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Anyone multi-tasking . . . right now . . . as you read this?

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Personally, I don't even believe in multi-tasking and giving 100 per cent. to all the tasks involved. You know, for me anyway. But here I sit . . .


Doing my Latin hmwk, listening to my Emiliana Torrini station on Pandora, **enjoying** a square of dark (72 per cent.) with a cup of caffix, and keeping an eye on you guys.


I wonder which one I'll remember later . . . probably the chocolate, maybe the pie.


sigh . . .


arO Are AvI Atus

cEnseO cEnsEre cEnsuI cEnsus

cingO cingere cInxI cInctus

colO colere coluI . . .


Yeah, probably the chocolate.

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I rarely do anything without multitasking.


I just finished eating a bowl of tomato and red pepper bisque while hanging out here.


At this exact moment, I am blocking out dd4s watching of the same Barney Episode for the 6th time. She is sick and curled up on the couch. I want her to stay curled up, because she is VERY, VERY grumpy. Seriously, we have Netflix so there are almost unlimited shows she could be watching, and she navigates Netflix with ease, so she knows what is on there. But no, today.....it is the same episode over, and over, and over....:confused:

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I'm chatting with my mom on the phone, on here, and watching An Idiot abroad. While chatting I also checked the weather in Florence, AZ for my upcoming camping trip. At least the week preceding should be dry and it'll have warmed up to highs in the 70's and lows in the 40's...hopefully that will continue through the week I'm there camping.

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