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Don't forget to sign your family up!!! One week left!

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I posted about this once before but here's one more PSA for those of you who didn't see it last time.


It's time to sign up for the 10th annual Million Minute Family Challenge- it starts a week from today! It runs from September 1st to December 31st.


From the website:


Registration for the 2010 Million Minute Family Challenge™ has begun. Participation is easy:


1) Get together a group of friends or family that will commit to playing a non-electronic game at least 20 minutes sometime from September through December.

2) Sign up on this website to receive your free organizer kit by mail.

3) After you play games, come back to this website and log your minutes of game play.


Every minute your group plays and logs contributes to our goal of reaching 1 million minutes of game play across the United States and Canada before December 31, 2010! We know people enjoy the entertainment and education value of non-electronic games and here is your chance to prove just how popular they are!




P.S. I participated last year and at the end, they sent me a free game ("Buzzword Bits") just for participating. :)



"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." -Plato, Greek philosopher

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We've got 50 minutes in so far. We're the Boardwalk Landlords


My son is inspired. He wants to beat the 6 other families on our team. (We have a little inner team competition going.) Three of our families have 4 kids. Mine's an only. He's on a mission. So while the other can log minutes by just their kids playing together, it looks like I'm going to be personally involved in every single minute:eek: Thank god he's moved past Chutes and Laddres and shudder Candyland! LOL!

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We've got 50 minutes in so far. We're the Boardwalk Landlords


My son is inspired. He wants to beat the 6 other families on our team. (We have a little inner team competition going.) Three of our families have 4 kids. Mine's an only. He's on a mission. So while the other can log minutes by just their kids playing together, it looks like I'm going to be personally involved in every single minute:eek: Thank god he's moved past Chutes and Laddres and shudder Candyland! LOL!


LOL...my son is still at the Chutes and Ladders and Candy Land stage... but the good news is, my daughter isn't, and SHE can play those games with him! haha. (At least he's starting to be able to play other kinds of games, too, as long as we help him out)!


I just named our team "Nance's Homeschool." You'd think I could be more creative with a team name heh.

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