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HCG shots for weightloss?

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I just went to for a checkup and my gyn. offers this as part of a diet plan she has. I was surprised because it sounded extreme. Has anyone ever heard of this?


There are others here who have taken and are taking hcg, including myself. I'm very happy with it and will be happy to answer any questions you have. You don't have to get it from her. There are 2 ways of doing it - Rx (which is probably what she has) and homeopathic (hhcg) which is what I and most others I know do. It works. Like any weight loss plan, if you stick with it, it will work. These forums are incredibly helpful. Yes, it may sound extreme, and in many ways it is, but that's what I needed at this point in my life. All the slower plans - intense exercise, NoS, etc. - were just not working for me. I did LOTS and LOTS of research for months and months before starting this.

I wouldn't recommend this, probably, for anyone who has less than say 15 pounds or so to lose. It's more for 15 pounds and up, I think. I could be wrong. I visit those forums daily and learn so much.

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Do you have knowledge on whether the homeopathic hcg can be used while nursing? I have an 11 month old I don't plan to wean for at least a year. Thanks!

No, but I would either search on those boards or ask. I wouldn't think that there would be any problem with homeopathic. The only difficulty I could think of, and this is a big one, is having 500 calories a day while nursing. I would find that very, very tough ... Although hcg really helps with hunger issues. I didn't feel hungry while taking the drops. Very seldom.


Are people injecting themselves with human chorionic gonadotropin to lose weight?

Some do. Not I. I have taken drops and am waiting on my pellets. I'm not an injecting kind of person ... can't do it.


I will post some more specifics on this later. Right now, I have to head out the door. A few people have asked me for tips and info. I'd rather share them here, than keep sending private messages. That way, everyone can possibly benefit, if they choose to either go on hcg or consider it.

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What are the pellets?




No, but I would either search on those boards or ask. I wouldn't think that there would be any problem with homeopathic. The only difficulty I could think of, and this is a big one, is having 500 calories a day while nursing. I would find that very, very tough ... Although hcg really helps with hunger issues. I didn't feel hungry while taking the drops. Very seldom.



Some do. Not I. I have taken drops and am waiting on my pellets. I'm not an injecting kind of person ... can't do it.


I will post some more specifics on this later. Right now, I have to head out the door. A few people have asked me for tips and info. I'd rather share them here, than keep sending private messages. That way, everyone can possibly benefit, if they choose to either go on hcg or consider it.

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People do all kinds of crazy things to themselves, but for God's sake people, please please please do not nurse while you are either 1) putting any kind of hormone in your body not prescribed by a competent MD who knows you are nursing OR 2) on a very low calorie diet


1) might injure your baby

2) will just crash your milk supply, so have formula on hand

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I will post some more specifics on this later. Right now, I have to head out the door. A few people have asked me for tips and info. I'd rather share them here, than keep sending private messages. That way, everyone can possibly benefit, if they choose to either go on hcg or consider it.


I subscribed to the thread...will look forward to what you have to say. I did some lurking over at the boards. I'm pretty clear on the phases/diet part. The doses, pellets, etc. have me baffled a bit.


Also, I didn't see anything on vitamins during the program... other than maybe B12 and a multivitamin. My current vitamin regimen is a bit more complex... (I was getting ready to start a Niacin flush, for example). My vitamin regimen has really done wonders for me (energy, hormone issues, reducing the severity of my cycle, reduced mood-swings, and just overall improving how I feel), it's also reduced my cravings for carbs, sugar and sweets.


I'd be willing to try this. I really need to drop 30#, 40 would put me back at my pre-wedding/pre-pregnancy weight of 14 years ago. That is my ultimate goal.

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Can you explain the P1, P2, etc as you understand it?


I read a bunch of stuff on the forum and even joined a Yahoo group for HCG dieters. Even read a short paper from Dr. Simieon on the whole thing


All this in the last 48 hours.


But I am unsure if I am clear on the P1, P2, etc.


What is your understanding of it?

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This is what I've read.


Phase I, I believe is the detox... that pretty much no one does.


Phase II, is where you spend 3 days eating pretty much anything, while starting the hCG regimen, because it takes 3 days for the hCG to really start to take effect. Then, I believe you spend the next 24 days (maybe a bit more, depending upon how heavy you are at that point), eating following the 500 cal/day plan. the last 3 days you are off the hCG, but still eating the 500 cal/day while the hCG works its way out of your system.


Phase III, I think you essentially are on a low-carb/no sugar diet (like Atkins) (your appetite is supposed to have shrunk considerably)


Phase IV, you are adding food back into your diet gradually, to a more "normal" diet (I did read several people ate sweets, planed vacations, etc.


But, I've just read a bit... there's a lot more reading to do. So this is just my early "take" on it.

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One of my girlfriends is doing this right now. Her doctor (who is an MD but homeopathic) put her on it because she had done a reduced calorie diet with working out 5x a week and was not losing any weight. I mean ZERO.


It'll be interesting to see what the final outcome is for her. She's been injecting herself and doing the diet for about 10 days.


Isn't that dangerous? I can not imagine injecting myself with a hormone.

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What are the pellets?


The pellets are just very small pills that dissolve in your mouth. Much easier to use than the drops. Whenever I have a choice between drops or pellets for anything homeopathic, give me pellets any day. :)


That and starving themselves.

I very, very seldom even felt hungry while on hcg. So no, I didn't feel as if I was starving myself.


Trust me, if anyone searches hcg here, they will see that on all the previous threads, I was extremely skeptical.


People do all kinds of crazy things to themselves, but for God's sake people, please please please do not nurse while you are either 1) putting any kind of hormone in your body not prescribed by a competent MD who knows you are nursing OR 2) on a very low calorie diet

1) might injure your baby

2) will just crash your milk supply, so have formula on hand

"Crazy" is relative. I, and many others, might consider hours and hours of working out and slogging it away at a gym, crazy. Trust me, BTDT, very, very little weight loss ... my body changed in my mid-30s. The hours and miles of running and working out and cutting calories as much as possible just doesn't do squat anymore. Those days are over. I don't consider hcg to be crazy. And even if it is, it works. It has worked better for me than all the previous methods.

