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Holiday deep cleaning....anyone with me?

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We technically have off this week from school (although I haven't told the kids that ;) ) So I want to do a deep organize/simplify/declutter/clean.


I have no idea how/where to begin but I made a list of things that need to be done so I think I'll start there :) I am purging toys, clothes (that don't fit) and putting everything in it's place!!!


If we can live without it, it's going in the trash or to Goodwill!!!


Time to clear out the junk and prepare our home for a non stressful holiday season :) No clutter!!!!!


Oh and all the curriculum is getting sorted and organized once and for all!!!


Anyone with me? :tongue_smilie:

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Oh, yes. I started yesterday. I do this often enough now that it doesn't take so much time. I used to think that decluttering and organizing would last longer though.


I have done the pantry, cereal/cracker cabinet, desk drawers and book shelves, & oven. Today I want to tackle my closet, flat spots in my bedroom, lost sock bin, bathrooms, and clean the couches.

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Oh, yes. I started yesterday. I do this often enough now that it doesn't take so much time. I used to think that decluttering and organizing would last longer though.


I have done the pantry, cereal/cracker cabinet, desk drawers and book shelves, & oven. Today I want to tackle my closet, flat spots in my bedroom, lost sock bin, bathrooms, and clean the couches.


Are the flat spots in your bedroom dressers and things that accumulate junk?

Also, do you mind me asking how you clean your couches? I need to do mine too...and I usually just take the covers off and wash them but I need to do the arms too and have no idea how to do it without leaving soap residue?


Thanks :)

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We technically have off this week from school (although I haven't told the kids that ;) ) So I want to do a deep organize/simplify/declutter/clean.


I have no idea how/where to begin but I made a list of things that need to be done so I think I'll start there :) I am purging toys, clothes (that don't fit) and putting everything in it's place!!!


If we can live without it, it's going in the trash or to Goodwill!!!


Time to clear out the junk and prepare our home for a non stressful holiday season :) No clutter!!!!!


Oh and all the curriculum is getting sorted and organized once and for all!!!


Anyone with me? :tongue_smilie:

Bump! :D

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Count me in. I just sat down to procrastinate a little bit before getting back to work and found this thread!


My dh has to vacate his office in mid December so is bringing home piles of stuff accumulated there over the last 17 years. We have to find a room for a couch, drawing table and boxes of books and stuff.


Then my 18yo returns from a year long internship in January no doubt with piles of new stuff he has accumulated.


My car is filled with old toys to donate to the thrift store, and there are piles EVERYWHERE of stuff to yet to be sorted.


And it is my busy time of the year as I'm a free lance musician and the holiday gigs are lining up! So adding to the clutter are the stacks of holiday music and concert music.


*sigh* Guess I should get back to it!

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I have been doing Fall Cleaning for about two weeks!


We're not taking off from school but I've been devoting an hour or two a day to heavy cleaning (in addition to general housekeeping). I've been focusing on one room at a time. We've been in our house over 2 years, and some stuff hasn't ever been cleaned, like pulling our bedroom furniture away from the wall and vacuuming. YUK! (we did that in all 3 bedrooms on Saturday when dh was here to help). I also completely cleaned the kitchen - almost every drawer & cabinet was emptied and washed out.


This morning I did the dining room (actually hand-washed all of the china & knick-knacks on display, instead of just whacking with the feather duster as is my usual routine). This afternoon, on to the laundry room - I'll scrub baseboards, cabinets, etc. By the time my sis arrives on Wednesday afternoon, the whole house will have been done except our schoolroom which will have to survive another month or so of the feather-duster treatment. I may have to wait until the week before Christmas for that one; too many bookshelves and desks to move away from the walls. :(

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I need to clean/declutter this week.

We make this a family effort. Everyone helps.


I really need to go through my toddlers toys and get rid of some. He has too many and with Christmas coming, he will get more.


We put up our tree after Thanksgiving so this will be a good week to get things done :001_smile:

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I'm IN!!!! I started last week - with my basement. I figure if I start with that part of the house I'll feel REALLY good about myself. So, I did our food storage closet, a storage closet, and the laundry room. The only problem is that now I've added some projects to my list. I'd LOVE to paint the laundry room before our Christmas guests arrive!!


Oh - I also did my guest room. That's where I keep all my craft supplies and homeschooling supplies. I was able to get rid of an entire dresser of STUFF!!


Still need to do the kitchen, but I'll do that after I do a HUGE cooking day!

