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Teachers Lounge! 11-1=10

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I'm headed out in a minute to go get a good satisfying lunch. Don't feel like making my own lunch because I'm too nervous to concentrate. I'll be back in a few to read your responses!


What's for lunch today? Me: I'm thinking Arby's. Seriously.


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend? Me: Saturday night was Western Night at our church.


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc? Me: Tomorrow's Election Day and I'm the Inspector! That's a little nerve-wracking for me. God willing, it will all go well and I'll have a great group of people to work with!


Talk to me (while I'm gone :D). :bigear:

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I don't know what we'll do for lunch today. I really need to go grocery shopping, but it's my least favorite chore.


This weekend my non-Halloween activity was a Women of Faith conference.

Blech. I wasn't excited about it to begin with, but a friend really wanted me to go with her. I hoped I'd get *something* useful out of it, but...


This week will be a quiet one, I hope. Nothing exciting or unusual.

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What's for lunch today? Leftover popcorn and candy.


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend? DS went ballroom dancing on Friday. Helped a friend move on Saturday. They didn't have much help and my men hauled their furniture up 2 flights of stairs and my notso littles and I packed and hauled boxes. On Sun my dh cut a peice of wood siding to match our new bathroom window (2nd floor) and put it in place. I made granola and organized the kitchen. Oy vey. I missed the womanly gene of kitchen organization.


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc? Election tomorow. No Tutoring Center on Tues (I'm relieved- gotta get caught up on a ton of stuff!)

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We had macaroni and cheese made with whole wheat pasta, apples with peanut butter, and carrot sticks. Also, yogurt and cheese sticks for the boys to try to help fill them up!


I am on my second pot of coffee. It's a Monday...life demands that much caffeine on Mondays.


I am excited to vote tomorrow...I just love voting! I will actually deliberately go when it is busy because there is a kind of electricity that runs through the neighbors on voting day regardless of the candidates we vote for. It's neat and we have the most lovely chats about our community, the love of country, things we'd like to see happen in our township, etc. There will be a lot of buzz this year because everyone will be talking about what to do for the family in town that was burned out on Saturday afternoon.


We do not celebrate Halloween but we do have to stay up late to monitor the unsupervised/devious teens in this town so we purchased Prince of Persia and ate more junk food in one evening than my children have been allowed in the entire previous year! I feel somewhat lethargic, bloated, and nauseous today because of this!



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my first venture into the teacher's lounge



lunch-tuna for me most everyday

kids are on a fend for...probably burritos or top raman

mac and cheese sounds good too! with my tuna!!

then a 4 mile walk


non halloween activity last week: Saturday we did a no chore, do nothing day...I could not research curriculum, I scrapped and my hubby the work a holic had his robe on til almost 3pm

the kids loved it...they roamed in and out as the rain came and went

Pizza for dinner and it was nice


children slept in this am due to frivolity last evening and very late dinner 9pm!!

Made for a easy relaxed morning.


Hopes for the week: To conquer this part of Rome and not spend 5 days on Gladiators!!

Scrub my wood floors

balance check book

vote!! Tomorrow our govanator is going and the budget is busted here in California...not a whole lotta hope in either candidate, but if I don't vote I can't complain!!

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O'Charley's for lunch here today. It was okay....


Trying to decide what to do with chicken thighs for tonight....


My son had his soccer tournament over the weekend, Sat and Sun. They won the tournament and had an undefeated season. It was good for my son, who had been on a team for the past 2 or 3 years that lost every.single.game. they played (oy)..... Getting ready for indoor soccer now....


It was my turn to teach Sunday school this past weekend. I adopted a fall/thanksgiving sort of theme through David and his Psalms....


This week (today) I've got to get my son working on a skit for his LEGO League because we didn't have time to work on it over the very busy weekend. That has me feeling frazzled because Mondays are always busy and I'm just not sure where he's going to start with that thing....


I've got to try to figure out what I'm going to do about the continued bad behavior of a little girl my son befriends (why, I don't know).... She has invited him to do things with her and a group several times now and then changed her mind and left him out. She did this for trick-or-treating, getting him all excited about going with them, then turning off her phone when he called her to go meet her Sunday evening. She also made sure to bring her group to our house first, so he would see her, and to speak to him when she saw him across the street. But when one of the boys with her asked him to come along, she said something that cut him off and they continued on, leaving my son crushed and alone. again.....

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What's for lunch today: I'm thinking wraps with good meat, cheese and veggies. We need to eat right today even more than usual.