I do agree about not going on hcg while nursing. I wouldn't either.


Also, I didn't see anything on vitamins during the program... other than maybe B12 and a multivitamin. My current vitamin regimen is a bit more complex... (I was getting ready to start a Niacin flush, for example). My vitamin regimen has really done wonders for me (energy, hormone issues, reducing the severity of my cycle, reduced mood-swings, and just overall improving how I feel), it's also reduced my cravings for carbs, sugar and sweets.

I'll try to answer as many of your questions as I can. Feel free to ask away. Also, I highly recommend for anyone who's considering hcg, to either join those forums or to at least visit them frequently. It was only once I started doing that, that I learned so much.

Most vitamins are fine - just not the fat-soluble ones - no D3, E, A, etc. If your multi has those, skip those for now. No fish oil. I do take niacin and am fine with that. Magnesium, potassium, and B12 are very helpful. Magnesium is something that most of us are deficient in, regardless. Most of us need a good form of magnesium, whether we're on hcg or not.

Calcium, magnesium, and many other minerals are best absorbed when they are bound to an acidic carrier such as citrate, aspartate, picolinate, or amino acid chelate. Minerals need an acidic base to break down and get used.

The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good.

Avoid magnesium carbonate, oxide, sulfate, and gluconate. They are poorly absorbed (and the cheapest and most common forms found in supplements).

Side effects from too much magnesium include diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to magnesium glycinate.

People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor's supervision.


Isn't that dangerous? I can not imagine injecting myself with a hormone.

No, not when done right. I don't know much about Rx-grade hcg, since again, that hasn't been my experience. But I do know many who are on it and have lost weight and kept it off for a very long time. Again, visit those forums. Also, do a search right here on these boards. Many have been on it. I've been using homeopathic hcg and it's perfectly safe and it works. Love it. Right now, I've run out and am waiting for it to arrive. I'll be back on it in late March.

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Okay, for those who are interested, here's my hcg standard post.


I am so not a fad diet person, or even a diet person. I hardly ever diet and hate the whole concept. But I got to a point where I simply had had it with gaining and not losing. Eating less and just exercising more no longer works for me now that I'm in my 40s. That worked in my teens and up to mid-30s. The older I get, the harder it's been to lose. Now with hcg, since I have no hunger so far, and since it’s working so well, I'm loving it.


I was extremely skeptical when I first heard about the hcg diet on some other boards. My first thought was: Are they out of their minds? 500 Calories a day?! Mind you, I should mention that the foods chosen for the 500 calories are nutrient dense - and the body releases abnormally stored fat - so it does not feel like that few calories per day.

Anyway, once I read their experiences (as well as so many who have kept it off for quite some time from people whom I’ve known for a long time online – in other words, online friends!) and read more and more about it, then I started going back and forth with the whole idea for a while - talking with dh (since there's very little chance of my having success with this or pretty much anything without his support), etc.


TYPES OF HCG – Rx GRADE OR HHCG (Homeopathic Hcg)

I learned in my research, that neither method is necessarily better than the other. They can both work. Some don't have much success with homeopathic and then have to do the Rx drops or injections.

Both Rx grade hcg and hhcg work. People use both types successfully.

Regardless, I have some links or names for both types.

Since my experience and research is with hhcg, most of these tips are about that option.

I would not rush into ordering until I first read as much as I could. I read for about two months before starting this plan. Not everyone needs so much time. But reading up on it and visiting forums really, really helps.



I decided to go the homeopathic route. Homeopathic, I guess is safer. The drops (and now they have pellets, which I'll get if and when I do this again) are easy to do.

Some homeopathic ones that are said to be good – although everyone’s experience may vary.

Most of the online friends I have from other boards have gone the homeopathic route. I also frequent the HCG board which is very helpful. I’m mostly on the Homeopathic Page, but also visit other pages. This forum has helped me so much. There are some hcg boards, but I have hardly visited them due to lack of time. Plus, I’m happy with this one.

There are 2 types of HHCG – pellets and drops

For homeopathic pellets - http://yourdiscounthcg.com/

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HHCG Pellets

Meridian Health Labs – although possibly a bit slow with their shipping, may have better prices










Easy to measure out

Dissolve under tongue, just like drops – usually takes 5-7 minutes to dissolve – some say that it takes even longer

Tastes like regular homeopathic pellet – a little sweet

About 20 pellets per day:

Most take 4 pellets 3 x a day, yet others use different dosages. Most find that they need to experiment until they get the right dose for them.

4 pellets 3 x a day

5 pellets 4x a day

5 pellets 3x a day

6 pellets 3x a day

6 pellets in the morning, then 5 in the afternoon, and 4 in the evening

3 pellets 3x a day




Taking too much hhcg can actually trigger hunger. Someone posted that when she went up to 8 pellets 3x a day, her hunger was intense until she stepped back down to 6 pellets 3x a day.



1. Touching Homeopathic Medicines: Do not touch the homeopathic medicines; do not take on to your palm before taking it, as handling of medicines reduces the potency of the medicines. It also spoils the medicines by exposing it to unhygienic conditions. Always take the medicines by using the cap of the medicine bottle or a plain paper. If you are going to use a paper then see to it that it does not contain any print. As ink can also spoil the medicine.

Don't touch them with your hands. Make sure you drop them into the lid from the bottle directly and put them under your tongue. Let them dissolve.

2. The half an hour rule: Do not eat or drink anything half an hour before and after taking the medicines. The only exception to this rule is water. Drinking water is permissible after or before five minutes of taking the medicines.

3. Onion, garlic, ginger, coffee, toothpaste … and other strong smelling substances: Once you are following the half an hour rule then you can eat raw onion, garlic, ginger, and other strong smelling substances along with the homeopathic medicines.

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HHCG Drops - again, I MUCH prefer pellets over drops.

http://www.yourhcgdrops.com/ - thjs is where I got my drops from and I was happy with them. More expensive than many places, however.




The following is from the moderator on the hcg boards. She KNOWS her stuff.


