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how many gifts do you give??

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We do Hanukkah and Christmas, so they each get a small gift on most nights of Hanukkah. Usually these gifts are $5.00 or less. Like a pack of Pokemon cards, or a mini nerf shooter, etc.


For Christmas, they get a couple little toys in their stockings and about 5-6 gifts under the tree. Also, usually 2-3 gifts for both to share. This year, I seemed to find really cool things for both of them, and went a little nuts. They will each probably have at least 10 things under the tree and 3 joint gifts. Dh is going to flip when he sees what I bought. Not because of the money, but because he thinks they have too many toys already.

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Three gifts each - although there may be multiple gifts in each gift. (for example - one year dd got a ballet bag with some additional ballet themed items inside). If a child is getting playmobil - there may be two sets wrapped as one gift.


They each get a stocking with an additional 3-4 smaller gifts that will fit inside (webkinz, video game, audio cd).


Last year, in unemployment land, their third gift was a shared family gift.

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One from us. And cereal - I buy them their favorite sugar-laden junk cereal. They used to get to eat it on Christmas morning, but we'll go to my aunt's for breakfast instead.


Aaack! Flashback! :scared:We did that last year or the year before---she ate two of the small individual boxes of Froot Loops and I thought I was going to have to peel her off the ceiling! :001_smile: My husband almost had a cow when I brought home Frankenberry from the Halloween clearance---she gets to sprinkle it on her regular Cheerios.


As to the gifts, we have an only, age 10, she's getting a handful of things:

graphic novel, Monster High doll, Petz Bunnyz DS game (used), an "Enter at Own Risk" pillow and 2 Polly Pockets from Halloween clearance at Target, small Littlest Pet Shop set. The Polly Pockets, book, a couple of old Gameboy Advance games my husband picked up for about $2 each and some candy will go in her stocking for Christmas morning. She'll open the rest on Solstice (when we exchange our presents). Total of about $65.


She will also be getting a Fashionista Ken from one set of grandparents (who have about 20 grandkids and greatgrandkids) and several things from other grandparents (she's the only grandchild), as well as something from her godparents, and likely from 3-4 family friends.

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I know this can vary because some items are more expensive than others, but in general, how many gifts do you give your kids (ages 10 and under)??


We give four gifts and a stocking with little things. The categories for the four main gifts come from a rhyme I learned on this board about ten years ago, and have used ever since...


Something you want,

Something you need,

Something to play with

Something to read.





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DS is getting 3 large gifts (total for those 3 was about $65). The rest are books (Scholastic Warehouse Sale yesterday - $37 :hurray:). DS is not really interested in the presents for Christmas (he doesn't believe in Santa) and is much more interested in baking a cake for Jesus' birthday. :001_smile:

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Well, it's official. Our girls are Spoiled Rotten. I don't even know how many gifts they are getting. DD1 had 7 things on her list to Santa, and dd2, well, lets just say her list was 2 pages long. She's NOT getting all that stuff. I whittled it down to 7 items. Then all the junk that we buy them. Yup, spoiled Rotten. No Doubt About It. :D

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Hmmm... from us, we probably spend about $200 per child at Christmas time. My dh also buys gifts throughout the year and stashes them in our closet--so the number grows. I'd say we come out with about 20 or so gifts per child, a couple of big ones, lots of books and media, plus stocking stuffers. We don't do "practical" gifts--ie, no socks, underwear, things that would have to be purchased anyhow.


Grandparents also send us gifts--with three sets (my parents are divorced), they end up giving far more than we do, expense wise. I would guess there are $500 of additional gifts for each of us from extended family, most of which dh and I get to choose on thier behalf since they don't always know what would be good gifts. They don't live near, so everything goes under the tree all together.


We do emphasize the religious aspect of Christmas in many ways (advent devotions, church activities, bible reading, Christmas Eve services), but my husband really likes giftopalooza on Christmas morning.

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One big gift, usually not wrapped. Then 5-7 little gifts that kinda go with the big gift. One gift to open on Christmas Eve that has new PJ's and a book in it. And stockings with candy and little things fron the Dollar store.


For the almost 3 yr old her big gift is a doll house. The little gifts are a doll family, a car, a school bus, some wooden blocks, a bigger doll with a stroller and a little diaper bag to put her baby supplies in.


The 12 yr old is getting a new desk and chair. Her little gifts are a huge white board/cork board with the markers and stuff for it. A bunch of little baskets and office supplies for her desk. A new quilt set and her dad is going to paint her room however she wants.


I try to do all of my shopping on line. If I go to the stores I am always picking up a bunch of cheap little things that are on sale. That junk adds up fast then I don't have enough money to get the things I really wanted to buy.

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We all get one gift from each family member. With 6 of us, that means 5 gifts per person. For the little ones who are too small to be involved in gift selection/purchasing, I buy the gifts and they go "shopping" in my closet for their siblings. I don't want the whole focus of Christmas to be about the presents, but I also want each person to be involved in the joy of giving to each other family member. That's how we strike the balance.

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About 75-100 for my ds.


We really go all-out for Christmas. My family was always that way, and dh has been successfully converted. (He hardly got any presents at all for Christmas because his mother didn't want a mess. :glare: He wants my ds to have a different experience.)




Seriously? 75 - 100 separate gifts? Or $75 - $100 dollars?


ETA: I'm not passing any sort of judgment...to each his own, I say. The number just sort of floored me and I wanted to make sure I understand correctly.

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