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Help with withdrawal symptoms from anti-depressants

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I just stopped taking Cymbalta after a few months on it. I was prescribed another (Pristiq) but it was horrible. This was over the weekend and I haven't talked to my dr. She hasn't returned my calls. :glare: I've been off the med for a couple days now. Each day I feel worse. Dizzy, tired, "loopy" feeling, forgetful (short term memory), can't drive b/c everytime I turn my head I get dizzy and feel faint. I am way irritable...too irritable even for me. I screamed at my 2yo! I never scream at my kids anymore! Will this all stop soon? What can I do to ease the symptoms? I can't be a good parent like this. My ds9, if you read the special needs board, was just hospitalized at a mental health facility. He needs me to be 100% and I'm not! But, I want off the drugs. Wasn't working anymore anyway like I wanted it to. So, does anybody have any experience stopping an anti-depressant? Any advice? Thanks.

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Is it possible to go back on a lower dose, then taper more slowly? If you're taking tablets, you may be able to cut them in half, in fourths, etc. Antidepressants can be a pain to go off of; hang in there! Keep calling your doctor, and maybe ask the pharmacist in the meantime if you can take half a pill or something.



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So sorry, Sue! I am not a doctor, but I would take a half dose of the Cymbalta for a few days to a week, then cut down to a quarter dose for several days before stopping the medication. I hope your doctor call back soon. Until then, I would go ahead and take a half dose of the Cymbalta if you have any on hand. :grouphug:

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I just stopped taking Cymbalta after a few months on it. I was prescribed another (Pristiq) but it was horrible. This was over the weekend and I haven't talked to my dr. She hasn't returned my calls. :glare: I've been off the med for a couple days now. Each day I feel worse. Dizzy, tired, "loopy" feeling, forgetful (short term memory), can't drive b/c everytime I turn my head I get dizzy and feel faint. I am way irritable...too irritable even for me. I screamed at my 2yo! I never scream at my kids anymore! Will this all stop soon? What can I do to ease the symptoms? I can't be a good parent like this. My ds9, if you read the special needs board, was just hospitalized at a mental health facility. He needs me to be 100% and I'm not! But, I want off the drugs. Wasn't working anymore anyway like I wanted it to. So, does anybody have any experience stopping an anti-depressant? Any advice? Thanks.


You are going thru classic withdrawal symptoms. You really need to taper off the drug first before going cold turkey. Please see a doctor as it could be up to 4-6 weeks of withdrawal symptoms and it does get worse.

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Yes, yes. Taper. Slowly. Get a pill cutter. Start slowly -- half a pill one day, 3/4 the next, for a few days. Then go to just a half, then rotate half and a quarter dose for a few days. Then just a quarter. Then a quarter every other day.


And be prepared. It is painful to come off depression meds. You will feel dizzy, disoriented, etc. You may feel "brain zaps," which only those who have felt them can relate to the term.


It gets better, but it is not easy.


Asking gently -- is now the best time to go off meds? Is another med a possiblity? (I am on Lexapro, and it is very helpful). Hope your doctor calls back SOON. Good luck.

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I agree with the above advice!! Those withdrawal symptoms are horrendous. I hope you have (or are able to get) a prescription soon so you can taper off. Once you take it again it doesn't take too long to feel "normal" again. I think when I did the same thing I went to bed sick and woke up feeling much better after taking the med the night before!:grouphug:

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So, I've not taken the Cymbalta since Wed. morning. of last week. I went off of that to take the Pristiq as dr. prescribed. Took that for 3 days. It got worse. Then I went off of the Pristiq. I've had nothing since Sat. night. I think I will have to go back on the Cymbalta...have some left...and talk to my dr. about tapering for now. If it were just me I had to take care of I could do the withdrawal cold turkey. But it's not. So I guess I'll have to do gradual. I have to be better. Thanks all.

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I had the same withdrawals when I came off Zoloft several years ago. It was horrible. I'm sorry you are dealing with it. I want to caution you about starting the Cymbalta back though. If there was a pretty good reason you switched, it might not be a good idea to go back on. Be careful.


I took Pristiq for 6 weeks and had HORRIFIC side effects. My family doctor prescribed it. When I started seeing a psychiatrist, she told me she had never, and would never, prescribe it. :tongue_smilie:

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I've been on Cymbalta for months. It was working fine with no major side effects. I just noticed that it wasn't as effective anymore...not really helping increase my mood. I figured why take something that wasn't even working, right? But, these withdrawal symptoms are horrific! I did take a pill tonight and am hoping to feel "normal" tomorrow. I'll call my psych then and figure out a wean sched.

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Sue, taper it very slowly. Take half for a week or so...you should never abruptly stop antidepressants because of the possible fatal side effects. Then you half that until you are down to nothing. You are in withdrawal from it. You will feel the tapering even if your doing it right, but it won't be so extreme for your body. I'm going to pray for your body to adapt better to this. Antidepressants can be life savers, but they are hard to come off sometimes. :grouphug:

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Please make a plan with your doctor.


I personally had such horrible withdrawel (although they technically call it "discontinuation syndrome") from Effexor, that I finally resigned myself that I will be on it the rest of my life.


This was after three different doctors and different plans. The longest I made it was 3 months, and it was getting worse not better as time went on. Honestly it was the worst thing I ever went through.


(Kind of a bummer though, no prescription coverage and Effexor is $175 per month in the US. :ack2:)


It's not something to mess around with. Don't stop them without a plan from your doctor.


ETA, temporarily, take some Benadryl. For some reason, I read that it helps, and it helped me a bit as well.

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I weaned off of Effexor XR one time and it was terrible. I gobbled down dramamine's to help with the dizziness. And the brain zaps were terrible.


Unfortunately, I tried another drug and it didn't work out, so I went back on the Effexor.


You cannot stop these drugs. Like everyone said, you have to wean slowly. Sometimes it can take up to a few months to do this.



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OMG! It's hard for me to believe anyone would try to quit anti-depressants cold turkey! :grouphug: :grouphug: That scares me senseless! More :grouphug: for you.


Weaning is always the best way. Withdrawals are the worst. I hope your doctor returns your calls... how unprofessional! :(

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Haven't read the other replies...(caveat: I am not a medical doctor. I'm a therapist.)


Did you stop abruptly or wean off gradually? Regardless, you can have the side effects that you describe for up to a month, but they should get better a bit at a time and go away altogether.


ETA: Read the other replies. Good advice about weaning gradually.

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I understand it's really important to taper off slowly. I was once on Effexor for 6 months, and the Dr tapered off like this:


Wk 1: 2 tablets per day

Wk 2: 1.5 tablets and 2 tablets on alternating days

Wk 3: 1.5 tablets per day

Wk 4: 1 tablet and 1.5 tablets on alternating days

Wk 5: 1 tablet per day

Wk 6: 0.5 tablet and 1 tablet on alternating days

Wk 7: 0.5 tablets per day

Wk 8: 0.5 tablets on alternating days


This worked incredibly well - I never had a single withdrawal symptom. I did have to switch from a slow release capsule type to a different form of the same meds that I could cut in half.


Hang in there...



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