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So, if I loved Buffy......

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A great deal of the story arc in season 5 revolves around Spike. Wesley and Cordeila both move to Angel as well plus there are a lot of great new characters. However, the final episode absolutely sucks and it doesn't answer the most important question of the show. I am glad I watched it the first time and I will probably watch it again some day but it is no where near as good as Buffy.

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I'm in my first time of watching Buffy right now. I'm in the middle of season 2 and Angel just became "bad" a few shows ago. I'm so annoyed by that because he's so GREAT in Angel! He's a good character and such a tortured soul without being overplayed.


Several years ago when I first watched Angel, I would never had admitted I was watching Angel. I'm so glad to talk to others who admit watching. ;)

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We loved the Angel series and yes, Spike is on it quite a bit. I'm not sure what season he comes into it though. It's been a long time since we watched the series since we watched them when they aired. You're making me want to watch them both again or even buy them. We loved both of those shows!

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I loved Angel in Buffy, and thought the Angel series started off all right, but got progressively worse as time went on. I gave up watching it and never saw the final show, even.


I'd say don't bother. It's weirder. Not that weirder is bad... they move to LA, I think, and fight the critters that lurk there. I dunno, it just never grabbed me.

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I loved Angel in Buffy, and thought the Angel series started off all right, but got progressively worse as time went on. I gave up watching it and never saw the final show, even.


I'd say don't bother. It's weirder. Not that weirder is bad... they move to LA, I think, and fight the critters that lurk there. I dunno, it just never grabbed me.


I am exactly the opposite. I loathed Angel on Buffy but loved him on Angel. However, Angel really doesn't come into its own until the second season. In the first season, I think it is still to tied to Buffy. The last season of Angel does have Spike as a regular character as well. I love both series but I think Angel as a character is much better in his own series after season one.


ETA: I much prefer Spike to Angel on any series though.

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A great deal of the story arc in season 5 revolves around Spike. Wesley and Cordeila both move to Angel as well plus there are a lot of great new characters. However, the final episode absolutely sucks and it doesn't answer the most important question of the show. I am glad I watched it the first time and I will probably watch it again some day but it is no where near as good as Buffy.


:iagree: HATED the last episode! I was going :001_huh:


Spike is our favorite vampire around here. He cracks us up. But Angel??? Phffttt.


LOVE Spike and that is the only reason I watched Angel was for "Blondie Bear" :D

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Angel is its own thing.


I feel like one of the best things about Buffy is that it's so well conceived. Each season arc has a clear direction, each episode contributes to it. The voices and characters and their ongoing arcs are all very consistent and, of course, the writing, acting and general concept are all excellent. Not every episode is perfect or anything, but they all fit together so well.


But with Angel... well, it's uneven. There are moments of brilliance and some of the themes and characters are excellent. Many of the writers from Buffy also wrote for Angel and some of the writing is great. But there are a lot more ups and downs. There are also moments that strain credulity - not in terms of vampires and the supernatural - but in terms of character development and ongoing plots feeling internally consistent. Some of the season arcs feel scattered and unplanned to me. If you're especially interested in watching for Spike, his character came in for the final season, which most people would agree is the worst.


All that said, if you're a Buffy fan and love the show, there is a lot of enjoy and you should totally give it a try. I mostly think Angel was a good show... it's just not as good as Buffy.

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Angel was one of those series that should have ended one or two seasons earlier then it did. That last season was a real stinker!
Aw, come on... Smile Time? :P And Wesley finally got interesting after how many seasons of Buffy and Angel? And I can't get enough of Lorne.


Connor I could have done without... or at least with a lot less of him.

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Aw, come on... Smile Time? :P And Wesley finally got interesting after how many seasons of Buffy and Angel? And I can't get enough of Lorne.


Connor I could have done without... or at least with a lot less of him.


Yes, I really like the depth of Wesley's character development. When I go back and watch the him in Buffy and then compare him to Angel later in the series it is hard to believe it is the same character. Obviously he is a good actor because he plays both aspects equally well. His last scene has to be one of the most gut wrenching scenes of both shows.


Same with Fred. Her transformation is amazing and she manages both parts equally well. And yes, Lorne is great, absolutely love him. I like seasons 1 and 2 well enough, didn't care much for 3 and 4 but I did like season 5 because of both Spike's and Fred's story arcs.

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I loved Angel in Buffy, and thought the Angel series started off all right, but got progressively worse as time went on. I gave up watching it and never saw the final show, even.


I'd say don't bother. It's weirder. Not that weirder is bad... they move to LA, I think, and fight the critters that lurk there. I dunno, it just never grabbed me.



I don't even have to type out a reply. I'll just add an: :iagree:

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I think Angel, as a character, is WAY better in Angel, but I watched Angel first and then watched Buffy and I don't like Buffy as much. I only watched it for Angel. I think Angel the show is fantastic at character development. Like they've mentioned, both Cordelia and Wesley also transforms in a really awesome way. And Spike, while making cameos throughout the series, is a main character in the last season. I always hated the whole Connor thing, but it is worth it because the rest of the show is fantastic. I think Angel and Buffy are definitely two different types of shows, which is why so many people prefer one over the other. I would recommend watching the first two or three episodes of Angel to see if you like the vibe. I love the "superhero" feel of the pilot. Seriously, I think Angel may be my favorite show ever, and that's saying a lot.

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I started watching Angel and I find the show really annoying. One of the great things about Buffy is the interactions between the characters. Giles and Xander, or Annya and... well, everyone. Angel has none of that. The entire premise is lame as well. Buffy had a clear purpose and a destiny she couldn't escape, etc. Angel seems to be forcing himself awkwardly into his position on his show. I haven't even managed to get through the first season, to you might take this with a grain of salt, but the show has been disappointing.



Plus, within the very first season he is offered two ways to drastically improve his life, one time to be given everything he could possibly want, and he turns them both down. Lame.

Edited by Mimm
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It's worth it just for Lorne and Fred. :) Also for the way they develop Cordelia's character. I hated what they did with her though. It was just plain stupid!

I have to agree that I hated the last season and the last episode just did not finish the show well at all.

I think the Conner thing could have worked had it been done differently.

ETA: I liked Angel much better on Angel than I did on Buffy. And Spike is most definitely my favorite vampire!

Edited by happyhomemaker25
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but despised Angel on the Buffy show, should I even waste time with the Angel series? Is Spike ever on it?


Well, I haven't seen the Angel series, but I wanted to say that I was lukewarm on the Angel character in Buffy, but I really like that same actor in Bones!

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Well, I haven't seen the Angel series, but I wanted to say that I was lukewarm on the Angel character in Buffy, but I really like that same actor in Bones!


Yes! I love him in Bones. He is still kind of serious but a little more playful and easy going. The chemistry between him Temperance is great.

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