Go with a brand that has a proven track record for MANY people, even if you feel good on it. Here's why:


1) Some people would not be hungry after a few days, on or off the hcg. People who fast for religious reasons generally don't complain of hunger after a few days; so while this is generally the best indicator of whether or not your hcg/hhcg is working therapeutically, it can still be misleading.


2) Your weight loss has very little to do with the hcg or hhcg- it's primarily from the vlcd (very low calorie diet). so don't think your drops are "working" just because you're losing weight. Also don't think they're not working, because you're in a stall.


3) Try to avoid the "these drops worked for my friend so they must be good"-type of thinking. Some people are going to lose weight no matter what they take. More and more people in their teens and 20's are overweight- but since their bodies are still young and strong, and not too messed up by years and years of incorrect eating, some can lose weight with just about any method.


4) Losing weight is the easy part- we've all done that, on lost of methods. It's keeping it off that is the challenge. And since you won't know if your drops are going to help you stabilize well until after you've stopped taking them, go with something proven- not just what you find that is the least expensive.


5) If you start to look gaunt, something is wrong. Even with people who have trouble stabilizing, hunger issues, etc., I've almost never seen someone on Rx hcg who has that gaunt look- who looks skinny in the next, etc. This seems to be one of the most consistent side effects of hcg, is that you don't lose (or lose less) structural/good fat.


6) Remember also, that in the end Dr. S. said this:

As a general rule one can say that 60%-70% of our cases experience little or no difficulty in holding their weight permanently.

That means that 30-40% of people DO have difficulty maintaining. Unfortunately, he apparently did not look into why this is the case. We have lots of good info here that has been developed over time to help make P3 and P4 more successful, but there still may be a group of people who can't keep the weight off no matter what method they use.


My thoughts: 30-40% is good. Very good. Most other diet plans have a 95% failure rate over the long-term.

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Leave the drops under your tongue for at least 5 minutes.

Wait about 15-30 minutes after doing the drops before you eat or drink.

If you're talking homeopathic hcg, it's VERY important not to eat or drink for 15-30 minutes before and after doing the drops.

All homeopathic remedies have one thing in common: no strong tasting OR smelling things within 30 minutes to 1 hour of taking them. No coffee, toothpaste, cinnamon, mint, garlic, anything with a very strong flavor or odor. These things taken too soon after the drops can totally derail the way it works. If it's Rx, then it's not as big of a deal. But hhcg works on an energy principle and taste is part of it.


Homeopathics work better with frequency taken, not necessarily how many you take at once. Some take the drops 6 drops 6x per day and find that that works better. Also another suggestion that works well is to not eat anything (even a fruit) after about 8pm.


Keep the drops away from electronics, and make sure it isn't left in the heat.


With the drops, I've been told to be very careful not to touch the dropper on my mouth or accidentally hit it against a tooth when I'm using them, because this can contaminate the drops. I've heard this from probably three different practitioners.


An opened bottle is good for about 4 months if kept in a cool dark place.


With pellets, opened or unopened, they're good for 2 years when kept in a cool dark place.

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The other way is either through a doctor, medical professional, or ordering the “real stuff” and mixing your own to make injections or drops. There may be more side-effects that way and mixing and injecting oneself is not for everyone. Some talk about menstrual problems, migraines, hair loss (but what I've read with these side effects are that they are, for the most part, temporary). Many don't experience any side effects whatsoever. Honestly, I don’t know much about this approach, since early on in my research, I decided to try homeopathic first.



You can get a kit from at http://www.gphcg.com or email him at doyle@cornerstonemin.org.



This seems to be the very cheapest way to do it, you can put together your own kit and order the hcg from http://www.AllDayChemist.com then get your other supplies online or at the drug store.

From alldaychemist, the shipping is $25 no matter how much you order. There are no other charges. They package it in a pretty small box


You have to mix it yourself. There are also others that are imported, that you mix yourself , and many are very happy with that.


Again, I really don't know much at all about Rx-grade hcg. Those forums should help for those who want to try that route.

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I barely experienced any hunger. The hunger that I experienced for only two days so far was very mild.

I have gone on many diets in my life - not at all in my 30s and 40s.. This is the only diet where so far, I have felt no hunger. The other day, I went with ds to get burgers and ribs for everyone's lunch. I normally LOVE that place. I didn't even drool in temptation. The aromas didn't trigger anything for me.



Most women lose on average about half a pound per day. Average. Most tend to go on it for 26 days and some go on it for 43 (which I think I’ll be doing). Depends on how much you wish to lose. Then there’s a maintenance phase (P3) and another phase for life (P4).



There are some helpful books on amazon. I got one of them and learned quite a bit. You don’t have to get a book, however. If you visit any hcg forum frequently and if you read up on it as much as you can – you really need to read the original protocol – then you don’t necessarily need to buy a book. I learned much more from those forums than from the book.

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1. Pick a right time in your life to do this - this diet is very mental and you have to be mentally ready - don't do this say, before a vacation, holiday, or major stressful event, etc. I waited till after a whole bunch of dinner parties, etc. I don't like to tell very many people IRL about my diet/weight struggles/etc. It gets boring and annoying.

Again, this diet is extremely mental and the timing has to be good for you Otherwise, if you’re tempted with something – birthday cake or major event – you’ll be giving yourself a pity party or heading towards failure. Like any other plan, your head HAS to be there.

2. Read, read, read ... and be organized ... plan your meals ahead. I weighed and froze my proteins into Ziplocs during my two loading days. The key for success with hcg is research, reading, and being organized.

3. There are 2 loading days - load, load, load! On lots of healthy fats especially, not so much sweets and junk. But lots and lots of fat - fish oil, coconut oil, nuts, etc. Those who don't load well are starving within the first few days. This is absolutely essential. Those who don’t load and who don’t load on healthy fats are usually starving and usually fail. (more info below)

4. This is a diet where one absolutely must not cheat. One must very carefully follow the directions. You can't just eat whatever you want and whenever you want on the plan. There is a very strict food list and in order to succeed on this, very little or should I say, no, variation is allowed. Only a few fruits are allowed. That’s it. The rules take some getting used to. But then it’s super-easy.

