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OMG! From 5 to 23 pages while I was watching TV.


So are we looking at hot hot hot guys or really old crack? I can find photos for each.


LOL!! Both, please.


I am going to be SO sorry that I posted this......but Hey, I can delete it, right?



I am 11 years older than my DH.:tongue_smilie:


Now you've been quoted. You can't delete!!!! We need pictures Mrs. R.

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I am going to be SO sorry that I posted this......but Hey, I can delete it, right?



I am 11 years older than my DH.:tongue_smilie:


see the picture of the man in the post right above this post I quoted? That's my husband. I don't know how Jennifer got a picture of him. So you can see, I'm a few years older than him, too. So what?:tongue_smilie:

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I am going to be SO sorry that I posted this......but Hey, I can delete it, right?



I am 11 years older than my DH.:tongue_smilie:


You can't delete it once I quote it (evil laugh inserted here.....)


I'm just starting a new book with a heroine older than the hero. I haven't fully decided on the age spread but originally I thought of making her 12 yrs over..... :) 26 to 38. I might need to adjust it because he's too young to have accomplished what I want him to have done..... & I want her to be able to fall off horses & not kvetch about it :lol:

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My facebook picture! There it is!


Nope. Not close enough. Need more, fake, pictures . . .


You're NOT NICE!!!


Here is a picture of Dobela's husband, and she, too, is a few years older than him. :D:tongue_smilie::lol::auto:


Hey! He's MINE. All mine!!!!


OK my real husband is home from work lol. Goodbye friends. Goodbye Taylor. haha. Talk to you guys tomorrow :)


NOOOOOOO. Your real dh can wait. If you really liked us, you'd stay . . . Taylor is waiting

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You can't delete it once I quote it (evil laugh inserted here.....)


I'm just starting a new book with a heroine older than the hero. I haven't fully decided on the age spread but originally I thought of making her 12 yrs over..... :) 26 to 38. I might need to adjust it because he's too young to have accomplished what I want him to have done..... & I want her to be able to fall off horses & not kvetch about it :lol:


Years ago I read a book: White Palace - it was later made into a movie with James Spader and Susan Sarandon - movie stunk - book was fabulous.


IME, 38 and 26 works...........38 yr old is of course in fabulous shape (she is a distance runner) so falling off the horse doesn't really cause her to kvetch. She will probably get perturbed about an ankle sprain or a stress fracture, but that's b/c those keep her from running.


Now -- 31 and 23 doesn't work.........unless she doesn't have kids or he does want kids and she already has them. Doesn't work if he wants to go to Harvard Law School. Does work if they both go to Harvard Law School.


There you go -- get crackin'.;)

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Dang. I need to go too. I wanted to see Marianne hit her goal. Darnit. I also wanted to see her fake pictures of her dh. Tomorrow morning I'll have LOTS of pages to read, I'm sure.


Now that my 14 yo ds has shown me how to post pictures (of cabana boys!) I'll be sure to post LOTS more!!!!! :)


I'm pretty certain it isn't going to happen tonight..........tune in tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel! ;)

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Did you get into my Nutella while I was gone??? With the cabana boy???


Her name was Hazel,

She was a nut.

She liked to hang with cabana boys

Spend time in the hut.


One day she met Ella

Who was also a nut.

They fought over the boys

And into a jar they were shut.


They story of Nutella,

The bliss in a jar

Hazel and Ella

Chocolate without the bar. :D

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Her name was Hazel,

She was a nut.

She liked to hang with cabana boys

Spend time in the hut.


One day she met Ella

Who was also a nut.

They fought over the boys

And into a jar they were shut.


They story of Nutella,

The bliss in a jar

Hazel and Ella

Chocolate without the bar. :D

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. ;)
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Her name was Hazel,

She was a nut.

She liked to hang with cabana boys

Spend time in the hut.


One day she met Ella

Who was also a nut.

They fought over the boys

And into a jar they were shut.


They story of Nutella,

The bliss in a jar

Hazel and Ella

Chocolate without the bar. :D


It kind of works with the tune of that Barry Manilow song: Her name was Lola, She was a showgirl, but that was thirty years ago when they used to have a show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFR8hJcNIg0

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Gotcha! I have to go shred. And do other stuff. I'll be back in 12 hours.



You know, MariannNOVA, I thought about this thread a lot today because it was a lot of fun - and I got to thinking about the cabana boys and your dh looking like one. Then I had an ephiphany! You want to know the real reason your neighbor cut down your hedge??? It was so she could gaze at your dh without having to stick her head in the shrubs! She wants her own cabana boy for her pool! She just never considered that your dh was your loyal cabana boy or that you would be so upset and unwilling to share! :D;)

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You're gonna make your 5,000th post to this thread right? Right?! :D


I don't see any way around it! ;)


You know, MariannNOVA, I thought about this thread a lot today because it was a lot of fun - and I got to thinking about the cabana boys and your dh looking like one. Then I had an ephiphany! You want to know the real reason your neighbor cut down your hedge??? It was so she could gaze at your dh without having to stick her head in the shrubs! She wants her own cabana boy for her pool! She just never considered that your dh was your loyal cabana boy or that you would be so upset and unwilling to share! :D;)


:lol::lol::lol: UGH! Gross! EWWWWW! She is SO tacky and.......well, tacky! And, heavens, yes, my cabana boy is as loyal as loyal can be. He spent the day ripping up rug, padding and tack strips in the lower level and sweeping up crud -- he's the best.:001_wub:

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You know, MariannNOVA, I thought about this thread a lot today because it was a lot of fun - and I got to thinking about the cabana boys and your dh looking like one. Then I had an ephiphany! You want to know the real reason your neighbor cut down your hedge??? It was so she could gaze at your dh without having to stick her head in the shrubs! She wants her own cabana boy for her pool! She just never considered that your dh was your loyal cabana boy or that you would be so upset and unwilling to share! :D;)


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