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S/O moving thread: How do you pack so fast?

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Many of you said you could be ready to move in about 3 days. How?!?! It takes me forever to pack to move. Even if the kids spent the days away from home, I don't think I could be done in 3 days - probably more like a week. We have a lot of stuff in our house, but we only have 1,500 sq. ft of living space, so it's not as much as some folks.


So share with me how ultra-quick packing works for you, please.

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Perhaps it's 3 days after they had 5 garage sales or tossed 3/4 in the dumpster.

I have to think about this now and it's going to take a LOT longer than 3 days!

So if anyone has some wisdom to share, please do :bigear:

Edited by Liz CA
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When I had to clean out my bedroom, 2 other closets and 1 piece of furniture in my living room (to prepare for the exterminator for the bedbugs), it took DH and I the entire day, working flat out, with the kids at g'ma's house.


I cannot IMAGINE how packing to move could take less than a couple of weeks. And I don't have a lot of stuff; just the normal amount one accumulates after 18 years of marriage.

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I can pack in about 5 days now. This is what I did when we moved 6 years (and 4 dc) ago:


Day 1: everything off of walls, knickknacks, pictures, all unnecessary books, toys


Day 2: clothes (left on hangers) or in drawers (we just wrapped the dressers)


Day 3: linens, closets (what was left), start kitchen


Day 4: finish kitchen; schoolroom


Day 5: furniture


The hardest part is the outside which takes my dh a full two days to pack up at least. I have my schoolbooks/supplies already in boxes rather than loose on shelves so that is easy enough. I also do not have much of anything that is "clutter" so there is no need for a yardsale or dump run (I hope!). Having moved many times in the last 14 years and helped many of my friends move (for whom it took at least 3 weeks to just pack their houses!) I determined to be as minimalist as possible and to have what I do own kept in such a way that it is easy to pack up.


I should also add that I work like the dickens. My family knows to stay out of the tornado's way when I get going even if it just simple home chores! It's kind of dangerous to be around me when I'm packing, lol.

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I also do not have much of anything that is "clutter" so there is no need for a yardsale or dump run (I hope!). Having moved many times in the last 14 years and helped many of my friends move (for whom it took at least 3 weeks to just pack their houses!) I determined to be as minimalist as possible and to have what I do own kept in such a way that it is easy to pack up.



:iagree: Yes. This.


We've moved several times in the past 10 years.


The upside about moving so often is you DON'T have a lot of clutter or stuff. When you have to pay to move it across the country you start to think about each item. "Do I really *need* that?


We've had our house packed by movers and we've packed it ourselves. Movers are definitely faster, because they have no emotional attachment to the items.


They're also not thinking, "Hm. What room will I want this in in the new place?" They instead think, "Grab it. Put it in the box. Grab that. Put it in the box." :D

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I've not lived longer than 3.5 years in the same house as an adult. I've got packing down to a science. Since we move so often there is very little clutter to clear out.


We've been in this house almost 18 months. It is time for me to go through everything with the love it or toss it mentality.

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I live in a cracker box and we moved here only 6 months ago, so not too much to pack.


We started married life 8 years ago in a studio apartment and have moved 4 times since, all to apartments. There hasn't been time or space for much to accumulate.


ETA: Oh, I forgot about (i.e. blocked out?) the bedbugs episode of 2008. We had bedbugs once, too. So that was another clear-out of the bedroom, at least.

Edited by JennyD
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I haven't had to move us in awhile since the Navy pays for our moves.... but.....


I can pack and be ready in 3 days.


Pre-pack / Day 0: We eat on paper and make sure all the laundry is DONE.


Day 1: Pack suitcases and carry-on luggage (OR if it is a local move) pack 1 day of stuff-- you now are only allowed to use the stuff in suitcases. Pack the kitchen, dining room, living room, & homeschool room, & take everything off the walls and package. ** this is a LONG day and kids are NOT invited to be around **


Day 2: Pack bedrooms, laundry room, and all closets. Dh packs the garage.


Day 3: Move everything out.


Now, there is usually a Day 4 in that I clean the house on that day. But I don't call that "moving", I more call that clearing housing (even when it is a rental).


Oh, and I shocked the heck out of my neighbors when we moved here. I was unpacked and everything put away in less than 48 hours. Mind you, I still had dishes to wash and put away, but they were unpacked.



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Perhaps it's 3 days after they had 5 garage sales or tossed 3/4 in the dumpster.

I have to think about this now and it's going to take a LOT longer than 3 days!

So if anyone has some wisdom to share, please do :bigear:

Start going through every closet, drawer, cupboard, under bed area and attic/basement with contractor bags in hand. Ask the question, "Do I really want to move this to the new house?" Imagine yourself tire and overworked hauling one more box into the new place. Do you really want to move that? Is it faster, easier, cheaper just to buy a new on if you ever decide you need another? Once you do that a bit ruthlessly you may find that there isn't much left to pack.