Also, following the steps for maintenance is a critical component as well (gradually adding foods back into your eating once done with the drops). That’s in Phase 3 (P3) and later in P4.

I can’t believe that I have not cheated one iota. I guess the structure of this plan and the lack of hunger have helped me a lot. Plus, the fact that I loaded really well.

5. If you do get hungry, you can, snack on some sliced cucumbers. Some keep a bowl in their fridge. :)

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My loading days were not all that fun ... I originally thought they would be. Then the more I read, the more I realized that loading is somewhat different to what I'd originally thought. I had some fun, but most of it was beginning to sicken me slightly, especially on the last night. I had had so much fish oil and so many nuts, I honestly thought I was going to be sick. But it was a good thing that I did that.

This is what I read:

You have to load/gorge the first two days of hCG administration. Otherwise, you risk serious hunger problems during the first week. Eat LOTS of FAT, rather than lots of sugar, though. Don’t worry; the load weight will come off very quickly, usually within 48 hours.

While you can eat sugar, it doesn't do anything for the diet, and may just add pounds that will take longer to get off.

Also, make sure to eat the foods that you think you’ll miss.

The problem comes when you eat a lot of "junk" and sugar that this fills you up - then you are too full to eat enough fat. That will result in you feeling crappy for at least a few days, and as long as a week. Eating the fats has a purpose- eating junk and sugar will do nothing but pack on additional pounds. And the more you gain with loading, the more you have to lose.

Load is not as much about quantity as it is about quality. It's the fats that help to get you through the first few days of the vlcd as the hcg works it's way into your body.

Some have made the mistake of not eating a lot of fats on these 2 days, but instead they’ve eaten a lot of sugar and starch. Big mistake! Eat FAT on your loading days to avoid the experience that they have the first time, which seems like a brush with starvation at first.



With hcg, I have found that even doing exercise that is relatively easy and mild, has caused me to stall.

Since I stopped exercising altogether, and only doing stretching and some gentle stability ball stuff (ab work, etc.), my losses have been much better and quicker.

Early on in this round, I lost the normal amount of weight while doing walks of up to 2 Miles (usually Leslie Sansone DVDs) or rebounding (bouncing on the trampoline) most days.

But when I started using weights and a few very easy Denise Austin DVDs, my weight stalled for those exact same 10 days that I did them. Even though the workouts were relatively easy and short. I'm pretty sure that it was from the exercise, because that was all that had changed.


I would never swim during hcg. Swimming, as much as I love it, increases appetite for lots of people, including me.


With hcg, you’re not meant to exercise intensely. It will cause water gain and possibly an increase in appetite.


Light weights, 2-4 mile walks, yoga, etc. are fine for many people - but the intense stuff (elliptical, treadmill, long exercise sessions, running, heavier weights) – these are all most definitely out. I have a friend and know some on the hcg forums who normally do the intense stuff like P90X. That just can't happen on hcg. They can start to do that on P3, building up gradually, of course.

The rule is to just listen to your body- if you have the energy to do it, it's okay.

Sometimes you just need to experiment a bit and see what works.

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The Phases are:

• P2 (phase 2)taking hcg and losing weight – this is either for 26 or 43 days

• P3 stabilize your weight – 3 weeks

• P4 adding in sugars and starches while maintaining – for life or as long as you wish

Each time you do all 3 phases its called a Round. You eat different things and different quantities on each of the phases.

For those who need to lose more weight, they often go on more than 1 round.

You need to have at least 6 weeks between the first 2 rounds of hcg.

8 weeks between rounds 2 and 3

12 weeks between rounds 3 & 4

20 weeks between rounds 4 & 5

and at least 6 months between 5 and 6..

each with a 21 day P3 at the beginning of that period.

The length of time between rounds is to allow for many things including giving your liver a rest from processing the excess fats that have been stored in the body and giving your skin/body time to adjust.


One key (and it's the same for both methods – hhcg and Rx hcg) is to do at least 30 days of dosing before moving to P3. The minimum 23 days just doesn't cut it these days for most.



The hcg diet is not for everyone - nothing ever is - but so far I have had no side-effects and have found it to be safe and effective. In some ways, I have more energy, since my body is digesting much less food. The friends that I have known have experienced little or no side-effects – other than the occasional headache on the first few days. That’s a sign of the body getting rid of toxins. I have read that some experience hair loss AFTER hcg, but again, none of my online friends. Most who do experience hair loss get back to normal after a few months – with increased protein and certain supplements. I take those supplements all the time anyway.


Some experience headaches, itchy skin or a rash – these are probably toxins being released from the fat that’s being released. They will last as long as you don't provide other pathways for them to exit your body. One way to do this is to take a cleansing bath in the evening. Add 2 cups of Epson salts or one of baking soda and one of the Epson salts to a tub with water as hot as you can stand it and get in for 20 minutes. Make sure it comes up to your belly button or higher.

For headaches, I like to take magnesium. :)

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I usually take lots of supplements, but since starting hcg, I take far fewer.

You can take anything pretty much as long as it does not contain oils, fats, sugars, and/or starches.

During these hcg days, I do not take:

Omega-3's/Carlson's Fish Oil

My usual multi or D3 - since they have vitamin E and other oils in them. Besides D3 is fat-soluble and cannot be properly absorbed without fat. Since hcg has zero fat, there really is no point in taking a fat-soluble vitamin during this time.

Anything with Vitamins A, D, or E – fat-soluble vitamins

I do take: probiotics, biotin, magnesium (VERY important if you're prone to headaches, etc - and most women are deficient in magnesium - if you don't take it, I'll tell you the right type)

and some others ... I must say that during this time, I take far fewer supplements than usual and I feel better regardless. You should be fine also, since it's only for 26 days or 43 ... and sometimes it's really good for the body to have a break from supplements. Our bodies get overly dependent on supplements at times and they stop being as effective. I've read and heard this time and time again.