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Wow, I'm so excited I'm not doing this alone :) I just went through the boys room with ds6 and was able to get rid of 2 garbage bags of junk! He is somewhat obsessed with tiny toys so there was a ton of oddball type toys that could not be categorized ;)


He told me while I was sorting through them "mommy, I get bored with my toys and want new ones but when I get new toys, I get bored with those too". :001_huh:


We're taking a break for lunch (pizza ;) ) then I'm back at it.


I'm going to make pictures of the toys and put them on the drawer/bin they belong in to help with clean up :)

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I started yesterday, as we have houseguests coming tomorrow. The boys are still doing schoolwork, but i am still cleaning :)


I basically took a bunch of garbage bags into my boys' room yesterday and went crazy sorting broken/giveaway toys into bags. I cleaned out our school room and have a big pile of papers to go through right now. I cleaned our junk area (basically a hot spot) where tons of random stuff had accumulated...

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I've been purging and decluttering since our move in August. We are down to three people in our household now and we simply don't need all this stuff. I've been giving boxes of books, toys, clothing, shoes and linens away. It feels so good for it to be gone. I just walk through all the rooms weekly and toss/purge or donate.

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I didn't get as much done today as I had hoped but at least the boys' room is clean! The living room looks better already because I took all the toys out of there and put them back in the boys room.


Contractor bags are my friend....I can load them up with trash and larger items that wouldn't fit in regular garbage bags!

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Count me in :seeya: I started Saturday with the deep cleaning.


Everything in the laundry room has been moved and cleaned :ack2: The couch and chair in the living room have been moved and cleaned under and then I vacuumed the furniture itself really good.


Now I have been working on the spare room AKA the catch all room :eek::ack2::ohmy: Slow go but it is looking so much better. I have a huge box for Goodwill and a couple bags of trash out of there so far :hurray: Why did I save some of that junk


Everyone sounds like they are working hard :hurray: Way to go :thumbup:

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I want to, but I am recovering from pneumonia and everything is giving me coughing fits.


So, I will clean what I can and leave the rest for another day.




No cleaning for you :ohmy: Get rest and lay low! I'll still be cleaning and decluttering by the time you're well ;)

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Are the flat spots in your bedroom dressers and things that accumulate junk?

Also, do you mind me asking how you clean your couches? I need to do mine too...and I usually just take the covers off and wash them but I need to do the arms too and have no idea how to do it without leaving soap residue?


Thanks :)


Yes, they are the tops of nightstands and dressers where junk accumulates. I usually only use a wet cloth, but I am going to try some oxyclean this time. I haven't been able to clean the couches yet though.

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Lost time yesterday due to stomach upset.


Full steam ahead today. So far I've redone one bookcase and the game cabinet. I also cleaned out a neglected corner behind some furniture. Tonight I intend to completely finish the living room--I don't know if that's even possible because I have two more, enormous bookcases.

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We had lots of company in the beginning of the month, so the more public areas of the house got done before then, and have just needed maintenance. I spent Sunday - yesterday doing the bedrooms, den, and the bathroom. The only big thing I have left is the china hutch -- it takes a couple of hours to hand wash everything inside/clean the hutch itself/polish silver. We aren't having company for Thanksgiving, so I will probably do it this weekend and that should keep it looking decent through the rest of the holiday season. I said to DH just this morning that the house finally looks almost the way I always mean for it to look.

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I'm in! My family comes to my house for Thanksgiving and that always motivates some deep cleaning. Today we spent hours going through old toys and "stuff" and tossing or posting on Craig's List. With any luck it will boost my Christmas budget and now I know they have room to put new stuff :D

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Yep! Already started last week, thank goodness, because now I have more company coming than was originally planned.... Tomorrow's a big work day for me. I'm going through all my older son's school work and tossing/consolidating things, etc. now that I don't have to worry about keeping it any more. I'm also reorganizing my storage room.


I've already got all but two rooms of my house cleaned thoroughly. I cleaned out both fridges and my pantry.


We've been taking loads to Goodwill and the Restore for days.....

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We technically have off this week from school (although I haven't told the kids that ;) ) So I want to do a deep organize/simplify/declutter/clean.


I have no idea how/where to begin but I made a list of things that need to be done so I think I'll start there :) I am purging toys, clothes (that don't fit) and putting everything in it's place!!!


If we can live without it, it's going in the trash or to Goodwill!!!


Time to clear out the junk and prepare our home for a non stressful holiday season :) No clutter!!!!!


Oh and all the curriculum is getting sorted and organized once and for all!!!


Anyone with me? :tongue_smilie:



I've already started with the purging. I even gave away the awesome Kettrike I bought for dd when she was 3. Time to clear more out of the basement, but unfortunately, it won't make much of a difference up here.


I desperately need a workshop space so I can get my saws & other tools out of the family room.

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