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I feel a need to say this. Pleas take it in the spirit it was written.

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Guess this is as good a time as any....I am no longer homeschooling, either(although I recognize that there are those who removed me from the homeschool category when I started using our Virtual Academy.....:glare::001_smile:. The kids are both at the really good middle school near us and are thriving. Really. No sex in the classrooms, no rainbow clubs...They wanted to go to school and I let them. And it was the right decision for us. But I still come here because I like it here, and I get lonely since my kids are at school, and I still need advice every now and then and love to give it when the topic pertains to my fifty years of experience. So there.



Awww...a big :grouphug: and a kiss on each cheek.

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It's refreshing to see a peaceful conflict resolution :) We are always preaching to our kids how they need to work out their differences peacefully and yet so many adults resort to name calling, childish acts, etc.


Thank you for this post and thank you for being such a great example of how adults should act :)

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And to let an opinion from someone you really do not know bother you....well....just don't, LOL!


I like hearing different opinions....from different walks of life unlike my own. I find it interesting....rarely do I really ever get upset about it though. And do know that many people post here not really for 'support'....but for opinions. Where else can you get opinions from SOOOO many different people! I think that is the beauty of this board.



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Actually I'm out. My entire stash, everything - JBs, chocolate, and black Twizzlers - was devoured last night while I was working through my mad.

I have to go back to the candy store tomorrow. I figure since I'm out I could mail some to you. PM me if you do. And you know you do. I can hear you salivating every time I type Chili Mango Jelly Bellies.


I thought my dad was the only one in the world that LIKED black licorice!!! Although it's not my cup of tea....wait better rephrase that...while I don't care for black licorice, I will support your consumption of said product.


:cheers2: here's to the board.

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Actually I'm out. My entire stash, everything - JBs, chocolate, and black Twizzlers - was devoured last night while I was working through my mad.

I have to go back to the candy store tomorrow. I figure since I'm out I could mail some to you. PM me if you do. And you know you do. I can hear you salivating every time I type Chili Mango Jelly Bellies.


I'm feeling the strong need for a grouphug :grouphug: :001_smile:.

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This was a wonderful post Chucki. I absolutely agree with everything you said and applaud you both for working it out. I have had this happen with a poster than I like and respect very much and I felt horrible about it. Luckily, we were also able to work it out through PMs and as far as I can tell they are no hard feelings between us. I wish the same for for both of you. :grouphug:

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I love black licorice. I'll buy dd jelly beans with black ones just so she'll give them to me. :D


Red licorice? A licorice impostor.

:iagree:How come you can mostly only find the good Brach's candy corn at Halloween, and the really, really good black jelly beans at Easter? I loves me some black jelly beans!:D That would be my secret stash food. I guess it's good to look forward to it instead of having it around all the time...:confused::tongue_smilie:


Chucki and Saille... :grouphug: No more knickers in a twist! Yay!

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:iagree:How come you can mostly only find the good Brach's candy corn at Halloween, and the really, really good black jelly beans at Easter? I loves me some black jelly beans!:D That would be my secret stash food. I guess it's good to look forward to it instead of having it around all the time...:confused::tongue_smilie:


Chucki and Saille... :grouphug: No more knickers in a twist! Yay!



Oh yeah! Maybe we need to start a support group and then a lobby to petition for more opptys to consume said jelly beans. :D

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Yesterday I got a kick in the teeth. Various PMs have been passed around and while it isn't better it will be. For both parties.


I think it has been said in the past, but it bears repeating.


We are a support group for parents, yes, mostly moms, of homeschoolers. But our communication is done via message board. There is no tone. Smilies help but even they can, at times, be misinterpreted.


And while we are mostly homeschooling moms and dads some of us send our kids to public or private school. This does not make them bad parents making uninformed choices.


Along that same line of thinking parents make choices that are best for them and their families. It may not necessarily be what you would do. It just means you made a different choice.


A parent is not a bad parent because she chooses to breast feed. A parent is not a bad parent because she chooses not to.


