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Lego storage?

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We are slowly working on moving the playroom to the basement. I'm at a loss on what to do with the endless pile of Legos. Right now, they are in a medium size clear storage bucket with a lid. My daughter wants to dump it out though so she can see all the pieces and look for what she wants. It makes a big mess. So, how do you store them?

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We use 5 gallon buckets with round, divided inserts. The inserts are used for nuts and bolts. They can be found at Home Depot (but not at Lowe's) for around $4 each. 5 fit in one 5 gallon bucket. This way they are seperated and organized.

It's not my idea. I stole it from my friend. But it's a great idea. I just did this myself and everything cost me less than $22.

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We have a large tub and have the same issue, my son just dumps it all out so he can sort through them.


If I had the money, Walmart has Lego project boxes in two sizes, a semi-shallow one and deep one. They're about 9 bucks each. There's also a Lego sorter that you dump everything in and it sifts the legos through in different sizes. Walmart and ToysRUs both carry it, about 30 bucks.


But, if you don't want the "official" Lego stuff, you could always get shoebox size (or whatever size you need according to how many you have) plastic storage boxes and sort everything according to color and/or size. I've seen many people do this and it may be what we'll be doing ourselves. Or sort according to individual sets and tape a plastic storage bag to the underside of the lid to put the project book in.


Hope that helps. :) I'm not the best at coming up with ideas.

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We have tried everything and we have massive amounts of legos! I have purchased several sorter type things but apparently the floor is much better to sort and store! :lol:


I have promised the boys that after Christmas we are buying a 2nd large folding table, removing the extra stuff from the bonus room, and buying one of these:




They had one in primary colors at Costco.com but it is no longer there so we may have to go with lego drab! :lol:


Here are some links to motivate you!










We have WAY TOO MANY legos for just buckets. It is crazy!



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We bought one of those 3-drawer plastic dressers at Walmart. They're only about $17.




The drawers are clear and the boys sit in a small chair in front of the dresser. They can pick through each drawer to find the pieces they want.

I removed the wheels. A few months ago, they sorted the pieces into three different categories (bricks, special pieces, large pieces).


LOTS of Legos, very little mess. We keep all the instruction booklets in a separate plastic box.


We also have a 3-shelf bookcase where they display their favorite assembled models.


Best wishes trying to keep it organized!

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Since I have 2 boys....we have A LOT OF LEGOS. We have one of those plastic drawers...I think there are 5 small drawers and 2 larger ones. It has wheels too. We are currently at maximum capacity. I don't know what is going to happen after Christmas ;)


We've tried sorting by size, etc. but there are just too many....and mommy is tired of sorting things out and no one caring. If they want to find something, they just dump a drawer.

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Save your money on the Lego sorter. It was a huge waste. The big parts clog up the top so quickly it is almost completely ineffective for storage. We gave ours away to Goodwill within a month.


We have one of these made by Lego:




It is the best (and we only paid around $30 for it at Fred Meyer) for storing Legos. The plastic suitcases snap shut and you can pull out one suitcase at a time or carry them to different rooms. It also stores a ton of Legos, which was a requirement for us.

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We use the huge underbed plastic bins with wheels. They are shallow enough to see most of the pieces without dumping, with minimal amounts of nerve-wracking noisy stirring of the pieces. The lids can be turned over and Legos scooped onto it to aid in searching, and then poured back in with minimal effort. We need two and store them under our couch, (we have a really high couch though...) We also have a seperate small bin to store finished/in process creations that dc are not yet ready to return to the general storage bins.


I have in the past provided the dc with a small sheet to put down under the play area so things could just be poured back into the storage bins--when they remembered to use them, clean-up was easy. The bins work better for us, but if space is an issue, this might work.

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We have an insane sum! I bought a whole of small flat clear storage bins for each color Lego. Then we went on an insane mission and separated all of the Legos into whichever color bin it belonged. Then he has one huge clear bin that has all of the mixed colors that he has not resorted at the time.


We also have a red Lego storage/carry box and this is where he keeps all of his best mini-figures.


Gosh, Lego's sure are an empire!

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We've used varying kinds over the years. I love the underbed plastic storage. My younger 2 lego boys are constantly playing with theirs and prefer to put keep them spread out on the floor. :glare: The older lego boy is a neat-freak anyway. He uses a rolling square box I had purchased from IKEA. His legos are mostly in use though as well. I'm a mean mom so if I find extra pieces lying around my house I toss them or suck em up in the vacuum. They've been forwarned...in my defense. :D


If it were up to me...I would sort them in one of those cool, color-drawered lego sorters as pictured in a pp. Our toys r us has them but way overpriced if you ask me.

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