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s/o Halloween costumes-what was your favorite?

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Since we're talking costumes, I thought it would be fun to see what your favorite costume was as a kid and what your fav costume YOUR kid has worn.


My favorite costume was Morticia from the Adams Family. My mom made it for me and it was awesome. She made a long black dress and put a coat hanger in the bottom so I had to shuffle, like Morticia. There were gauze things around the bottom and hanging from the arms. He also made me a long black wig of yarn (it was so heavy). I won 3 costume contests in this.



My favorite of Indy was when he was 3. I remember our conversation exactly.


Me: What do you want to be for Halloween?

Indy: A bird.

Me: A bird?

Indy: Yes.

Me: A bird?

Indy: Yes.

Me: A bird???

Indy: Yes, mom. A B-I-R-D. Bird. Tweet. Tweet. Biiiirrrrrrd!

Me: Okay.


I had a million ideas on making a bird costumes, and we went to the Goodwill to look for supplies. They had a bird costume! It was meant to be! Actually, they had the top and wings, so I put him in yellow sweats and made feet, a beak and eyes from foam. He was so cute. It turns out, he was more clever than I knew. He wanted to be a bird and he wanted James Bond to dress up as a pirate so he could ride on James Bonds shoulder. He didn't want to do all the walking! Clever boy.





This is Indy and James Bond before heading out. And JB said Indy sat on his shoulder the whole time!



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One year my son went as a robot. I took a big card board box and cut out arm and neck holes then covered it in aluminum foil. I attached an old large calculator and some yellow warning lights all around. Then I bought silver ducting and cut it to fit ds arms and then attached it to box with duct tape. I also took two shoe boxes cut a whole in them for ds's feet and covered them with aluminum foil. We bought gray sweat pants and silver make up for his face. Everyone loved it and it was so easy to make.

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I went to a church Halloween party when I was a kid and had to dress as someone from the bible. I went as Lot's wife: a pillar of salt. Wore a white leotard, white tights and had white powder in my hair.


I also went one year as a bathroom. Wore a towel around me with bathroom stuff pinned to it (a roll of tp, a NEW toilet brush, etc.)


And one year I went as a garbage bag. Tied the bag around me and had pieces of "garbage" tied on. (Cleaned out cans or juice boxes, etc.)

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When I was 13 I felt I was too old to Trick or Treat, but my 11 year old sister was going as a nurse, so I went on crutches as her patient, an injured basketball player. We got a lot of laughs out of it because most people thought my costume was just a basketball player and I was actually injured.

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I was Florence Nightingale one year (no, no one knew who I was), wearing a very favorite polyester blue robe and a black silk cape that I'd found at my grandma's house. Another year I was a tree spirit (from Narnia), and my costume was made from an old light-brown sheet that I was, for some strange reason, very attached to. I wonder now if my mom didn't just see it as a way of getting rid of a sheet she hated! ;) I brushed out all of my crazy, crazy curly hair so I had a giant 'fro, and we stuck little sticks and leaves into it. ;)


For my kids, when ds was a toddler, I made him an armadillo costume and took him to visit at dh's office. I thought he was pretty darn adorable scooting around on the floor as an armadillo. I also made him a really fantastic Aragorn coat one year...


And last year dd was Cinderella-in-rags, and that might be my very favorite of all. :)

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When my kid was two years old, we dressed him up as a beat poet. Black turtleneck, black beret, eyeliner mustache, tiny bongo. I thought it was hilarious.


I never had any good costumes when I was a kid, because it was always really, really cold by Halloween. Nothing much looks good with a parka.

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My mom made me a Lady LovelyLocks costume one year. It was SERIOUSLY elaborate, and I loved wearing it. My sister's favorite costume was the year she went as a FLY. That's right... black sweat outfit, wings cut out of Styrofoam, and big black sunglasses with white rims.


My favorite costume as an adult has been when my husband and I paired up. I went as a nun and he as a priest. Completely irreverent, but it got a ton of laughs.


DS went as a bat last year and loved it because he made his own costume; DD's favorite costume is the one she plans to wear this year. She wanted to be the devil. Having her wear that to school on dress-up day will be interesting, as she goes to a Catholic school! :D

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My fave of my own was a vampire, my senior year of high school. I still have the cape my mom made, and wore it last year to accompany DD, who went as a vampire (her idea, we were on a Buffy kick). She went door to door saying, "Trick or treat! Vampires burn in the sun, they don't sparkle."