A parent is not a bad parent because she chooses to send her kids to public or private school. A parent is not a bad parent because she chooses to homeschool.


A parent is not a bad parent because she chooses whole food options for her familiy. A parent is not a bad parent because she chooses Ding-dongs for breakfast and a box of store brand mac and cheese for dinner.


A parent is not a bad parent because she chooses the spanking option for disciplining her kid. A parent is not a bad or lax or indulgent parent of brats because she chooses to ignore the behavior that would drive you nuts.


A parent is not a bad parent because she only has one kid. A parent is not a bad parent because she chooses to have three kids. A parent is not a bad parent if she chooses to have one kid every year during her child bearing years.


A parent is not a bad parent if she has a child out of wedlock.


I could go on, and each and every one of you that choose to read this far knows that. Adoption? Religion? Politics? Working? Childcare?




We are a support group message board of many diverse cultures and backgrounds. Let's realize that. Let's try to do our d@mnest to support each other. Let's do our part to end the mommy wars.


P.S. I know I've been guilty in the past of thinking some of the very things I'm talking about. Being here and reading about so many different approaches to parenting has helped me start thinking differently.



P.S. Thank you Susan, and moderators for continuing to put up with our crap time and time again.



Best post I have read on here, thus far.

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I see a fair number of posts like this and they always make me scratch my head. I don't know why so many people tend to take things personally enough that they would attack other posters like this. People on message boards disagree all the time, but that's no reason to get nasty or personal.


It may be that I'm a man on a board that is about 20:1 men to women, as well as a board with several times the traffic of the other boards I visit, but it seems there is a strong gossipy element on this board, with a lot of veiled comments about other people/lifestyles/posters. It's that sort of gossip that leads to hurt feelings.

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IMHO, some of the people that need to understand this simply do not get that their way of thinking is inappropriate. And it boils down to someone thinking, "my belief will always trump your belief". I've met some people online in the past 15 years who made me very, very glad I didn't know them IRL!!


Here's hoping that at least one person will read through that list and have an a-ha! moment! :cheers2:

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I see a fair number of posts like this and they always make me scratch my head. I don't know why so many people tend to take things personally enough that they would attack other posters like this. People on message boards disagree all the time, but that's no reason to get nasty or personal.


It may be that I'm a man on a board that is about 20:1 men to women, as well as a board with several times the traffic of the other boards I visit, but it seems there is a strong gossipy element on this board, with a lot of veiled comments about other people/lifestyles/posters. It's that sort of gossip that leads to hurt feelings.


Maybe it's connected with the theory that says when you get groups of greater than 150 they start breaking themselves down into smaller groups? Anyone else read Tipping Point?

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Maybe it's connected with the theory that says when you get groups of greater than 150 they start breaking themselves down into smaller groups? Anyone else read Tipping Point?


I didn't think of that, but you might be onto something. I had a gut feeling that it had something to do with the size of this community compared to most other boards. At this very moment there are 791 people viewing the forums. Most places I visit have 10-20 at a given time.

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I didn't think of that, but you might be onto something. I had a gut feeling that it had something to do with the size of this community compared to most other boards. At this very moment there are 791 people viewing the forums. Most places I visit have 10-20 at a given time.


Other reasons? We discuss a HUGE range of topics. We are pretty culturally and geographically diverse. Many of us have been here a long, long time. I've been posting since around 1999 (?).


The long-term, nearly daily posters get a real sense of with whom they are going to align when certain topics come up. I know I agree with certain people on parenting, but not politics (or vice versa). I know certain topics are going to illicit a specific response in some people. I know some people insert their pet topic into nearly every conversation. I actually think people get hurt *most often* when something like this happens. Suzy has put Jane on "her side" because they agree a lot. Jane says something that is insensitive to Suzy, but Suzy may not really remember that Jane is sensitive about it. There is a perceived intimacy that doesn't always exist because there are SO many posters to keep up with.

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