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Are you ever hesitant to admit you don't like a book?


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No- I have no problem saying I don't like it. I just dumped Water for Elephants - couldn't make it through the first chapter. I wasn't about to continue and waste my time after doing that last week with The Shack.


I did this with Water For Elephants but then they started filming the movie on my street and I thought, "Well, maybe I should read it because now I am going to want to see the movie." It ended up being one of my favorite books. Sometimes I wonder if the books I gave up on too soon were actually really great? :lol:

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It became famous, and seemingly decent folks would go on these tirades about how much they hated it, or, that they- would- never -read- it -because -Oprah- recommended- it -and -they- don't- read -something- just -because -everyone- else -is. The drama is sort of fun to watch. :)


I had to chuckle at this. I've been wanting to read Great Expectations lately. I was in a book store a few months ago chatting with the clerk about how I wanted to reread it, but maybe would read a Tale of Two Cities first. Before getting around to buying them, I saw that Oprah picked those same two titles! Talk about timing- now I refuse to read them. :tongue_smilie:

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This was a lady's Bible study book choice for my old church. Aargh!! If I wanted to read a romance novel, I'd just cop to it and read one, instead of pretending like this is better because it's supposedly Godly.


:iagree: Even the cover of that book looks like a trashy romance novel. What audience are you trying to reach there? :glare:

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Nope. I wonder what is wrong with them. :D


People have such different tastes in books, that I don't worry about whether most people like the books I dislike. I never finish reading a book I don't like. At most, I will give a book 50 pages to hook me. There are too many good books, and life is too short.


Generally speaking, what a person reads doesn't impress me. That they read at all does, which I think is a sad comment on the unimportance of reading in many people's lives.



:iagree: This is me exactly, lol.


On a side note -- reading a bunch of bad books in a row did get me to use the library more. (My book club went through a phase where we read a bunch of books I hated. I began to wonder why I had spent my $$ on them & started using the library instead. Now, we pick books that are readily available through the library rather than having to buy them -- all because of books we have hated. :tongue_smilie::lol:)

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You'd be amazed that once you mention you don't like a book, it seems to make it all right for the ones who kept silent about it to say something as well. A year or so ago when Wicked was all the rage in the blogosphere I got it and read it. Hated it, so said something about it. Only then did I see other folks owning up to the fact they didn't like it either. I hesitate to say I don't like a book on my blog because I don't want to bad mouth any authors. There are many who are good writers, so it is usually the story I didn't like or the characters just rub me the wrong way.

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Oh no. Don't go dissing Wicked. I loved that book. ;) (I did, but I don't want to seem rabid about it.)



It was well written, I just couldn't stand the character and it was just too dark for me. Which is funny because I love dark, scary, chilling books. Hmm! The great thing about everyone having such different tastes though and talking up books is that there are a lot of books I probably would have never picked up, that I did and loved. And there were a few that were so-so, but it taught me a few things nonetheless.

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The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It's ones of those books I feel like you should like if you're a brainy book nerd, but heaven above, it was awful. Considering it's supposed to involve witchcraft and murder, you'd think it would be more interesting. But he seriously drones on and on for like 40 pages just describing the house. I get that the literary style of the times was different, and I actually very much enjoyed The Scarlet Letter, but I could not make it through this one. And I tried, I really did.


I also tend to really hate anything on Oprah's book list, but then I'm terrified to admit it because the few times I have it's been to a person who adores Oprah and I seriously thought they might strangle me for a minute. Eat, Love, Pray comes to mind. Gag.

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Do not get me started about "Modern/ Contemporary Art"


Yes. I have a seething hatred for modern art. My husband gets a kick out of steering me towards the modern art hall at the Indianapolis Museum of Art just to watch me turn red and start ranting. :lol:

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I don't feel bad at all when I don't like trendy books (like The Shack and others of that ilk) because I kind of pride myself for not following the trends.



Me too. I'm glad to not be an Oprah acolyte.


As far as classics go, SWB gave me courage to hate Moby Dick and it was all downhill from there! :D

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To original question, Nope!


I can't stand Charles Dickens, except The Christmas Carol (it's short :001_smile:)

Hate Gone With the Wind (got within 20 pages of the end in 8th grade and quit, can't stand Scarlet!)

Hate Wuthering Heights

Hate The Shack

Love the story of Les Miserables but only read 1/3 of the book, too sad

Can't stand Ernest Hemmingway


Fun thread!



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To original question, Nope!


I can't stand Charles Dickens, except The Christmas Carol (it's short :001_smile:)

Hate Gone With the Wind (got within 20 pages of the end in 8th grade and quit, can't stand Scarlet!)

Hate Wuthering Heights

Hate The Shack

Love the story of Les Miserables but only read 1/3 of the book, too sad

Can't stand Ernest Hemmingway


Fun thread!





SHAME!! That is my all time favorite book and movie. I am with you on The Shack!

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Especially a book that everyone, or at least the smartest people you know, really seem to like?


People can be smart and have bad taste in books :tongue_smilie:


And in my personal world, anyone who admits to liking St Augustine's Confessions and Margery Kempe is confessing that they aren't as smart as I thought they were. :p



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Oh my, do you really want a boring list, LOL?


Some of the books I've read lately:


Seeds of Deception, Jeffrey Smith


Napoleon's Buttons: How 17 Molecules Changed History


Thomas Sowell's Intellectuals and Society


The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements


The Body Toxic, Nena Baker


Heady stuff, LOL.....

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