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If you really really really needed a quiet place to work/study, where would you go?

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I'm used to working at the university library, but they've minimized the hours between semesters and aren't open at all on the weekend. The public library has a great study room, but it's closed on Sundays and even they have decreased hours due to budget cuts. On top of that, this is a holiday weekend!

If you needed a "study room" -- say from 9-midnight -- where would you go?

I'm too distracted at home. Of course there are children and laundry and pets and a thousand other things vying for my attention. Even when they're quiet, dh is watching the news . . .

Any suggestions appreciated!


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I have to papers to write this weekend :( I plan on holing myself up in my room. This happens to be where my desk is as well so it works out.

I am fortunate that my kids are old enough that they know I need left alone to write.

With littles, and if your DH is around to watch them, I would say either Barnes and Nobles or Starbucks. they both have ambient noise, but since none is directed at you, it may be ok.

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I'd probably ask DH to turn off the TV or use headphones for the weekend. It's crunch time, so that's a reasonable request.


But an alternative might be Starbucks coupled with those sponge ear stops.


Thinking outside the box, do you have access to a church building? They tend to be dead quiet when there are no services going on, and maybe you could camp in the office for a few hours. Alternatively, do you know someone with a business office that you could sit in for a few hours each day? Again, those tend to be dead quiet when they are not open for business.


I work in an office building that is extremely quiet on weekends. Sometimes the whole family goes over there to watch a movie in AC on a weekend night during the summer, as we don't have it at home. It's amazing how quiet it is.

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I have the same problem. Our library is only open 5 days a week and only for about 8 hours a day those days, never when I need it (closed mornings, evenings, and Sundays).


Find a Starbucks or B&N that works for you. Try different ones as each has its own clientele and personality. The Starbucks near DD's preschool is really noisy and boisterous, while the one near our house is more subdued. Some B&Ns here have blocked the electrical outlets so that computers can't be plugged in for hours on end, while others still have them open (it was an issue with college students taking over, I think).


I'll be listening here to see if anyone has better ideas - I could use them too!

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Don't laugh, but I go to the bathroom.


Someone from work said my house is has awful echos <giggle>. If they only new what it took to find privacy in my house. :D



My husband does this when he has to finish paperwork at home. He turns the shower on low, and that bathroom becomes nearly soundproof!:001_smile:

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My pattern when studying for exams: the library until they close, then Panera until they close, then over to the little coffee shop by campus. The cafe at B&N or Borders would work, too, except that people tend to chat loudly there. For online exams, I barricade myself in the bedroom with enough food and drink that I don't have to leave.

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Non-chain coffee shops are usually good. It depends on the night and location, but it's usually quiet at our Panera until closing at 10. Even though they aren't open late, I prefer smaller library branches for quiet studying or work.


Some grocery stores that are open late actually have nice little deli areas with seating that are away from the shoppers. If you can find a Subway or other sandwich (or even pizza) place that has more seating than the usual little strip of booths, they're not too bad as it gets later as long as it's not the weekend.

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I'm used to working at the university library, but they've minimized the hours between semesters and aren't open at all on the weekend. The public library has a great study room, but it's closed on Sundays and even they have decreased hours due to budget cuts. On top of that, this is a holiday weekend!

If you needed a "study room" -- say from 9-midnight -- where would you go?




Are you sure there isn't a dark nook at the back of a sub-library at the U? I used to rotate from the law lib to the engineering lib to the geology lib. I found I really liked the dark corners.


I have also studied in my car.

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I used to go to a local coffee house. Even when the baby was sleeping, I would find myself thinking about the laundry and dishes and tomorrow's dinner when i was at home. At the coffee house, full of students with textbooks and laptops, it was fairly quiet. I could settle in with a tall coffee and a HUGE cookie and before i knew it, it was midnight and my work was done.

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No new ideas, but I just wanted to add that the only time I felt the urge to clean bathrooms or do the dishes is when I had to study for a subject that I wasn't particularly interested in. For some tests, I could study at home. For others, it was imperative that I found a place with no laundry to do or toilets to clean.

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I would think about 24 hour places and start visiting and looking for corners.


The main lobby at a hospital (not the ER, the front entrance by the doctor's offices) When pacing through hospitals at night, I am always amazed at how peaceful the lobby seems, when the ER is in chaos.


The seating area in a grocery store-There are leather couches and tables in the stores here with Starbucks. At one store I go to, there is an older couple who come in and watch movies on their laptop LOL.


Gym/Tennis club/Golf club-ours had WiFi and many students studied in the main lobby while waiting for parents.

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