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For WOMEN only...40+ changes

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So I turned 40 last summer and ever since there has been a change in my cycles...mostly in terms if PMS symptoms. They have gotten increasingly worse...the awful headaches, the bloating, the cramps, etc. And I have also noticed that mid-month when I am ovulating my breasts are so tender I can hardly wear a bra and holding my baby girl is painful.


Is this a normal part of 40+ life? Or is this something I need to see a doctor about? I guess I should mention that my cycles are still normal in terms if time and menopause typically starts in the mid-50's for the women in my family.


so what says Dr. Hive?

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I'm experiencing the same thing. Moodiness, cramps, bloating - all worse than I've ever experienced before. Last month I had such bad cramps I was worried about appendicitis (wrong side) or an ectopic pregnancy. :001_huh: I really hope it was a one time thing.


I recently had blood work done including hormone levels and I'm evidently NOT in perimenopause.

Edited by dottieanna29
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So I turned 40 last summer and ever since there has been a change in my cycles...mostly in terms if PMS symptoms. They have gotten increasingly worse...the awful headaches, the bloating, the cramps, etc. And I have also noticed that mid-month when I am ovulating my breasts are so tender I can hardly wear a bra and holding my baby girl is painful.


Is this a normal part of 40+ life? Or is this something I need to see a doctor about? I guess I should mention that my cycles are still normal in terms if time and menopause typically starts in the mid-50's for the women in my family.


so what says Dr. Hive?


Bloating can be a sign of something serious. Most likely just perimenopausal symptoms though. Women in general are going through the change earlier and earlier. I haven't had a cycle in 1 1/2 years and I'm only 45. Hormone level check confirms I'm done.


Are you having any hot flashes?

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I'm 39 and I've had the same things happen to me in the last year or so. My symptoms also including heavier bleeding sometimes. I had a routine exam last week and my doctor said my uterus was enlarged. She figures it is fibroids but we will probably do an ultrasound to be sure. Fibroids can cause more bloating and cramping than usual.

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So I turned 40 last summer and ever since there has been a change in my cycles...mostly in terms if PMS symptoms. They have gotten increasingly worse...the awful headaches, the bloating, the cramps, etc. And I have also noticed that mid-month when I am ovulating my breasts are so tender I can hardly wear a bra and holding my baby girl is painful.


Is this a normal part of 40+ life? Or is this something I need to see a doctor about? I guess I should mention that my cycles are still normal in terms if time and menopause typically starts in the mid-50's for the women in my family.


so what says Dr. Hive?


Welcome to the 40's. I will be 42 in April, and I've noticed the same thing. I know it's coming when I start to be annoyed by every.little.thing dh does, and then I burst into tears for really no reason whatsoever. I'm getting used to that. I was never that bad before I hit 40. The cramps are worse, the bloating, etc. I feel totally wiped out. I haven't been keeping track as well as I probably should, but my cycle seems to have speeded up a bit, like 24-25 days instead of 28 days. Horrible. At this point, I'm looking forward to menopause and the hot flashes.

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I've been going through perimenopause for years and years now but the breast tenderness and moodiness started three months ago, with the last month being HORRID. HORRID. If I go through another month like that emotionally, I will be going to the dr. I've also had drastic changes in my cycles for years but the past three months, even more so.


Everyone is different but my symptoms started before I hit 40 with the worsening of them a couple years ago.


I get severe bloating, too.

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Welcome to your 40's. I am 44 and this past year my pms has been off the wall. To the point where I started trying one of those pms pills. I can hear myself being crazy. I realize I am acting like the "Momster" that my kids like to call me and I can't stop. It is disconcerting to know you are being irrational and you can't seem to stop yourself. And the cramps! They have gotten worse with each passing year.


As for the tenderness-avoid caffeine the weeks before your period. It helps.