In order to prevent hair loss, I take Biotin, Silica, and Biosil - some days, I take all 3; some days, just 1 or 2 of them. I vary my supplements a lot. I also plan on starting a protein powder (very few ingredients and a good quality one) either in P3 or P4. I've heard this helps with hair loss.

I've also heard that hair loss is less common with those on hhcg. I had huge issues with possible hair loss. It almost made me not want to go on hcg. But the more I read and thought about it, the more I realized:

* that not all experience it. Several of my online friends who've been on it (and their friends and family members) did not experience it

* my understanding is that any hair loss is temporary and generally returns to normal once protein levels are restored in P3 and P4

* it's not the hcg that causes hair loss, but the fact that the diet brings you to the brink of calorie and protein deficiency - but again, not all experience it.

I have not experienced any hair loss.

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Food desires do not plague me anymore. I can eat when I'm hungry; stop when I'm full; and easily say no to foods. I have felt like a slave to food cravings my entire life, and I don't anymore. It's been so freeing. It's like I just conquered my cravings - finally. Now, it's not an issue for me anymore.

I did this with homeopathic sublingual drops - very cheaply actually - and without a doctor's care.

I have several friends who have been off the diet for over a year and not gained back any weight. One of them lost over 100 pounds. None of them count calories, etc. to keep weight off. The only reason I did this diet was because of the success rate for not regaining weight back.

If I do gain one day, I cut out sugar and starch the next day, and the weight falls right back off. THAT never happened for me before.


I think doing hcg was the start of a great lifestyle change for me. I love the fact that I do not crave sugar or sweets any more. I am thrilled that my waist went from 41.5" to 33-34" so I can fit in size 10 pants.



The first week is the hardest. Plan out your proteins and fruits for the day and then eat the leftover calories in veggies. You will be surprised and the quantity of veggies you can have. I like to have one of my fruits mid-morning, then protein and veggie for lunch. Sometimes I have the allowed starch, but not always. At dinner, protein, veggie, and the allowed fruit from the fruit list.


If you are tired, try some sublingual b-12.


Some like to spread out their food – just as long as there’s the 6 hours between fruits, etc. rules. You must finish eating before 8 PM.


Make sure that any supplements you take do not have sugars, starches, oils, etc.


This diet is not new and has been around for 50 years or so. I think that many doctors and so on don't approve of it because they're not thoroughly informed and haven't read enough about it. But then again, I seldom trust doctors when it comes to nutrition - more for stuff like flu, shots, and when all else fails for serious stuff - hypertension, etc.


So far, hcg is the best thing I’ve done for weight loss in a very long time. I would do it again if and when necessary. :)

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Someone wrote this:

“I did my first round with a naturopath and it cost $150 for the 40 days injection kit. Not a bad price at all. I totally love and believe in naturopaths. They know more about the human body than most family doctors. My naturopath saved my life basically about 15 years ago. The naturopath who prescribed the hcg for me didn't know much about it though. He suggested I just eat what I wanted and take the hcg. Fortunately I had already researched the hcg for myself and knew the proper protocol. I wouldn't have lost if I hadn't found this forum.

So if someone is going to go to a doctor for help, I would highly recommend a naturopath.”


http://www.whyhcg.com/diet - might be helpful also



If homeopathic, there should be no issues with going the extra days.

On the homeopathic forums there are a few people who have done longer rounds. That’s where I first heard of doing a longer round. I guess that with the hhcg there is not the risk of becoming immune to the drops. Most would not recommend doing this if you plan on doing multiple rounds anytime soon.

Some have gone on for up to 77 days on P2 – due to slower losses, or upcoming travel plans, etc.

They say that if you feel fine, you can do so.



Drink lots of water - one of the reasons you may feel so fatigued is because your body is beginning to purge itself of all of the built up toxins from processed foods and hidden, molecularly altered chemicals and sugars. I felt a little off my first couple of days as well as my body was adjusting. The most important part is that you don't feel like you're starving - that tells me that your dosage is alright. You may want to consider replacing melba and fruit with more protein, or break up the protein to eat in small bits every few hours. Also, it's not recommended to use protein shakes during P2 because most of them have some sort of soy, lactose, or sugar parts in them (maltodextrin - BIG culprit!). Having said that, I'm finally getting my pure organic hemp protein powder, which tastes like earthy/grassy, however, has zero additives, chemicals, sugars, dairy bits, or soy, and since whey shakes caused stomach problems for me, this is my new way of getting protein, but it's a personal choice.


Also, make sure you're getting enough rest, and if you've had bloodwork done recently, check to make sure your B12 levels aren't too low. When I was severely anemic 2 years ago, I needed B12 injections just to make it through the week, so a nutrient defficiency could play a role as well. Some of the members here purchase sublingual B12 drops, you might look into that. Be careful with multivitamin supplements - some of them contain ingredients that might mess with the protocol, and be especially careful that they don't contain oil or sugar in the coating.


Are you drinking too much water? We find that people who drink too much are flushing the electrolytes out. I wouldn't drink more than about 80 oz a day. Try taking some potassium too.

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I've been doing more reading... will continue reading more. I read the specific diet on the site with the hCG pellets ... I am not a tea (of any kind), or coffee drinker.


I was wondering if I could substitute 1 packet of "True Orange" (no sugars, no sweeteners of any kind, 0 calories) and 16oz of water for my "breakfast." If the tea/coffee is for caffiene... I could always take a caffiene pill:lol:


I'm leaning strongly towards trying this for one cycle. Since being on my vitamins, my cravings for carbs and sugar have almost disappeared (kind of amazing, actually...especially since it's "that time of the month")


Also, they list lots of the artificial sugars, but what about sugar alcohols?


I'll head over to the forms and register...



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Are people injecting themselves with human chorionic gonadotropin to lose weight?


Personally, I miss the days when people were getting coffee enemas. It was a huge craze in the 80s out here on the wet coast.


If there was a safe, effective, simple way of losing weight, it would be worth BILLIONS. Wait I said that too softly: BIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLIONS!!!!!!


When Phen/Fen (or was that Fen/Phen) was big, there was a line at the door begging for it. I was spat on for refusing to give it to someone who wanted to lose 5 lbs for a reunion. I also admitted people to the hospital who were having a dissociative state that had their husband in hysterics. ("She doesn't know who I am!").

