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Have you ever handed part of a gift back to someone...

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I would assume that the family has issues with allergies or food sensitivities.


I have had that, where I have gone to someone's place, and take food, they have given it right back and explained they have a son with severe allergies to wheat. I wasn't offended, just sorry I didn't know beforehand.

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"I have, but it was in an appropriate context. My parents gave me some mapbooks for Christmas and as I was opening the package they said that I might already have them. Sure enough, I did have some of them, but it turned out that they didn't, so I gave the ones I already had to them. It was kind of funny actually. "




Yes, but your parents or immediate family are entirely different, IMO.


Absolutely. The behavior the OP described was completely rude.

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Guest RecumbentHeart


I try really hard to think of the best possible reason for something and then just assign it to the person. It makes my life more pleasant. For example, I assume people who cut me off in traffic have explosive diarrhea and could not possibly have waited that extra couple of seconds.


I want to be just like you when I grow up. lol


This virtue is a work in progress in me. DH has it (well, not so much in traffic) and he's helping me develop it. :D

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I would think that either


a) she reacted before she thought.

b) she's very thrifty and figured that since she couldn't use it, you'd want to keep it or pass it on to someone else who would.


I just shrug things like this off. People do funny things sometimes.

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I would think that either


a) she reacted before she thought.

b) she's very thrifty and figured that since she couldn't use it, you'd want to keep it or pass it on to someone else who would.


I just shrug things like this off. People do funny things sometimes.


Honestly, I could see me doing this. Absolutely no intention of being rude, and regretting it later, but I have a VERY hard time receiving. So, if I thought someone else would appreciate it more than me I would have a hard time taking it. A student gave me an expensive box of Godiva chocolates and I had a very hard time not telling her, "No, thank you." I love chocolate, but I just don't "take" well.


Yes, I know it's rude, and I work hard not to do something stupid like that, but I'm sure there are still times when I slip.

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My aunt and cousins were like that, but way worse. Every Christmas, my grandma would spends days trying to find just the right gifts for everyone. She really tried hard. As my aunt and cousins opened their gifts, their responses would usually run along the lines of, "This is going back" or "Yuck! This is horrible!" Every single year. Sometimes my aunt would even comment on other people's gifts and ask my Grandma what she was thinking to buy us such things. I remember being extremely upset about that even as a young child. It was a happy day when they moved across the country and no longer showed up for Christmas.


Oh, I forgot another story. So we're at my now SIL's bachelorette party and we are going around saying something that is unique about ourselves (don't ask, I wasn't in charge and thought it was kinda weird). So her SIL says, "I sold the fish plates that you gave me for my wedding this morning at my garage sale. I only used them once because they were hideous. I still don't know why you gave them to me." Man, I sure wish that girl could be MY SIL.


ETA: I have received many gifts that made me cringe on the inside, but I either donated them to charity, regifted them, or silently returned them if I was given a gift receipt. I have accepted many a horrible gift in my time, but I would never say something to the person.


I am so sorry for you and your grandma. :grouphug:

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I try really hard to think of the best possible reason for something and then just assign it to the person. It makes my life more pleasant. For example, I assume people who cut me off in traffic have explosive diarrhea and could not possibly have waited that extra couple of seconds.


I choose to believe that people who drive too slow are my guardian angels and since they've slowed me down, I won't get in that really bad wreck that was waiting for me. (It's either that or get really, really mad. And getting mad does me know good!)

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