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My dad passed away on Thanksgiving

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I've mentioned here before that my dad had leukemia and had a bone marrow transplant. He was doing great until about 1 1/2 weeks ago, but started running a fever and slowly went downhill, but it really seemed like he was going to pull through. The day before Thanksgiving, though, he took a nosedive and all the family was called to the hospital. He wasn't conscious, but we talked to him a lot and told him we loved him. My brother was out of state with his in-laws for Thanksgiving, so it took him longer to get there than the rest of us. My dad passed away within about 10-15 minutes of my brother arriving at the hospital. I think my dad was waiting for him.


It is all still such a shock. Yes, he had been sick and battling a horrible disease, but he was doing so, so well. The funeral is tomorrow.


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.






I am so sorry!! :grouphug:


I am glad you and your brother got to spend time with your dad before he died.



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