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POLL: Music on blogs

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I hate when people add music to blogs, especially when I've forgotten to turn the computer volume down and the kids are both just asleep. Generally speaking though, I view it as an unwelcome intrusion and will usually choose not to visit that blog again.

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I really like having a player on a website that allows me to choose listening. Otherwise, it can be a bother when the music loads or blares out over other music I'm already listening to. Some blogs with music make my computer go crazy, lock up or cause errors. Since not all are built with the same blog tools or techniques I'd rather just not have music on a blog at all.




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The player on my blog is from projectplaylist.com, and when you are creating your list for a blog, you have the option for the music to start when the page loads or only if "Play" is pressed. I use the second option. I don't particularly mind when a blog has music playing. The mute button is close enough if needed.

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I find blogs with music take a long time to load. Also, I am usually listening to Pandora Radio or my own music on my computer, so if I come across a blog with music, I end up with dueling sounds and sometimes my computer (which is finicky anyway) freezes up. I just click away and make a mental note not to return to that site.



Generally speaking though, I view it as an unwelcome intrusion and will usually choose not to visit that blog again.
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I am a music lover. When I am writing a post, I am also thinking of songs that would add to or go with that post. It makes it funnier for some reason. I appreciate finding what others are inspired to put on their playlist due to what that post is about or what mood they are in that day. If you go to my blog, most of what you hear is 80's or christian. Mostly 80's. So be warned. :D I say rock on! dance006.gif

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I had music play on mine for about a day or so until I clicked on a blog that played music when I had something else playing already. It annoyed me so I changed mine, assuming it would annoy others.


I now have a button you can choose to push or not but when you arrive at my blog, it shouldn't be playing.

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I don't like music on blogs. It normally makes the load time painfully slow and 9 times out of 10, if I have to wait for the blog to load because of music, I won't bother reading. I guess I'm too impatient!


I wouldn't mind if a blog had a button that said, "If you want to listen to my music, click here." Then I have the option of listening or not. :)

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I had music play on mine for about a day or so until I clicked on a blog that played music when I had something else playing already. It annoyed me so I changed mine, assuming it would annoy others.


I now have a button you can choose to push or not but when you arrive at my blog, it shouldn't be playing.



I just figured out how to do the same thing with mine. Totally forgot it was an option. I don't mind the music, but yes it can be annoying if you already have something playing.

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I find it wildly annoying, regardless of how I feel about the music being played.


Same here. I get really crabby about random music on blogs or websites. I'm very sensitive to sound, and the last thing I want is someone controlling my aural environment via my very own computer. :glare:


[Yes! Post 1001! I'm no longer a gender-bending bee! ;)]

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I hate when people add music to blogs, especially when I've forgotten to turn the computer volume down and the kids are both just asleep. Generally speaking though, I view it as an unwelcome intrusion and will usually choose not to visit that blog again.


Ditto! I love music, but I'm often surfing when my kids are asleep. It might not stop me from coming back, but I'd prefer not to have the music.

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I dont mind at all. If I dont like it I turn the volume down..... The only time Im erked is when its a BLAST of music and it scares the bajeebers out of me.... other than that... to each his own with music and blogs...


I have a mix... and they are what I like and I guess tells a little about me too.... *Ü*

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I've been jarred by unexpected music before...and just clicked away to make. it. stop.


What I wish is that there was a function that would allow you to put a widget in the sidebar that would offer the *opportunity* to click and hear your host's songs of choice.


Anyone know of such an animal?

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I do find blog music to be an unexpected annoyance. Like Plaid Dad, I'm sensitive to sound. I feel assaulted, almost, when the music starts up without my permission. I love to see people's playlists, but would prefer to be able to choose whether I listen to it or not. I do love music, but I don't like clashing music and if there's already something else going, like iTunes, it's jarring to have unsolicited music start up.

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I hate it. I read most of my blogs through bloglines, so it really isn't a big deal. However, if I pop on over to the actual blog to leave a comment, it takes sooooo long to load (I'm still in the 20th century with dial-up). I don't particularly care for all the gadgets and gizmos people put on their blog. OK, so it's their blog, and they can do what they want, but it justs takes so long to load. I've been known to leave the blog before actually doing what I was there to do if it is taking so long with all the other stuff.

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I don't like visiting a site that has music playing. If there's an option, that's fine. But I do not like to enter a site and have their choice of music blaring at me. Nope. Don't like it at all.

Even with the option to mute..I hate having to hear it first THEN fumble around with how to make it stop.


And as someone else mentioned..I'm inclined to NOT visit that site/blog again.

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I never have cared much for music coming on suddenly from people's blogs. But, like I said, I've learned to find the off button. Also, unfortunately, I am more often assaulted by websites, not blogs.


Anyhooo, I went and changed the player on my blog. I've only got it up temporarily with themed music, but I regenerated the code with the player NOT starting automatically. Anyone wanting to be serenaded has the option, but no one is going to be blown out of their office chair.


There. I feel better.

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