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Come see what I drew!

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A little background here: My last art class was in the late 1970s. I finally screwed up my courage and enrolled in a nature drawing class at the local community college. We met for the first time last night and here are the results. They're not going to hang in the Louvre any time soon, but I had such a good time!


Now the big challenge: drawing a hard boiled egg... ;)

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Nice work, Drew!


I can so relate to what you said on your blog:


"I'm so used to living in words that just seeing was positively trippy. To think that some people spend most of their lives looking at the world that way!"


Trippy, yup, that's the high for the artist. That's why I can spend the entire day and evening involved in a painting and never sense that I am hungry or tired or that the sun has gone down. The artistic experience can truly be otherworldly at times. I like "trippy", that describes it well.


It is very freeing. Freedom from the confines of looking at something and only seeing its known presence the way others see it. You go from: Oh, there is a mushroom. I know what they look like. To: Mushroom, let's see, spherical on top, cave-like underside with velvety radial lines emenating from a lovely smooth cylindrical stalk...oh and look at the variation in color. Who would have thought there could be so many different browns. I think I even see some green and yellow and blue in there too...etc. Now, you see the mushroom, not just the knowledge of what is a mushroom.


Happy drawing, Drew!

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I would give you an 'E' for excellent in any of the art classes I teach. Your gift has been lying dormant a long time, but its still there. I hope you keep drawing. Its a wonderful passtime and a great way to connect with our children too.




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A little background here: My last art class was in the late 1970s. I finally screwed up my courage and enrolled in a nature drawing class at the local community college. We met for the first time last night and here are the results. They're not going to hang in the Louvre any time soon, but I had such a good time!


Now the big challenge: drawing a hard boiled egg... ;)


Looks fantastic! Good job.:001_smile:

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Soon you will be drawing gnomes!


Or portraits of your children!



This was my last drawing (and I didn't even finish it). I would love to pick up the pencils again.

Drew, how did you go about finding an art class?

Your work is looking great! I love Betty Edwards' books.

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If our children can take virtual classes, there should be a way through e-mail and messaging that we could hold art classes. I had semi-private art lessons for most of last year. It was inspiring and I learned so much, but unfortunately the teacher lives at quite a distance. Do you ever hear someone say that they can't play a note on the piano so therefore there is no point in trying?? Drawing is a skill just like playing piano and it can be learned. Now, just like piano, some people are naturally more talented and will be capable of greater things, but we can all be taught to see things in a new way....I have concluded that the greater part of learning to draw is learning how to see things. So, please don't say I couldn't do that....you can! That was my line at one time. Here is a sample of a still life I drew for my art class.




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taking an art class!


I took private art lessons as a child and have always wanted to pick it up again, but seems like there's just no time. :glare:


My two older children draw very well... I need to check around to see what classes are offered locally...


Thanks for sharing... post the egg will ya?

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I love what Drew drew! (sorry, I had to go there)


And, Jenny, Crissy (did I miss others?), way to go. You're all so talented!! As a younger person, and in college, I was involved in art in a real way. The longer I've been removed from it -- life taking over, you know? -- the harder it has been for me to go back there. I once felt that I had some talent, but anymore, I'm just too out of practice. I also happen to have a lot of artist friends. Hanging around with them would, you'd think, be inspiring. Instead, I just shake my head and think, "I never..."


A class might be just the thing to get me going again. But, that won't be happening right away, I'm afraid. Oh, and then there's the guitar I always wanted to learn to play. And, the languages I wanted to learn. And the.....



Anyway, thanks for sharing your talents.




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Thanks for sharing. I haven't had an art class since junior high, either! I hadn't thought much about the process that artists go through to make art; I simply assumed that I am not gifted artistically. It's terrific that you had such an encouraging teacher. I've been wanting to take a pottery class for years, but somehow I'm always afraid that I won't be good at it. Maybe I'll give a try!

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Drawing has always frustrated me, most likely feelings of inadequacy compared to my very talented folks. I have found "fire" though, and I'm having a blast doing metal smithing/silver jewelry fabrication. If I could only find the $ and time to do more of it and add ceramics back into the mix.

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Sounds like you've found your niche! You should share some of the metal work you've done. We'd love to see it! I enjoyed my jewelry and metalsmithing class in college. The prof was wonderful. She was my advisor and one of my favorite teachers.


I'm not much of a pencil drawing type myself either. I can do it and I can teach it, but I need color! I love to look at what others have done with pencil though.


Ds, 17, enjoys pencil work. You can see some of his drawings here. The pencil drawings under "student work" are his.

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Sounds like you've found your niche! You should share some of the metal work you've done. We'd love to see it! I enjoyed my jewelry and metalsmithing class in college. The prof was wonderful. She was my advisor and one of my favorite teachers.


I'm not much of a pencil drawing type myself either. I can do it and I can teach it, but I need color! I love to look at what others have done with pencil though.


Ds, 17, enjoys pencil work. You can see some of his drawings here. The pencil drawings under "student work" are his.


His drawing are wonderful! All of the work there is. I love children's work, it's free, without the limits of the adult (what my picture should look like mind). Anyway, here are a few of the new projects I have finished. I posted some others back during the winter. I do love this class, but hope to go back like Drew, and start drawing, painting, and sculpture again. I also love handbuilding and wheel, but had to give up wheel due to a bad back. :tongue_smilie:



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