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Teachers Lounge! 1-25-2011

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Warning: The moderator for this thread has a virus which causes her to hack up a lung along with parts of her sternum now and then. Therefore, you have two options today, along with answering her questions:


1)Ignore any body parts that fly by at high speed velocity, or

2)Feel free to catch said body parts with any nets or sports gloves you have handy and report your catch to the moderator. Thanks.


What's for lunch today? Me: not sure yet but I'm definitely ordering delivery!


What's throwing off your schedule today? Me: see above. :tongue_smilie:


How are you helping someone else today? Me: we're giving our futon, with mattress, to a family who needs a bed for their 11yo boy. My dd12 is glad it's going as she'll now have more room on her half of her bedroom!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Sorry you aren't feeling well. :grouphug:


Lunch: cheeseburgers (leftover from the other night) and spicy kale.


Throwing me off today: I have errands to run that I would have saved for later in the week, but there is a chance of some iffy weather coming in overnight and I want to play it safe.


As for the helping someone else, I guess that would be looking up some info online that my grandmother asked me to find. She has bought two computers and given both away after deciding that they just aren't for her. Now she calls one of her kids or grandkids when she wants us to find information online.:D

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Lunch: leftover spaghetti.


Throwing me off today: Using tractor and 11yo son to unsuccessfully pull 4wheel drive car out of ditch at the end of our driveway. No damage, no one hurt. Ended up leaving it there for husband to take care of :>).


As for the helping someone else: Called someone who needed encouragement.


Happy Homeschooling!

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What's for lunch today? Grilled Cheese & Tomato Soup


What's throwing off your schedule today? Ds throwing up since 3am :glare:


How are you helping someone else today? I'm having my two soccer teams over tonight for early registration so that they don't have to deal with the crowd on Saturday at the sporting goods store.

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What's for lunch today? Homemade chicken noodle soup with lots of stock and corn and noodles and lovely tender chicken with a loaf of Italian bread.


What's throwing me off? Felix The Cat, who got into the homemade chicken noodle soup with lots of stock and corn and noodles and lovely tender chicken. He left the Italian bread alone.


I guess I'll help my children by not killing Felix.

Edited by Remudamom
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Lunch: cereal (I'm tired.....it's the best I could do)


Throwing me off: my parents bought me, and just dropped off, a Nook. How am I supposed to do anything besides play with it?


Helping someone else: I made ds his lunch to take to tutorial today. So, he will not starve and that will be helpful to him;)

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What's for lunch today? Me: Potatoes and broccoli with cheese. M1: Leftover hot dog followed by leftover southwestern corn soup and crackers (followed by who knows what... I'm sure he's not done)


What's throwing off your schedule today? Fatigue. I can't seem to wake up today.


How are you helping someone else today? Picked up some extra snacks at the store to take to M2's class for those days when she or one of her classmates forgets a snack.

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1pm here:

Lunch: leftover chicken w/ veggies

Throwing me off today: big migraine type headache that appeared about one hour ago.

How I helped others: I took a new friend to the library to find some materials to teach her English. She's new to the country and doesn't speak English.

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I finally just ordered Pizza Hut pizza along with a 2ltr of Pepsi and some cinnamon sticks. I don't have the energy or the care to try to save money and make something at home today. Now that lunch is over, I may very well take a Benadryl and hope to catch up on some sleep I missed last night.

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I didn't exactly have lunch. I got up really late; the problem with good books is that you stay up late reading them when you should be sleeping!


So I had "brunch" at 11. Scrambled eggs with chorizo, cheese, scallions, red pepper and a dollop of sour cream.

What's throwing me off today? We are supposed to be working on linking verbs, but Bailey has forgotten what a verb is. I've explained verb in every possible way it can be explained and she's staring at me like I'm from another planet. This isn't a new thing. We've covered verbs before! I'm trying not to have a heart attack.

How am I helping someone else today? I'm TRYING to help Bailey understand Verbs!

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Lunch - probably a salad


Throwing me off - nothing really. I'm on schedule, so far


Helping someone - This is way out of my comfort zone but I'm going down to the local elementary school to try and schedule a speech evaluation for my dd - even though I get clammy palms just thinking about it. . .


I hope you feel better soon! And how do you want me to ship this bronchial tube I captured?

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Sorry you're feeling poorly. I am just getting over the "hack up a lung" cough. It's nasty.


For lunch, dd had tuna; I had hummus and chips.


My schedule is ok so far, but I'm beside myself with excitement over our upcoming trip to Chicago!


I'm giving a very nice chair and ottoman to someone from church who needs furniture, and I connected a friend who's looking to give away a sofa with a coworker who needs furniture. I'm a furniture coordinator this week, I guess.

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I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I e-mailed my son's tap teacher to tell her he wouldn't be in class today, and she replied that she is sick, too. Yuck.


What's for lunch today? I had oatmeal with raisins. My son is still sipping a Sprite, because it's pretty much all he can get down.


What's throwing off your schedule today? Sick kiddo.


How are you helping someone else today? Huh. I feel like a slouch, because I can't think of anything specific I'm doing right now. I am working this week on helping our church youth group (including my sick son) plan a variety show to benefit Standing on the Side of Love. But I'm not doing much with that today.


Sending healthy thoughts . . .

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Lunch: Me, today's food is millet and pigeon. (Most people call it squab so they can pretend they are not eating pigeon. I have worse food days, and I did get allergy free chocolate chips, so it's OK, I just call it pigeon.) The kids got organic mac and cheese (reasonably priced on base, too expensive in normal stores.)


Throwing off schedule: The normal problem of cooking 5 meals a day because of my allergy food.


Helping someone: My apraxia student is supposed to come today, but they are behind so may cancel. He's been doing really well, though, so he will be OK if they skip a lesson this week, it is starting to all fall into place and his mom is now able to do most things with him on her own, I'm just working on really advanced things with him now.

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Thanks, all, for your replies and well wishes.


Jean, just hang on to it for now. There may be more headed your way!


Now, since I finally took a second Benadryl, I'm going to tell my daughter to get done what she thinks needs to get done this afternoon and I'm going to attempt to nap!

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