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What are you doing to offset....

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We'd gotten really lazy over the last couple of years as the kids got busier and money got less tight. But a few months ago, before all the media coverage about rising food prices started to hit, I got alarmed by how much we were spendng and determined to get control of it.


Since then, we've been doing pretty well. It's not all that difficult for us to keep our food costs down, given the way we eat, anyway. It just means being a bit more conscious about cutting back on waste and stocking up when prices are good. We are now back to running below the national average in terms of grocery spending, but I'm hoping to cut back a bit more.


We are currently experimenting (again) with a wholesale club membership. We've joined both BJ's and Costco in the past and been unimpressed, but we got two months free at BJ's and decided to try one more time. Currently, I estimate we'd save only about $400 annually with the membership, which is better than nothing, but not what so many others seem to manage.


As for gas, well, we already drive small, fuel-efficient cars, but I do drive a lot. Cutting back on my driving would require my son to make sacrifices I'm not willing to ask for until and unless it becomes truly necessary. So, for the moment, we're just plugging along.


One other thing we've done recently is to start using the library again. I have a very patchy record about this and have more than once run up fines of $100 or more. However, I find that, as long as I have a routine that includes regular trips to the library for returns, I can usually maintain things for at least a while. My son and I are both really big readers, and I figure we can save quite a bit by acquiring most of our fun reading from the library.

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trying to cut back on trips to grocery store - we go through so much milk, though - I need to switch from regular o.j. to frozen, which can be stored int he freezer, to make room for more milk in the downstairs tiny back-up 'fridge (leftover from hubby's college days. And he meant it to store cold beer - hahahahaha! I took it over for milk storage long ago!). Since we never bought much packaged food to begin with, aside from sliced bread, I can't cut many corners in that area. Article in today's Trib. on local food prices interviewed folks - the major complaint was the inability to afford Twinkies and brand name chips,etc., and having to buy generic snacks. Hello? Why are folks wasting food money on that cr*p to begin with???

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With the gas, just trying to not run around for no reason and combining errands to be more efficient. Also, we will be replacing dh's car sometime soon (it is possibly on it's last leg, but not sure -- time will tell) and will be looking for something with good gas mileage.


With the food, we'll just keep getting what we need and maybe cut back in other areas. Probably staying closer to home more. Probably not buying more "things" we don't really need.

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We are dropping ballet. Because I am stepping down as the leader of everything I currently lead, I will not be obligated to attend church every Wednesday or be at every 4H meeting. So when the gas tank is on empty, rather than use the gas card to fill it up, we will have the luxury of staying home. I hope that these changes will help me get my ginormous fuel bill under control. I would like to always pay cash for fuel and when it's gone, stop driving until the next payday.


If I can be home more, I can cook more cheaply. As it stands, with somewhere to go everyday but Thrusday, I am relying on too much convenience food.


And, this probably does not belong in this thread but let me say it anyway. I believe for *me* and for my life that God is using this bad thing (rising prices) to turn my heart and my attention back towards home. I feel Him leading me to put a stronger emphasis on what goes on in our house then on all the cool things we can do if we just go out. I believe He wants me to return to my first passion, that of a homemaker. In this way He is using bad to bring about good for me and for my family.

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And, this probably does not belong in this thread but let me say it anyway. I believe for *me* and for my life that God is using this bad thing (rising prices) to turn my heart and my attention back towards home. I feel Him leading me to put a stronger emphasis on what goes on in our house then on all the cool things we can do if we just go out. I believe He wants me to return to my first passion, that of a homemaker. In this way He is using bad to bring about good for me and for my family.


Amen. Priorities have a quick way of being reorganized when it's a choice between plenty of food, or plenty of 'activities'. That is such an open way of looking at this. I appreciate that Kelli!

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Our grocery budget low to start with, but I could do it well right before the prices went up. Now as long as I scrutinize the prices and scour sales I can do fairly well. I just can't stock up on hamburger and other meat quite as much when it goes on sale, therefore by the time the next sale comes up I'm trying to figure out how to stretch the last bits of meat.


For fuel we just don't leave home that often. I tend to get groceries every two weeks and I try really hard to not go to the store in between. This time I've messed up and will have to stop tomorrow on my way to work, but usually I just make do. However, dh and I NEED our coffee! I tried the instant this morning and BLECH! I realized I can't make do with that!


I agree with Kelli, our finances have been really tight the last two years, it's been tough. However, it has made our family grow closer as we work together. For the first time ever, my dh is on board with our budget and I've been learning that although I never spent tons of money on stuff, (I'm not a stuff person) I'm an American. And being an American means that there is a lot of stuff I could cut out. I have loved the fact that it is very rare that carp comes into our household anymore because I drastically cut all expenses to be able to pay down our debt.


P.S. Please don't take any offense to the American remark. I LOVE being an American, we live in the greatest country in the world! It's just that we as a country are consumers and wasteful and it's becoming rare to find someone that can't cut a little somewhere else.

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I've always been quite careful in the food department and always did what was necessary to stay within our budget every month. I did allow myself a certain amount each month to spend on little luxuries. For us, that meant a bag or two of our favourite brand of chips or a tub of ice cream for the kids. I never really thought this to be much of a "splurge" really, considering we never buy any other processed food and only eat out once or twice a year. Still, I can no longer allow for those each month. If I want a snack, it's popcorn or carrot sticks.