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I'm skeptical.


However, several people I know in person and for years online have used this method and are believers. I respect many of these persons.


It's too scripted for me. Low carb? I can wrap my brain around how that is intuitive/natural.


Whole foods (not including lowered fat frankenfooods), I can support that.


Female pregnancy hormones and a terribly restricted diet? :glare:

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I've been doing more reading... will continue reading more. I read the specific diet on the site with the hCG pellets ... I am not a tea (of any kind), or coffee drinker.


Lisa, good for you for reading. I think that many fail on hcg because they don't do so.

I would ask on the forums about the True Orange. The ladies there know far more than I do. I really don't know that much and am still learning.

I'm pretty sure it's not reasons of caffeine. I drink green or white tea in the morning. Many just stick to herb tea.

I'm pretty sure, but I could be wrong, that sugar alcohols are out.


I'm skeptical.

However, several people I know in person and for years online have used this method and are believers. I respect many of these persons.

It's too scripted for me. Low carb? I can wrap my brain around how that is intuitive/natural.

Whole foods (not including lowered fat frankenfooods), I can support that.

Female pregnancy hormones and a terribly restricted diet? :glare:

Joanne, trust me, I felt EXACTLY the same way for the longest while. But have found that it works, when nothing else did. And this is coming from me, someone who never, ever likes to diet. The last diet I was on, was probably in my teens. Seriously. I'm now in my 40s ... I was extremely anti-dieting. Believed in losing weight the healthy way - exercise more, eat less ... except that method no longer worked for me. I needed something far more radical.

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Has anyone ever heard of this?



My husband and I started the hcg diet on Thanksgiving and we both are VERY pleased with our weight loss. I'm now down to 107, and haven't weighed that since I was a teenager. :hurray:


We used the RX hcg with once a day injections. We've not had any real side-effects. This diet does take real discipline however. Following a very strict, very low calorie diet for weeks at a time is a challenge. It is not magic.

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People do all kinds of crazy things to themselves, but for God's sake people, please please please do not nurse while you are either 1) putting any kind of hormone in your body not prescribed by a competent MD who knows you are nursing OR 2) on a very low calorie diet


1) might injure your baby

2) will just crash your milk supply, so have formula on hand



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My husband and I started the hcg diet on Thanksgiving and we both are VERY pleased with our weight loss. I'm now down to 107, and haven't weighed that since I was a teenager. :hurray:


We used the RX hcg with once a day injections. We've not had any real side-effects. This diet does take real discipline however. Following a very strict, very low caloire diet for weeks at a time is a challenge. It is not magic.


Wow! Congratulations.


I've spent the last several days reading, and placed my order. I will certainly do one round, I'm hoping that will be enough to get me going. I know my body will respond to Belly Fat Cure (which is a lot like P3), and I'm pretty comfortable with those principles... so they will carry over into P4 as well.


I have no desire to be 107... I would look worse than a Victoria's Secret Model untouched at that weight. I know my body is different than it was 15 years ago, before I got married, had children, etc. But, I don't think it's changed THAT much (I was in 8th grade the last time I was 107#. I weighed 120-130 pretty much all through college, but when I started weight lifting, seriously working out... I looked thinner at 140# than I did at 120# (my college roomate thought I was anorexic :lol:).


I am excited to try this. My dh is on-board. And I know what hCG does for me when I'm pg... so I'm hoping it will do the same for me when I'm NOT pg...lol.

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Personally, I miss the days when people were getting coffee enemas. It was a huge craze in the 80s out here on the wet coast.


If there was a safe, effective, simple way of losing weight, it would be worth BILLIONS. Wait I said that too softly: BIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLIONS!!!!!!


When Phen/Fen (or was that Fen/Phen) was big, there was a line at the door begging for it. I was spat on for refusing to give it to someone who wanted to lose 5 lbs for a reunion. I also admitted people to the hospital who were having a dissociative state that had their husband in hysterics. ("She doesn't know who I am!").



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Homeopathic hcg works for most people when following the original protocol.


Here is the spray that works for me:


Weight Off Plus C151 HCG Spray by Professional Health Products


$24.99 – free shipping over $25.

This is the kind you spray three times a day.


I think it's very hard to find pellets right now. I don't have much more to lose, but would love to try the pellets next Round.


Download the original Pounds & Inches book here:



Two very helpful boards:




Be sure to take Before photos. If you have a lot to lose, it is pretty amazing to see the difference a month can make!

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For those that have done this or at least have found the answer, can you share what this diet does for you lean muscles? Is this one of those diets that cause you to lose muscle? I just don't understand why it stresses no exercise and to relax, relax, relax. It just sounds like one of those diets that athletes warn you about... I'd have a hard time giving up my treadmill and workout videos.

I'm just genuinely curious, not critical. Would love to know more, and am off to read some more. :001_smile: TIA!

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For those that have done this or at least have found the answer, can you share what this diet does for you lean muscles? Is this one of those diets that cause you to lose muscle? I just don't understand why it stresses no exercise and to relax, relax, relax. It just sounds like one of those diets that athletes warn you about... I'd have a hard time giving up my treadmill and workout videos.

I'm just genuinely curious, not critical. Would love to know more, and am off to read some more. :001_smile: TIA!


The hormone tells your brain to use it's stored fat... which is why you are supposed to stay away from fat and oils of all types (even many types you apply topically). Your body can then use your stored fat as energy vs. low-calorie alone, which tends to burn both muscle and fat (and why the need for exercise is much higher)


The "no exercise" -- is because strenuous exercise will actually make you very hungry, and, when you're on th VLCD it's extremely important to stick to it. Many have found it counterproductive (and not lost any weight).


The VLCD (very low calorie diet) is to help "reset" the hypothalmus gland (which triggers hunger, etc.). So that once you go off the hormone, you should be better able to follow hunger cues. You will be used to consuming less, etc.


If you look at the people in their before/after photos, no one looks gaunt (as in, the un-touched Victoria's Secret Model). They all look healthy.


the hCG protocol is NOT recommended to those who are around a BMI of 20 or lower...