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I used to be that way. Plus my blood pressure seemed to spike during that time of the month. For someone with already high bp wasn't fun. My gyn put me on Nora-B bc pills which don't have a one week placebo. Stopped my period completely and I have no symptoms at all. I'm loving not having my periods. My gyn told me that as long as I was on bc couldn't go into menopause. She's also younger than me and for some reason, I'm don't buy that. Doesn't stop the wonderful night sweats.

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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The Terrible Tenderness was new to me this year, at 47. But bloodwork says I have not yet entered menopause, and I have the regular cycles to prove it. :glare:


Menopause can start at any age past 30, based on what I've heard. Or it might not hit until much later. How has it gone with your other female family members? That might give you a clue about what to expect for yourself.


Honestly, as much as it hurts, I'd rather endure the PMS pain if I could just have my pre-40 eyesight back. I really, really hate losing my near vision.

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I am not 40 yet. I just turned 37 but I experienced the same thing. My cycles were so wild. I went as far as 40 days.


Just this month, my cycle was close to 45 days. I used to be a very predictable 28 days.


Of course, I'm nursing and this month there has been an increase in nursing, so I assumed it was related, even though that never happened with any of the other three children. Now I'm wondering if it was something else.


I might add that I was unusually psychotic this cycle too.

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Honestly, as much as it hurts, I'd rather endure the PMS pain if I could just have my pre-40 eyesight back. I really, really hate losing my near vision.


I hear you...though my family would probably rather I stay half-blind and lose the PMS moodiness! I've never had bad vision and I cannot get used to wearing reading glasses. I hate them!!! I hardly ever read for pleasure anymore because the glasses are just uncomfortable to me. I've tried many different styles and designs, too. I guess it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks...


I suppose I'll get used to them eventually. Not really a choice, huh? LOL

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I'm coming to believe there must be a pre- premenopausal stage, and that the change can take many years.


My pms symptoms are so much more noticeable (I can't ignore them) but I don't want to try anything that may lead to other complications later and prolong the end of my periods. My mother was very happy when her cycles were over, and I hope to feel the same.


I do wish there was some way not feel the overall tiredness and irritation with ding-dongs.

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I'm quickly approaching 47. My last cycle started the first week of October and lasted 17 days :eek: I haven't had one since. At night I go from VERY hot to VERY cold. Over and over and over again. My flipping the covers off and on is driving dh crazy. I'm due for my yearly exam soon so I'm hopeful doc and I can straighten this out.

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Ah yes...the moodiness...I forgot to mention that I act like a psycho each month. :glare:


It sounds like this is just another one of the joys of being 40....great. I think I may look into some natural remedies for the symptoms especially the breast tenderness (which is unbearable) and the moodiness. It is making me miserable.


Any suggestions?

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I'm 45 and my cycle swings started when I was about 39 after I was done nursing my twins, but have gotten worse in the last 2 years. In the past year, I've had cycles as short as 16 days and as long as 36 days. Some months I'm psycho-mom and some months not. Vitamin B (12 I think?) helps for that.


I asked my doc about it several years ago, and she said pre-menopause symptoms can occur up to 7 years before your cycle actually stops. Fun stuff, huh?


As for natural remedies, I believe the book "What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause" (recommended in a previous post) includes natural remedies.


I haven't had the hot flashes yet, but it's been so cold here lately I think that's one thing I wouldn't mind. :tongue_smilie: I'd take them over loosing my near-vision, too.

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Ah yes...the moodiness...I forgot to mention that I act like a psycho each month. :glare:


It sounds like this is just another one of the joys of being 40....great. I think I may look into some natural remedies for the symptoms especially the breast tenderness (which is unbearable) and the moodiness. It is making me miserable.


Any suggestions?


First, :grouphug:. It's not easy to be 40 (I just got here in April)!


This might be of interest to you:




and maybe this, too:




Good luck, Heather. My ds2 is still nursing, but these issues may come to me, too, when he weans himself.

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