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Would you give up all coffee while TTC?

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My one "vice" is a cup of coffee -just one!- a day.


Would you recommend giving it up while TTC? I don't drink anything else with caffeine really... no soda, no tea- other than the one cup of coffee a day, I drink mostly water and once in a while a glass of apple or orange juice, or milk.


Also, I take ibuprofen pretty regularly because of sciatica. Tylenol doesn't really help, I take the ibuprofen because it's an anti-inflammatory. Do I recall correctly that ibuprofen is okay in pregnancy up until the last trimester anyway and so would be okay to take as needed while TTC?


Thanks for your input. :)

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I don't think giving up coffee is necessary. If you are a usual drinker you might find that stopping your intake will constipate you.


Regarding the ibuprofen, I would talk to your OB and follow their recommendation. For my clients, I recommend they do not take it during pregnancy. There is varying information about taking it in the first and second trimester. Here is one info sheet that sites some studies:



Do you see a chiropractor?

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I gave it up once I had a + test. I know I am pg, by day 3 after conception so I am able to give it up very quick. I react very quickly to the hormone changes. I have had a + blood test 3 days after conception, to verify my dates (I had to know exactly when I got pg for genetic testing I wanted to have done).

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I don't think giving up coffee is necessary. If you are a usual drinker you might find that stopping your intake will constipate you.


Regarding the ibuprofen, I would talk to your OB and follow their recommendation. For my clients, I recommend they do not take it during pregnancy. There is varying information about taking it in the first and second trimester. Here is one info sheet that sites some studies:



Do you see a chiropractor?


Thanks... I will try to avoid ibuprofen from this point on. Sometimes just relaxing with a heating pad for a while works. I do go to a chiropractor once in a while, not regularly. I guess I could try the rest/heat and go see a chiro if it gets bad rather than taking meds!

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A really good PT helped me with my sciatica when no one else could. Her method involve building up the pelvic floor muscles to help align the body. She would also do some particular stretches on me that helped to loosen up my tight spots. I was in horrible sciatic pain and after a dozen PT appointments, I am almost completely out of pain. I stopped going around the holidays, and need to start up again.


I have had other PTs, massage therapists, that weren't any help because the wanted to treat just the sciatica, but by concentrating on the pelvic floor, she was able to give me results that no one else could.


My chiro could give me a bit of relief, but it was always fleeting....now I know it was because my muscles were week, misaligning my skeletal system.

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Well, I had to go to a fertility clinic to be able to have ds2 and they were fine with a couple cups of coffee every day. They were pretty picky about everything else and would have said no to the motrin.


However, I would absolutely get myself to a chiro to deal with that pain. That will only get worse with any pg. That is $$ well spent. I say that as someone who had to go through most of both my pregnancies with a hot pack down the back of my pants due to back pain.

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I'd try other ways of dealing with the sciatica and get it under control before TTC. No way would I give up coffee (I did cut back once I knew I was pg, but give it up? No way!), and avoid ibuprofen, which is not recommended in pg.

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No. Billions of women have drank some coffee during pregnancy, and I think we'd have some data if there was a measurable effect.


I can quit coffee without a headache, but I do lose a certain je nais se quoi if I don't drink it. I'm sure I'd get over that, but I tried it for two months, and every morning around 9 am, after I'd been at work for a couple hours, I started feeling really sorry for myself--that I didn't get a cup to sip during charting. I think happy vibes are good for pregnancy.

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I did, but I had other fertility problems, and I had read somewhere at the time that there was some study that said coffee drinkers had some slight bit more trouble ttc. That could well have been refuted in the ensuing 15 yrs. Coffee doesn't even affect me in the slightest as far as staying awake, but I just wanted to eliminate as many variables as possible.


If you don't have complicating issues and/or those studies ended up being bunk (hey, my latest Nutrition Action said coffee was practically health food, but it didn't address ttc issues, just Parkinson's and cancer) then I don't think I'd bother.

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Unless you have particularly extenuating circumstances, I wouldn't worry about one cup of coffee a day while TTC. Even during pregnancy, one cup of coffee is allegedly safe, IIRC. (I'm not a coffee drinker and don't drink much caffeine anyway, so on the rare occasions that I do drink caffeine during pregnancy, I don't worry about it.)


I also wouldn't worry about the ibuprofen while TTC, except for the week right before your period is expected. If you conceived that cycle, that's the week the baby would implant and could be affected. It's not a risk I would take early in the first trimester, nor in the third; in the second, it would really depend on the situation. When I was pg with my second baby, at around 11 or 12 weeks, I developed an inflammation of my chest wall. It was painful and actually made it so I really couldn't eat very well. I went to my regular doctor, who did an EKG and made the diagnosis. He specifically said I needed an anti-inflammatory to bring the swelling down and to consult my midwife about whether Advil or Aleve was the safer drug. I can't remember which the midwife decided was safer, but it was for the inflammation, not the pain, so Tylenol would have done nothing. But a couple of doses did do the trick, and the baby was just fine. I'd talk to your midwife/OB and see what he/she recommends, and I'd also look for a good chiropractor.

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Would you recommend giving it up while TTC?


Heck NO!!! :D Not if you love it!!!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE my morning mug of coffee. Ironically, it was my 'not' loving it that gave it away that i was pregnant! I couldn't drink it one morning and thought how odd. Next morning same thing. By the third morning I took a test and it was positive. Couldn't handle coffee till I was about 6 month pregnant.

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Heck NO!!! :D Not if you love it!!!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE my morning mug of coffee. Ironically, it was my 'not' loving it that gave it away that i was pregnant! I couldn't drink it one morning and thought how odd. Next morning same thing. By the third morning I took a test and it was positive. Couldn't handle coffee till I was about 6 month pregnant.


lol...that was my one of my very first symptoms when I was pregnant with my son, too. One morning, I woke up, thought about going to make my morning coffee, and the very THOUGHT of it made me feel nauseous. For the next 15 weeks straight, I couldn't stand the idea (let alone the smell) of coffee. After 15 or 16 weeks had passed and I no longer felt queasy every day, I started having occasional cups of coffee again.

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My one "vice" is a cup of coffee -just one!- a day.


Would you recommend giving it up while TTC? I don't drink anything else with caffeine really... no soda, no tea- other than the one cup of coffee a day, I drink mostly water and once in a while a glass of apple or orange juice, or milk.


Also, I take ibuprofen pretty regularly because of sciatica. Tylenol doesn't really help, I take the ibuprofen because it's an anti-inflammatory. Do I recall correctly that ibuprofen is okay in pregnancy up until the last trimester anyway and so would be okay to take as needed while TTC?


Thanks for your input. :)


I had a migraine during my first trimester with my last one and couldn't take ibuprofen. So I don't think it is good anytime. :001_smile:


However I still drank my coffee in the morning. I didn't give that up!

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I don't think giving up coffee is necessary. If you are a usual drinker you might find that stopping your intake will constipate you.


NOW, I find that out.


I was a serious caffeine addict ( pot of coffee all morning and soda in the afternoon.). We are TTC, So, I gradually switched coffee to decaf, decreased soda, and started drink non-caffeinated tea. It definitely gave me tummy trouble. I thought my thyroid was out of whack, again.


If I could stop at one cup, I'd do regular coffee. But I can't. So, decaf it is.

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