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Update on me and what happened

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I am overwhelmed by the prayers, thoughts, hugs, and private messages I have gotten this week. Some of you who private messaged me, I told what happened and for those who didn't you can probably guess but I just can't talk about it here. Physically, I am ok but I need to get to the dr and get some meds for anxiety and depression and some back pain I am having.


Emotionally I am a wreck. I haven't been able to see my counselor, who I have been seeing for over 7yrs. She is really busy now with getting ready to move and her husband leaves on Saturday so they have had lots of going away parties and lunches/receptions to go to. I haven't even told her yet what has happened. She officially adopted me in 2009, so she is also my adoptive mother and I will be well taken care of by her once she finds out. I am hoping to see her tomorrow.


I got out of the house tonite for the first time just to take a drive, listen to some of my Christian music cd, and cry. It actually felt good. I haven't been able to cry because of my kids and not wanting to scare them.


I am home now and resting. Going to take a shower, get some popcorn and watch a movie until I can fall asleep, which has been extremely hard right now. I only slept 2hrs last night and 3hrs the night before. I have taken a nap each day which has helped.


Just wanted to check in and say that I am still here and hoping to start working on this tomorrow and hopefully start to heal. Thank you for all of your prayers and hugs. They have been felt even though I don't really know many of you here. In fact you guys are the only ones who know except for a very good friend of mine irl.

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Glad things are calming down for you, Lisa. Remember to eat, stay hydrated (I know this is a hard thing to remember when things come crashing down and come in as a last issue, but not doing so can really antagonize things) and know people are thinking of you and hoping thing go better for you :grouphug:.

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I really hope you can get in to talk to your a-mom tomorrow. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. Like LauraGB said, make sure you stay well hydrated, and eat well. Your body needs the fuel.


We are here for you.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I don't know what else to say.......words are completely inadequate.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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