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The last time we moved, we packed in a few days. We purchased sturdy moving boxes that were small enough to be handled easily. I had an apron with pockets where I held packing tape, scissors, stickers, and markers. As soon as I'd pack a box, I'd seal it and mark it. That made things go quite quickly. I also kept a large trashbag nearby to toss trash. When it was full, it was immediately closed, put in the garage and a new one brought out. I guess it was like factory work. Everything moved along quite easily.


Also, I packed alot during the day and evening. It was my main priority. I am not one to sit around in boxes waiting for moving day. I want it all over very quickly. It only takes me a couple of days to unpack everything too. The boxes are all neatly organized and labeled so they are put into the appropriate rooms as soon as they are moved into the house. The furniture was set up the way we wanted it as it was moved into the house. All we needed to do was unpack stuff and put it directly into cabinets, dressers, closets and on shelves.


The time before that, my youngest was 8 months old and my middle was 14 months old. I was still able to pack quickly. They were always busy playing with their things and didn't get underfoot. I guess I was just lucky! :)

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So share with me how ultra-quick packing works for you, please.


Coming back again (child crisis didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would :glare:).....


Packing tips:


1) Clear out trash and donation stuff. Anything that isn't going, remove it. Clean your house before you start!!!


2) Plan your pack.

~ Like an other poster said, have your scissors, tape, Sharpie, and what-not on hand. She suggested an apron, I just use my pants. The tape gets taped to my leg, the scissors get shoved into my butt pocket, and the Sharpie goes in my other butt pocket but usually ends up stuck in my hair.

~ Stuff: get your boxes. There is nothing worse than having to send your dh out to _purchase_ boxes 'cause you ran out :001_huh:.


L (living room)

K (kitchen)

Ky (Kyler's room)

MBR (Master)

You should get the point.

~ Start at the worst. Start with the hardest and most time consuming rooms. For me that is the Homeschooling area and the Kitchen. Normally the kitchen will take me 3 hours if I do it alone. The HS area will take 2 hours alone. I try to be done by lunch. Then everything else is down hill.


3) Get rid of distractions and have "entertainment". No chatting, no explaining, "go watch a movie kids" or "go play outside" but no distractions. As for entertainment.... I always purchase a new audiobook just for the pack out. I can ONLY listen to it while I pack.


4) On the days you are actually PACKING and MOVING, have lunch provided. Either send someone or order something OR have it already ready in the 'fridge. But, stop only 15-30 minutes for the meal and while you are eating NO PACKING. Dinner is usually Dh taking the kids out and they take 45 minutes away from the house and return with my meal (my preferred way of dealing with it).



Hope that helps some.... I'm sure there are more things you can do to help you.... but I can't think of 'em at the moment! LOL, hopefully someone else will post ideas for you!



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We just don't have much stuff. I could do it in 3 days easy, and probably one day with another couple of adults and no dc under foot.


I will pack everything we don't need right now over the next couple of weeks, though. I packed most of the books and Christmas dishes last night. Each child's room has a bed, dresser, and 2-3 Rubbermaids of toys/belongings. The clothes will stay in the dressers, except what I pack in their bags for the actual move. I can fit everything in the closets in two wardrobe boxes (and pack shoes in the bottom - only dh has more than 2 pairs.)


I get rid of clutter on a regular basis because I can't stand it. That helps the most. My biggest challenge is my 12yo, who collects stuff. He can't bear to throw anything out or get rid of anything, so I will have to send him away for a day to clear out his room and shed.

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I think like a packer - grab it, wrap it, pack it. Don't think. Don't get sentimental. Just do it.


I can do it in about a week, with a 3 year old underfoot. It's not fun, it's not easy, but it can be done. When we moved here last summer I had too much. I'm sorting now and trying to pare down so that it won't take too long next time (and there will be a next time, unfortunately).

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I think like a packer - grab it, wrap it, pack it. Don't think. Don't get sentimental. Just do it.





Since the question was how quick you could move, this is what I was imagining. If it was absolutely necessary, we could pack up the house and move it two days. It would just be two entire days of non stop packing. Eat out, wear the same clothes each day, few breaks, non stop packing.


We don't have an abundance of clutter, I like clean surfaces and few knickknacks. And it just doesn't take an entire day to get stuff off the walls, kwim?


Now, if I were realistically moving, with a non rushed timetable, I would ideally spend a week packing and then move that weekend. That would give me plenty of time to clean, sort, goodwill, etc. I'd break the house into sections and go from there. One day on the kitchen/office area, one day on the master bedroom/bathroom, one day on the living room/hall closets, one day on the kids bedrooms, one day on the garage/attic/shed.


That would give me plenty of time to cook and shower :)

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Another thing is to engage your friends. Now I didn't have them help me pack, but they helped take loads for donations. My general rule of thumb is if you help me haul it away you can take whatever you want from the pile and I'll love you forever.


Another friend came and took all the food we didn't want to move. She came over with one little box and I sent her home with about four. Spices, dry goods, everything I didn't want to move.

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