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Do you play a musical instrument?

Do you play a musical instrument?  

  1. 1. Do you play a musical instrument?

    • Yes, I play one or more instruments regularly
    • I sometimes dabble in one or more instruments
    • I don't play any instrument
    • Other

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I play clarinet and piano, just for fun.


I learned piano at a very young age. Never took lessons but all 5 of my brothers and sisters played, as did my mother, aunt, uncle and grandfather. I've never been particularly good but I kind of like that. No expectations, pure pleasure.


I started clarinet in 4th grade and played in orchestras and bands all through high school and most of college. Now I buy the sheet music that has the accompaniment tracks on CD and play for fun.

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I play piano...started lessons when I was 4 years old. Took all the way through college and then got a music degree. :)


Over the years I have played for churches, weddings, taught piano lessons, taught music at a private Christian school, and also play for fun. :)

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Took up fiddling as an adult. I take lessons from my daughter's teacher. At the moment we have one violin but we very much look forward to having two so we can play together!


I have taken piano but had a hateful, mean teacher and ended up quitting. I was pretty sad for a while b/c I really wanted to learn to play. When we found my daughter's violin teacher I really like her but I didn't want to play the violin. When my daughter switched to fiddle, I fell in love and have been playing since August.


I !!!*L*O*V*E*!!! playing fiddle! I even love to practice!

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I took piano and clarinet lessons as a child, and taught myself some guitar.


But what stuck was the recorder. My dad started me out and I taught myself the rest of what I know from books. It's a silly little tootling instrument, I know (though some can play it beautifully at a professional level), but I love playing it now and then. I'm just a hobbyist, but it's nice to be able to sit down with a music book and play some songs for an hour when I want to.

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I started learning clarinet in high school, but the teacher would use our instruments to demonstrate :ack2: so I gave that up pretty quickly.


If I was a lady of leisure with more money than I knew what to do with, I'd learn the celesta. I discovered that a few years ago, and now have a thing about it. No idea where you buy them, how much they cost, and if it is even possible to find a teacher, but I'm not a wealthy lady of leisure so the answers don't matter. :)



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and recently started learning the mountain dulcimer.


My dad bought a hammer dulcimer as an adult. He only dabbled in it, though. Is that the same thing? That is a beautiful instrument!


Took up violin as an adult and love it!


I've thought about learning violin. I so enjoy hearing it played. Don't know if I can invest the time into that, though.

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My dad bought a hammer dulcimer as an adult. He only dabbled in it, though. Is that the same thing? That is a beautiful instrument!


The mountain dulcimer is smaller and held on the lap. It has four strings and strummed or picked. There are a few dulcimer players on this board I have discovered.

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This question is perfectly timed for me, just today I arranged to rent a clarinet for myself. I pick it up from the music store on Wednesday!


I played from 4th grade through high school and then also during 2 years of college. Over the last few months I realized I had been missing it...and that kind of makes me feel like I'm going through a mid-life crisis, seeking out things I did in high school. :lol:

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Technically, I know how to play the flute, violin and mandolin. Realistically, I haven't played any of them in a loooooooong time. Right now, with my kids at their young ages and trying to get a solid handle on this whole homeschooling thing, I've really let practice take a backseat seat. Someday (ah yes, the elusive someday:glare:) I'll buckle down again.

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I took 7 years of violin as a child and took some casual group piano lessons in college. I play violin with my 6 year old daughter and a little piano with my 10 yo son every day when they practice. It's so fun! I love music in our house. It's a huge part of our homeschool. :nopity:

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As Jack Black told Phineas on Take Two, if playing an instrument means to get sound out of it, then I can play them all. :D


I started piano at 4 and quit in middle school - we had to switch teachers because my eclectic and weird, but likable one moved and I did not like my new one. I wish I hadn't quit though. I leaned the clarinet in grade school and played that and piano in the school band in 4th-6th grade. I can still play both, the piano much better than the clarinet, and would love to take lessons for either again. I also would love to learn to play drums.

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Over the last few months I realized I had been missing it...and that kind of makes me feel like I'm going through a mid-life crisis, seeking out things I did in high school.


Well, that beats the heck out of pouring yourself into a pair of Jordache jeans and feathering your hair!


(...or maybe that's just my high school...:leaving:)

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Poll coming: Do you play one or more musical instruments? For pleasure or in some performance or teaching capacity? Did you learn as a child or take it up as an adult?


I used to play the clarinet and bass clarinet (from grade 5-12 in school and then a semester in college). But not since my jaw surgery... too uncomfortable. I miss playing.

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I'm a professional-level recorder player, semi-professional pianist/harpsichordist and play a slew of other things just for the fun of it. I started piano at age 7 and recorder at age 9. Used to teach a ton, but since DD7 arrived I've only had a few students here and there. We moved a year ago and right now I'm just doing a free weekly class for kids from our synagogue. FUN!!!!!!!!!!

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I am a professional harpist. Although I scaled back my schedule a good bit just before my DS18mo's arrival, I still perform occasionally, and still have students. I also play the piano, and have taught piano in the past. And I studied organ, although I haven't played one in many years. I would have had piano lessons anyway, but started when I was 5 after a harpist told me to take piano until I grew a little bigger. I started harp when I'd grown a little bigger. :)

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I played trumpet from 5th grade through 12th grade, and have only touched it once or twice since then. I was a huge band geek--I marched in drum & bugle corps all summer and my high school band was one of the top in our state. So other--I used to play all the time, but not anymore.

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I put "other" because I used to- I played violin as a teen.


Today, I would never in a million years be able to remember how to play it, or even how to read sheet music.


You would think that reading sheet music was the kind of thing where once you knew it, you knew it forever, right? Not so. It's apparently a "use it or lose it" type of thing.

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