This is based upon what I've read...and seen at the forums. Not my personal experiences.

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For those that have done this or at least have found the answer, can you share what this diet does for you lean muscles? Is this one of those diets that cause you to lose muscle? I just don't understand why it stresses no exercise and to relax, relax, relax. It just sounds like one of those diets that athletes warn you about... I'd have a hard time giving up my treadmill and workout videos.

I'm just genuinely curious, not critical. Would love to know more, and am off to read some more. :001_smile: TIA!


Sadly, I have no experience with the relax, relax, relax part. Sounds nice though. I just went about my normal life- which is far from relaxed. :)


Neither my husband, nor I have noticed any real loss in lean muscle. They claim you won't, and I was skeptical about this at first too. (Husband just commented about this the other day in fact.)


I think the no exercise thing has much to do with the fact that you are only taking in 500 calories a day. When I started the diet I felt weak for the first few days, but it got gradually better over a two week period. At about the three week stage I had more energy than ever. I did not exercise until phase 3 though because I'm a stickler for following the rules. Rules say don't cheat- I don't cheat. Rules say no exercise- I don't exercise.


Now my husband on the other hand is not a stickler for following the rules and he did exercise- though not as hard as before. (Treadmill and lifting weights.) He averaged almost a pound a day loss on the diet, so it didn't seem to hurt him a bit. It probably helped. (He's done two rounds now back to back.)


On the other hand, I have a friend that had just a few more pounds to loose than me, and she did start exercising. She said she felt just fine, but after the first day she exercised she had a weight gain the next day, and then the losses (showing on the scale) really slowed. She stopped. This is another reason why I decided to follow the rules. :)


Long story short, I think it is different for everyone.

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The hormone tells your brain to use it's stored fat... which is why you are supposed to stay away from fat and oils of all types (even many types you apply topically). Your body can then use your stored fat as energy vs. low-calorie alone, which tends to burn both muscle and fat (and why the need for exercise is much higher)


My Dr. told me a story about this "stored fat" thing:


He said that he had two men come in that were very fit. They did not want to loose weight. They were really into exerice and weight lifting, but both had some "handles" along their sides that they could just not get rid of no matter what they tried. They had read up on hcg and wanted to try it to target that particular fat. Again, they were not at all intersted in weight loss. Dr. said that he was skeptical himself, but they could try. They both did a full round, only lost 5 pounds, and it took off the handles that they wanted to loose. He said it was hard to believe, but he saw it for himself.

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My husband and I started the hcg diet on Thanksgiving and we both are VERY pleased with our weight loss. I'm now down to 107, and haven't weighed that since I was a teenager. :hurray:

We used the RX hcg with once a day injections. We've not had any real side-effects. This diet does take real discipline however. Following a very strict, very low calorie diet for weeks at a time is a challenge. It is not magic.

Great job on your loss! :D

Your last few sentences are so true. :)


I just don't understand why it stresses no exercise

I never lost muscle, and this is not what happens on hcg.

Hcg does not stress NO exercise. It emphasizes exercise in moderation.

With hcg, you’re not meant to exercise intensely. It will cause water gain and possibly an increase in appetite.

Light weights, 2-4 mile walks, yoga, etc. are fine for many people - but the intense stuff (elliptical, treadmill, long exercise sessions, running, heavier weights) – these are all most definitely out. I have a friend and know some on the hcg forums who normally do the intense stuff like P90X. That just can't happen on hcg. They can start to do that on P3, building up gradually, of course.

The rule is to just listen to your body- if you have the energy to do it, it's okay. :)

Sometimes you just need to experiment a bit and see what works.

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  • 1 month later...

Homeopathic hcg is a scam.








Hcg that you inject *has* been studied and found to be effective. But then, yes, you are being injected with hormones (and starving yourself) to help you lose weight.

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Homeopathic hcg is a scam.




Hcg that you inject *has* been studied and found to be effective. But then, yes, you are being injected with hormones (and starving yourself) to help you lose weight.

Scam or not, it's worked fabulously for me and so many others that I know. :D

If it was a scam, there is no way in God's green earth that I could not feel hunger, barely any hunger at all, on 500 calories a day. So, yes, hhcg does work. At least for me and most others that I know who stick to the protocol.

And, btw, I never felt like I was starving on hcg. You should not feel that way, otherwise you're doing something wrong.

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Yeah, but, um, if *anyone* eats 500 calories a day, they're going to lose weight. (and muscle...) I'd be curious to see what the difference is between someone on the same 500 cal. diet without the supposedly important hormone and those on this fad diet.

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Yeah, but, um, if *anyone* eats 500 calories a day, they're going to lose weight. (and muscle...)

Of course anyone will lose weight on 500 calories a day. :D

The difference is that with hcg, if done correctly, one feels very little to no hunger :hurray:. This fad diet does work ;) - when done right, of course. All diets work if done correctly. I'm not saying this is the perfect diet for everyone. Everyone's body is different. Their goals and lifestyles are different. I might not like this fad diet five years from now. But for now, I love it and am incredibly grateful for it. :D I was very, very skeptical and doubtful about this diet when I first heard about it. I'm so glad that I read up on it and did my research.


Yeah, but, um, if *anyone* eats 500 calories a day, they're going to lose weight. (and muscle...) I'd be curious to see what the difference is between someone on the same 500 cal. diet without the supposedly important hormone and those on this fad diet.

When I ran out of hhcg drops a few months ago, I continued the 500 calories for about a week. It got very, very difficult. One starts to feel the hunger. Plus, that's the wrong kind of weight loss - you start to lose muscle rather than fat.

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Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


I'm sorry, but injecting yourself with illegal and ineffective drugs- and homeopathic HCG is illegal, from what I've read- and eating at a starvation level for an extended period is a terrible idea. It's hard on the body, potentially fatal, and does nothing to encourage healthy eating habits. So many people are obese because they don't know how to eat a healthy diet and never get any exercise. Injecting yourself with questionable substances and living on lettuce isn't going to do a thing to fix that.


