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How certain are you?

How certain are you that your belief system is correct?  

  1. 1. How certain are you that your belief system is correct?

    • 100 percent
    • 75-99 percent
    • 50-74 percent
    • 25-50 percent
    • 0-25 percent
    • other

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Other: I don't think any one religion/belief set has it all correct. The Bible was translated by man, and man is fallible, thus the Bible, as written can be flawed. I believe all belief systems are flawed by the authors experiences, education, and personal interpretations. I extend this same logic to other beliefs, and their significant books as well.


I also don't think that anyone is supposed to have it all correct. I believe that this was by design.


:iagree: This

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To those of you said you had no belief system:


1. Did you mean no religious belief system?

2. Don't you have a belief system about how to live your life? Do you have a "yard stick" to measure behavior? What's right or wrong and how do you know?


I'm seriously asking. I'm only curious. Feel free to tell me it's none of my business. :001_smile::tongue_smilie::001_smile:

I have no belief system. I know that causing harm is not pleasant for the one being harmed (unless they are masochistic, in which case would it really be harm to 'harm' them if they receive pleasure from it? that's a whole 'nother thread right there). I know that I do not want to be harmed, and most other people don't want to be harmed. I know that life is more enjoyable when people aren't intentionally harming others and 'we' aren't living in fear of being harmed by the people we meet. I know that harming the environment has a negative impact on everyone (whether they are aware of it or not). Based on my knowledge I choose to not intentionally cause any harm to any other person, I am working on living intentionally as regards to environmental issues. I don't believe that harming someone is unpleasant for them (exceptions already noted), I know that it is. There is no belief system involved. Facts are facts are facts whether a person 'believes' them or not.

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I voted "other," because I'm not sure I'd classify my beliefs as a "system."


I belong to a very DIY denomination that encourages us to seek, rather than to know. So, I have identified beliefs that feel important to me, and I believe in them strongly. But they are by no means systematic, and they aren't a list of things determined by any authority.


And a large part of my own beliefs is a certain humility, acceptance of the fact that I can't possibly know it all. I feel in my heart that my current path is the best one for me, but I'm not nearly arrogant enough to say that mine is "right."

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I am absolutely certain that my beliefs are right for me right now. But, I've lived long enough, and been "sure" about so many things, then learned and grew and realized that I've been so wrong about so many of those things, that I no longer will say with any certainty at all that MY beliefs are the right beliefs for everyone. I believe it to be supremely arrogant to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong, just because I believe myself to be right. There are a gazillion sincere believers, with a gazillion valid reasons to believe a gazillion different things. Who am I to say they're all wrong and I'm right?


So, I voted 75-99%, because, while I'm certain that my beliefs are right for me in my journey thus far, I am also certain that I have much more to learn.

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I am absolutely certain that my beliefs are right for me right now. But, I've lived long enough, and been "sure" about so many things, then learned and grew and realized that I've been so wrong about so many of those things, that I no longer will say with any certainty at all that MY beliefs are the right beliefs for everyone. I believe it to be supremely arrogant to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong, just because I believe myself to be right. There are a gazillion sincere believers, with a gazillion valid reasons to believe a gazillion different things. Who am I to say they're all wrong and I'm right?


So, I voted 75-99%, because, while I'm certain that my beliefs are right for me in my journey thus far, I am also certain that I have much more to learn.


This captures my feelings perfectly. I'm an agnostic with strong atheist leanings (:lol:), but I'm not so totally sure of my beliefs (and I do consider them to be a belief system, because no one can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm right) that I could ever be comfortable telling someone they're wrong about theirs. I'm mostly sure my beliefs are accurate but gladly entertain the possibility that I may discover someday that I was wrong all along, or that the truth is really somewhere in between.

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100% -


‘Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.’ Marcus Aurelius

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100% -


‘Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.’ Marcus Aurelius


I never think anything 100% that is not a human construct (i.e. the legal definition of fiduciary duty), but this is pretty close to what I think 99%.

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I am more certain of what I believe is not true than of what I believe is true. I believe what makes sense to me but I also believe that there is equal possibility that certain other views are correct instead of mine. In other words, I am more likely to believe that I am wrong than I am to believe that certain other people are right.

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