Yes, I coached her. It got at least one good laugh.


Probably my fave costume from childhood, though, was the one my mom did of my sisters. They were in preschool, and went as M&M's. she made big pairs of circles from posterboard, with tape to hang over the shoulders, and matching sweatsuits underneath. I think one was green, the other yellow.

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When I was little, my grandmother made me the best costumes! She was an incredible seamstress. I had an awesome clown costume that I wore after Halloween in a bike decorating contest and I won a new bike! She also made me an M&M constume but we decided on an orange M&M. A couple of years later we switched out the white "M" and added a Jack-o-Lantern face so that one did double duty. In high school, my best friend and I went as Bert & Ernie from Seasame Street one year.


DS and older DD have both been an adorable skunk. It will probably fit Littlest this year so we will see if she ends of wearing it.


DS said he is going as "The Biggest Looser" this year.

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I am not a huge Halloween fan - but over the years we have come up with some fairly cool costumes. I like to go cheap.


Chef - Big hat, apron, fake mustache - and he put his candy in a mixing bowl. Since there were no handles, we dumped the candy in a regular bag (that I carried) every couple of houses so the bowl didn't get heavy. Funny enough, the people then thought he didn't have any candy and gave him extra. He made out like a bandit.


Prom Queen - My oldest daughter found a beautiful full length pink prom dress on clearance at JCP for around $20. No need for it, but couldn't pass it up! She added a tiara and gloves, and answered the door for us last year. All the little kids got a kick seeing the princess at our house.


Mime - White turtleneck with black electrical tape for stripes, beret, face paint - and a sign that said Trick or Treat on one side, and then she flipped it around to the side that said Thank you!


Laundry basket - cut the bottom out of a circular laundry basket, filled it with socks, clothes, detergent, and wore it around her waist.


This year my son is going as the Old Spice Man.

Edited by Melinda TX
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My favorite costume was that of a gypsy. I've had this thing for big hoop earrings forever. It was the only time I was allowed to wear them when I was young.

Oh I LOVED being a gypsy and I think I wanted that one every year for a long time. My moms long flowy skirts, tons of scarves, necklaces, hoop earring, makeup. It was the best!


My mom also made me an awesome Raggedy Ann one year. She either bought or made the red and white striped tights, made the blue dress and apron and hand made the red yarn wig. So cute! She was really into Halloween. Still is!


My favorite of my own kids was when my son went as Indiana Jones. He was just 4 and so dang cute with his little hat and whip.


A friend of mine once made her daughter into a hot air balloon. It was the coolest! She got a light weight basket and attached suspenders to it and cut holes for the legs. The girl wore leotard and tights. And then she got a bunch of colorful helium balloons the day of trick or treating and put them in a giant clear plastic bag and attached that to the shoulders with string. It was adorable.


Saw a group of kids one time that were the Fruit of the Loom fruits. The grapes were easy with the purple balloons, but I don't remember how they did the other fruits other than a lot of felt.


I love the dress up aspect of Halloween but not all the evil decor that's around. We don't participate anymore but we do get to go to the Renaissance Festival in early Nov, dressed up, so that makes up for it! (and we buy lots of candy too!)

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When I was young my favorite costume was a carebear costume my mom made. She could sew really well and it had a huge stuffed head where my face peeked out the mouth hole. For my dd, my favorite costume was when she was one. She was Yoda, I can't find a picture at the moment but I have a link to what the costume looked like. Yoda costume.

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When my oldest was 3, he asked to be an orange popsicle. It stretched my creativity, but he never wavered and loved it. The costume was made from orange felt over cardboard and made into a "sandwich board" with shoulder straps, and a little brown contruction paper for the stick. I tried cardboard for the stick but his knees kept bumping into it. He wore the costume over an orange shirt and khaki pants. It's still in our dress-up box, almost 5 years later.

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I had a boxed Miss America costume that my mom "completed" by having me carry plastic roses wrapped in tin foil. (It was the 70s... what else can I say. ;))


For my kiddos, last year they were Phineas, Ferb, and Candace. My 4yo (Phineas) is "Mr. I have to build a contraption". My oldest guy (Ferb) is a quiet Aspie. And my dd is just Candace through and through. Their personalities fit so much I had no choice other than to make these costumes for them. They carried gift bags with Perry on them. ;)

Edited by cjbeach
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