And if anyone is dieting and working out and still isn't losing weight, the problem is that they need to eat MORE, not less. Their bodies have gone into starvation mode and are clinging to every bit of fat.


Focus on nutrition and health, not on fitting into a size zero.

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Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


I'm sorry, but injecting yourself with illegal and ineffective drugs- and homeopathic HCG is illegal, from what I've read- and eating at a starvation level for an extended period is a terrible idea. It's hard on the body, potentially fatal, and does nothing to encourage healthy eating habits. So many people are obese because they don't know how to eat a healthy diet and never get any exercise. Injected yourself with questionable substances and living on lettuce isn't going to do a thing to fix that.


And if anyone is dieting and working out and still isn't losing weight, the problem is that they need to eat MORE, not less. Their bodies have gone into starvation mode and are clinging to every bit of fat.


Focus on nutrition and health, not on fitting into a size zero.



....all I need to say is that I am tired of having my skinny friends tell me all that they assume I must be doing wrong. I have tried it all the healthy, normal, approved ways. I have tried increasing cals (with healthy foods), I eat extremely healthy as is, I have tried cutting back to 1200 cals. I have tried South Beach. I have tried exercise. If you have never been more than 15 pounds overweight then you have no right to assume that you have magically chosen the right things and we have not. It isn't about being a size zero...I have no desire to be a size zero...or even a 2 or a 4 for that matter. I would love to be an 8 or a 10. If I could be a healthy, fit size 10, I would not seek to lose any more weight. We are not "stupid, stupid, stupid"...just deperate, desperate, desperate, not to look better as much to feel better. I am tired and I feel so gross. I hate it. If you haven't been here...please don't judge the measures we choose to take. Also, dont' assume we are tryiing to look like super models either.

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....all I need to say is that I am tired of having my skinny friends tell me all that they assume I must be doing wrong. I have tried it all the healthy, normal, approved ways. I have tried increasing cals (with healthy foods), I eat extremely healthy as is, I have tried cutting back to 1200 cals. I have tried South Beach. I have tried exercise. If you have never been more than 15 pounds overweight then you have no right to assume that you have magically chosen the right things and we have not. It isn't about being a size zero...I have no desire to be a size zero...or even a 2 or a 4 for that matter. I would love to be an 8 or a 10. If I could be a healthy, fit size 10, I would not seek to lose any more weight. We are not "stupid, stupid, stupid"...just deperate, desperate, desperate, not to look better as much to feel better. I am tired and I feel so gross. I hate it. If you haven't been here...please don't judge the measures we choose to take. Also, dont' assume we are tryiing to look like super models either.


I was referring to the diet as stupid, not the people who use it.


Not everyone is going to be skinny. I'm not. Most of the people I know aren't. That's just part of life and part of normal human variation. It completely sucks, in a society that puts so much emphasis on appearance and weight, but it's not worth hurting yourself to try to fit into some idealized and unrealistic view of what women are "supposed" to look like. If you're eating well and exercising, that's awesome and you should be incredibly proud of yourself, no matter what your pants size.

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I did a LOT of reading before jumping into the hCG. I have lost 30 pounds so far... and am rapidly approaching my round 1 goal.


I am taking the homeopathic pellets which are NOT illegal. Only the ones made in labs NOT approved by the FDA are illegal.


No one could do a 500 calorie diet and lose weight this fast, without hunger OR without going into "starvation mode." Starvation mode turns your body into a calorie hoarder... it won't let go of weight. The only way anorexics and bullemics continue to lose weight is by exercising like maniacs... forcing their bodies to not only shed fat, but muscle as well. They become weak and sick.


There are countless people who have used hhCG who have shed the same amount of weight as RX. There are people who have used both the RX and hhCG who have lost the same or better on the homeopathic version. And, there are many, many people who jump to conclusions because they have not bothered ro read the books and studies surrounding the hCG diet program, let alone chatted with the vast numbers of people participating in it.


hCG is a tool, but it is not a cure. hCG has a higher percentage of people maintaining their weight loss vs. traditional diet & exercise. Mainly, I believe, because a good number of people have changed their attitudes towards food. hCG takes you through 3 main phases... weight loss, weight stabiliztion (understanding your BMR, getting the right calories, etc.), and weight maintenance (for me, that means balanced eating with lots of fresh veggies, fruits, lean proteins, a bit of fat, and some grains/sugars). To be successful, you have to weigh yourself, be accountable, and take corrective measures when necessary. If one becomes lazy about those three things, the weight will probably start coming back. If one is vigilant about those three things, one will probably succeed.


Unlike some, my family changed its attitude towards food FIRST. We were already doing things "right." Not perfect... but our diets were not abysmal anymore. The hCG came later.


I have seen my doctor. I have my fat loss monitored. I have *only* lost fat. I have not lost lean muscle. I do not have a gaunt appearance in my face... I look healthy, and according to my bloodwork yesterday, I am healthier than I have ever been.


Lastly, I will also add that I have lost weight through diet and exercise... in my mid-20's. I could only keep it off by exercising 2 hours a day/6 days a week (1hr. of cardio and 1 hr. of weights). I weighed 140 pounds at 5'5". As soon as I tried to go to a more moderate exercise routine... regardless of my caloric intake... the weight came back on. I gained 15 pounds and maintained around 155 until I got pregnant with my first baby. I gained 15 pounds with him, lost 20, and then gained 15 back -- while I was nursing full exclusively, on-demand. My diet was a normal diet. I wasn't overeating. I pretty much maintained a weight around 170 for the next 11 years. No matter if I exercised "moderately" and watched my calories... my body wanted to be at 170. It is a "set-point." In order for me to lose weight, I *must* change that set point. I believe the hCG is helping me do that.


I am almost into the 150's for the first time in 12+ years (I will be there tomorrow, I am pretty darn certain). And my parents, who were extremely concerned about my diet when I first explained it to them, read the materials I provided them and are now fully on-board.


I am excited. My children and husband are very proud... and I fully intend to be an hCG success, not just now... but throughout the maintenance phase as well.

Edited by LisaK in VA
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