING seemed to reach her at all. After she finished running the circles around the room & headed back to the hallway I caught her & was able to snap her out of it.

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Our son did this when he was 11 (he is now 13). Scared the living *** out of me. :grouphug: It happened about five times in a year and no matter what I said or did, he couldn't snap out of it until he was "awake". They were night terrors and he never remembered them. At the time, I had read some advice that you just make sure they aren't hurting themselves or in danger and just leave them alone. It's crazy though -- he'd look right at you and you knew he couldn't "see" you although his eyes were open.


Then he stopped having them -- probably around 12 years old. I really don't think it is seizures or anything scary medically. I wonder if it's just hormonal / puberty changes. I know it's SO scary though as the mom. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I don't think seizures look like running and screaming? I would vote night terrors as well. My oldest broke her elbow in her sleep in the middle of one episode. Being overtired can cause them, which makes sense that he gets them when he's sick. Here:





This is a great article. My daughter had this happen for a couple of months on and off and it was so upsetting to me as well as her. I wish I would have had this information then but it gives me peace to read it now. Thank you.

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My oldest does this as he breaks a fever. It's SO scary, but he's done it so often, we can almost laugh now. We videotaped it for him last time and he was shocked!


He also gets night terrors. I assumed that's what these were. I hope you figure it out soon! Does he remember doing it? My son usually has no recollection.

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I don't think seizures look like running and screaming? I would vote night terrors as well. My oldest broke her elbow in her sleep in the middle of one episode. Being overtired can cause them, which makes sense that he gets them when he's sick. Here:




Seizures can look like running and screaming. I was an aide for a girl that would wander around, sometimes run if you tried to keep her from wandering, and even chewed on her fingers until they bled. It is unusual but they can manifest this way.

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Seizures can look like running and screaming. I was an aide for a girl that would wander around, sometimes run if you tried to keep her from wandering, and even chewed on her fingers until they bled. It is unusual but they can manifest this way.


My step sister has seizures like this.

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Just a different suggestion because I've been reading "Is this your child" today trying to figure out DD's allergies. Anyway, apparently allergies can trigger a scene like that, as well as night terrors. Just throwing that out there that maybe it could be related to something that he ate.

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I don't have any advice, but this reminds me of a specific weird dream I would have whenever sick. I also used to sleepwalk, but not necessarily when sick...


I would feel as if I were in a HUGE room, and I was in one of the corners...I felt scared...hmmm....weird...I don't have that dream anymore when I'm sick, though, and haven't for years...


I hope you find a solution soon.



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Thanks for all the replies!


I'm leaning towards the night terrors. Although he does seem to be on the later age for them (12) since they are most common in younger kids, of course it sounds like (from your posts!) that they happen later too.

I do find it weird that he never had issues like these as a younger child, they just started a couple years ago.

Also, while he didn't really remember the first episode, he does seem to remember the other episodes and this morning's most recent one. After he snaps out of it, he'll explain what he was thinking about or try to explain it. It upsets him though to talk about it much so we try not to make a big deal about it.

Oh also, I read that night terrors most frequently happen in the first couple hours after falling asleep? But his happens usually in the wee hours of the morning, the final hours of sleep. ?


He does have numerous allergies, so that's an idea too. hmmm


He's not on any medication.


Thanks again for the replies!

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Sounds like night terrors to me too. My son doesn't always get them when he's sick, but he is more prone to them after a stressful day (eg going to a party where it's loud, eating loads of junk, and having a late night), so there are definitely triggers for it; maybe illness is your child's trigger.

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My dd11 has night terrors like this. The only way to get her to snap out of it is to start doing math facts with her! It's kinda funny...but I figure it makes her have to use her brain and she comes back to reality?!? I don't know. Hers seem to happen more often when she's been sick and her fever has broken, but they do also happen out of the blue, too.


It can be really scary...it's like she's possessed or something.

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DS had these night terrors as well. His were triggered by being over tired. We MAKE SURE he is in bed by 8:00 to 8:30 b/c of he falls asleep after 10:00 p.m., especially after a lonnnnnnnnnnnng day, he will get them. I can usually "predict" them, if there is a perfect storm of waking up early, lots to do (stress) and going to bed late.

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