Things not associated with Halloween: Well, despite my "holiday meltdown" thread, we actually do not celebrate Halloween. But our family tradition is a movie ("The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again"), pizza, too much sweets and ice cream. That was enough to give us a non-Halloween treat and consequentially a meltdown for both kids. Sigh.

What's happening in our world this week? Like Crissy, I hope that it will be very calm and uneventful week. Ds is on his second week of being sick and I'm hoping that lots of good food, rest and normal routine might help him finally get well.

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What's for lunch today? Couscous with black beans and diced tomatoes.


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend? We spent the weekend at dh's parents' house, celebrating his birthday, and visiting with my folks who leave today to drive south for the winter.


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc? Elections, sports meeting (???) and practices, LIBRARY TIME (!!!), co-op, and a play date with 28 youngsters on Saturday night (5 other adults get to play, too).

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I had leftover ground beef, zucchini and black beans mixed with taco seasonings along with home made guacamole and organic corn chips. The kids had turkey, cheese, pears, bananas and some kind of orange jello-like stuff they picked out at Whole Foods. It doesn't contain gelatin, so I'm not sure how they get it to be jello-y. Kind of freaks me out, but they like it.


This weekend was pretty much all Halloween related, unless you count vacuuming and scrubbing toilets as weekend activities.


I will probably go vote tomorrow, although the choices are not encouraging. DH cut down a small tree and a bunch of shrubs a couple weeks ago, and I'm looking forward to the stump-grinding people getting rid of the stumps tomorrow.

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I'm headed out in a minute to go get a good satisfying lunch. Don't feel like making my own lunch because I'm too nervous to concentrate. I'll be back in a few to read your responses!


What's for lunch today? Me: I'm thinking Arby's. Seriously.


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend? Me: Saturday night was Western Night at our church.


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc? Me: Tomorrow's Election Day and I'm the Inspector! That's a little nerve-wracking for me. God willing, it will all go well and I'll have a great group of people to work with!


Talk to me (while I'm gone :D). :bigear:

pbj or tuna salad sandwiches and carrots here for lunch.


Me, I'm mulling around in my head why it seems that I'm getting lots of comments from co-op moms like, "Not everyone can homeschool." And, "I would love to tutor your children."


Truly I don't know why this is coming up. The kids tested "average" last year although the one dd is a year behind, but at her level she was average.


Feeling a bit like I'm not good enough. But perplexed because it's all there and it shows on the tests. Two separate moms, two separate comments.

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Crissy, I'm so sorry that you did not have a good time at Women of Faith with your friend. Perhaps you can just be thankful for the time spent with your friend?


Lisa, I don't have that organization gene, either, so I feel your pain! :^p


Oh, Faith, you still have coffee on?? Can I come over?? 8^)


Anne, WELCOME! I love the "No chore, do nothing Day" idea; especially if it will actually allow me to get some scrapbooking done!


Regena, I'm so sorry your guy got crushed by the rude behaviour of the girl. I had a 'friend' like that ONCE. Tell your son, I have been where he is and the best thing he can do is to find some other friends. NO ONE deserves to be treated like that!


Jean, I'll be praying for your son, and the rest of your family. It's not fun on anyone to be sick that long!


Okay, all, feel free to keep posting, but I've got to go and get ready for the SET-UP meeting today. ELECTION DAY tomorrow. I'll come back later and read everyone's posts. Later!

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What's for lunch today? I'm eating lunch right now. Leftover Kraft Toy Story macaroni and cheese made for the 5 year old and a nice, green crunchy salad with English cucumber, yellow peppers and green onion with a drizzle of bleu cheese dressing.


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend? Got some shopping done on Saturday. New shirts for dh and a few new dress shirts and ties for ds to coordinate with his sister's outfits. They are debate partners this year.;)


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc?: Mondays are my crazy busy days with taking ds back and forth to a college class 30 minutes from home, taking them to speech and debate and judging debate. We do have a fun field trip planned on Thursday and pictures in the park with our homeschool group on Friday. Other than that, I hope to have a very low key week!:)

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I'm headed out in a minute to go get a good satisfying lunch. Don't feel like making my own lunch because I'm too nervous to concentrate. I'll be back in a few to read your responses!


What's for lunch today? Me: I'm thinking Arby's. Seriously.

Lentil Stew, little packets of (veggie) lunch meat with chunck of cheese inside, chips, salsa. water.