I'm just thankful that I'm not pg anymore. Our food costs get quite high when I'm pg b/c I get so many weird aversions to our usual food and strange cravings for others.


Gas prices are another issue. We are not that close to dh's work. We already spend $400/mo on gas just getting him to work and going to church once a week. I used to do two outings per week. Now, I try to do none. Still, with the rising costs, our gas is still not any lower. He will now have to take public transit to work, which adds on TWO extra hours to his time away from us each day. :crying: We are now considering moving closer to his work but it would be such a sacrifice for all of us on so many levels that it just may not be worth it.

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Well, besides having absolutely no social life outside the home anymore...:glare:...we have cut back on trips to the store, combining when possible. Dh will often stop by a Target on his way home from work if we really need something (diapers, cleaning supplies, etc.). As for groceries, I'm finding that our pantry is a lot less "stocked" as we are trying to eat what we have instead of simply going to the store to purchase the "convenience" foods. Same w/ the fridge...less stocked. I'm keeping a running list of prices of items and where to find them the cheapest (diapers, cleaners, milk, etc.). I'm looking into making my own natural cleaners to save money.

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I'm fortunate to have chickens for meat, and eggs as well as goats for milk. We are having homemade ice cream for breakfast today because sugar is the only cost. I also


I'm trying to grow more of my own animal feed. I have sunflowers, pumpkins and cantaloupe growing for the chickens and goats.


I spend way too much on gas, carting the kids to multiple activities a day. I'm ready to start letting some of them go. The activities-not the kids.

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I'm ready to start letting some of them go. The activities-not the kids.


:smilielol5: I keep thinking the same thing!


I've had to cut out some of the kids activities too. Some to save money on the cost of commuting and others because the cost of the class is too high to justify participating in at this time.


I am definitely being more frugal with my curriculum choices for next year too. I won't be able to buy a lot of the extras that I had hoped for like Artistic Pursuits and GtG. Just bare bones basics for us next year. :sad:

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Growing a vegetable garden.


Combining errands. :auto:


Not eating out very much at all.


I discovered that our local produce stand (a big tent so maybe it is more than a stand) - has a "clearance" section in the back. Every bag of food in clearance is marked just a dollar! I got a 2 1/2 pound bag of lettuce for a buck!!!! The reason it was in clearance was that it was all loose leaves (trimmed off of the nicer whole bunches) - still good to eat but just not pretty enough to charge full price for. Guess what section I go running to now every week!

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This is going to sound a little wacky, but I think it will work. I was working a job driving aver 20 miles everyday for three days. This left me overtired, so I resorted to convenience meals, and yes, sometimes fast food :blushing: So, I've opted to drop the job in lieu of saving on gas, saving on convenience meals, and being a lot more strict with our budget.

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Seriously- I am spending a little bit more right now in order to spend less later.


Investing in gardening supplies, whole foods cookbooks, household repairs and upgrades that will make our home more efficient.


Things we were planning on doing anyway. It just makes even more sense to get these things done now.

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One thing I do is not to buy gas at the major gas stations, which I have heard are Exxon and Shell. Someone had an idea that if people don't buy there, they'll lower their prices to keep their share, then others will follow suit. Don't know if it will work, but I'm trying!


I also try to combine errands,etc. It may begin to affect my choices of kids' activities. This is hard with a high school homeschooler because the only option for his sport is a 50 min. drive one way.


For the rest, I'm in the thinking stage: Can I find room to store some food up against higher prices (I don't mean hoard--don't have enough room, just be prudent) , Can I garden on our shady lot (ie have some trees bulldozed.) I love gardening anyway, and miss the sun, but maybe now would be a good time to do it. Is it worth it to join Sam's or Costco? That kind of thing.

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I'm making an effort to stay home more (this is helped by having my grandson 3 days a week, since I don't feel like dragging him around too) and combining errands.


As far as food goes, I've not really made any change there yet. But, I'm sure it's coming. We do eat out less, so that money is channelled into the grocery budget.


Honestly, the grocery store is the one place that I have a really hard time being on a budget. I spend a lot on produce, dairy and bottled water and I haven't been able to talk myself out of that yet!



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First thing I did was cut my kids milk consumption. They were drinking around 5 cups (sometimes 6) a day. They are now allowed to have 2. This is a savings of almost $50 a month.


We did not do swimming (the kids' sport of choice) for all of April. We are starting back up now, but they will only go twice a week in May, and 3x's a week for June and July (they normally go 5x's a week in summer, 3 during the rest of the year. The pool is an hour away.) Cutting down the swimming will be the biggest money saver.


I will cook everything that comes out of our garden, and I plan on canning more this year. I'm hoping that a friend, who planted lots of tomato plants, will share some extra tomatoes. (we plant a lot too, but we make lots of salsa and sauce with it.)


Those are just a few things, I'm also being careful on all of our spending. I normally am careful, but there are times my common sense seems to disappear.

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We have been smarter about sticking to a food budget...which saves money and we have cut portions...double perk there...more money, smaller waistline. We are cutting back our Netflix plan, getting rid of cable...we hadn't had it in so long and in a moment of weakness got it back, now it is going again! We are also consolidating trips in the car. Overall, we live quite lean to begin with...so it is a little scary...we don't have much we can really cut back on.:001_huh:

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