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend? Me: Saturday night was Western Night at our church.

Took daughter rock climbing with youth group, All Saints party, ballet Sunday matine.


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc? Me: Tomorrow's Election Day and I'm the Inspector! That's a little nerve-wracking for me. God willing, it will all go well and I'll have a great group of people to work with!

I'm thrilled speachless that we're caught up in Latin and can have a normal school week. I'm looking forward to the elections (results, actually). I gave (what I think was) a fun assignment for Writing and I'm looking forward to seeing the papers. I'm nervous about a meeting Thursday evening. I'm looking forward to Catholic Girls Club on Friday (b/c it's also Catholic Moms Club!). My husband wants me to go to a party Friday night but I DON"T WANT TO GO! I don't exactly know how I feel about the clients I have this Saturday. I don't exactly relish the idea of working all day but that ck will make me happy.


I am not happy, thrilled, excited, about the laundry that needs doing.:glare:


Talk to me (while I'm gone :D). :bigear:


Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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What's for lunch today?

I had two apples and two Reese's peanut butter cups


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend?

We turned the heat on! Brrr.


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc?

A good friend is coming to visit! She lives in RI and we haven't seen each other since I was pregnant with my littlest (who's almost two now!). I go pick her up tonight & she'll be here at least through the weekend.

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Lunch is frozen pizza and peas. I added to that a little mini-pb cup.


My kids had the same, but lots more halloween candy!


Non-halloween thing I did. We went as a family and painting ceramics on Saturday. It was a blast and I can't wait to pick our pieces up on Saturday. My dh did a turkey platter for us! It's Giants (baseball) themed!


What am I nervous about? Nothing that I can think about right now.


Good luck with elections. I'm sure all will go well. One year, I was there for the hand-counting of the votes--I represented the local newspaper.

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What's for lunch today? We had sandwiches, fruit and Pringles (which are a big treat here!)


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend? Well, our girls had youth group on Friday night and I got to spend some time with my friend, which I love to do! Otherwise, just the basic weekend stuff and an outreach last night.


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc? Trying to finish raising the necessary money for my dh to meet up with our students who are doing their outreach right now in Haiti. We've been nervous about the cholera and now the tropical storm heading straight to them. I'm excited for him to go in 3 weeks, but, I'm nervous too.



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I'll play :)


What's for lunch today? Sauteed veggie quesadilla (peppers, onions and mushrooms)


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend? Dh and I got some treats for ourselves and had a movie night! Watched "The Science of Sleep" which is very weird.


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc? Corbin (9) sees his cardiologist on Thursday. He had surgery in May to fix his mitral valve, and we basically traded one problem for another as he now has a persistent arrhythmia. His cardiologist will check how he's doing on the new prescription, adjust the dosage, and schedule another 24 hour holter monitor. Not fun stuff.

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Lunch -- grilled cheese sandwich, a couple bite size candy bars and water. I really wanted a coke but we are out :glare:


Non Halloween -- cleaned :ack2:


Happening -- election tomorrow, gotta remember to vote. I usually early vote but missed it this time.


Not excited or nervous, more like nauseous -- more cleaning :ack2: :ack2:

I am trying really hard to get things decluttered and cleaned before Christmas season.

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What's for lunch today?


Leftover roast


Did you do anything NOT associated with Halloween this weekend?


Dh came home (hooray!) and we went to Cirque du Soleil's Alegria show.


What's happening in your world this week that has you excited, nervous, both, etc?


Well, let's see. We're waiting on the rest of ds's test results; we have a busy week; today is my birthday, so we are going out to a nice dinner, hooray! We have friends flying in to visit on Friday.

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Lunch: leftover chicken and rice casserole (w/ oregano, onion, and a smidge of cayenne--not a cream-y sauce) with leftover broc/carrots/cauli from last night. Dd10 had the same and big kids packed the same, plus apples. Dh packed soup and an apple.


Non-Halloween: Like Kash, we turned on the heat yesterday. We have a game---the a/c doesn't go on until July 1 and the heat doesn't go on until Nov 1. We almost made it with the heat this year.


What's happening this week: Elections tomorrow. We got four mailings plus a phone call today from a senate candidate. If I wasn't already planning on voting for her opponent, this would have pushed me over the edge and she would have lost my vote. What a waste of money! Wednesday will be the one-year anniversary of my mother's death. I'm having a difficult time. And Friday, dh is having reconstructive knee surgery. Can't I just skip to Thanksgiving???

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