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CRAWLING out of my HOLE....

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hi ladies! It's been about a month since I last posted. Things have been crazy since the motorcycle accident but here is the update:


dh is still healing...neck was broken in two places. About two weeks after his accident, as if the injuries were not enough, he got shingles. Poor guy. And now the doctor says he has to have surgery to fuse 4 of his vertabrae in his neck together because it is not healing properly. He still does not have his strength back in his right arm due to the nerve damage and the doctor says it is most likely permanent. We now have a lawsuit pending...


Despite all that, we are so very grateful that he is alive and not paralyzed. So he will have the surgery after the breaks in his neck heal fully.


The motorcycle is FOR SALE. :D


Obviously I made it back from Michigan to Malaysia and about a week later the school year started. It has been crazy hectic but every day I am stunned by how much I love this place. The people I work with are amazing. They provided meals and helped take care of my kids while dh was in the hospital and I was running back and forth. Seriously, I cannot even express how amazing they are.


So things are GOOD. We are continuously and purposefully counting our blessings. I have a beautiful home in a beautiful country, an awesome job, great friends, healthy children and a husband who is on the mend. So despite how it might look to the outside world...I am BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE.


and I'm back! :tongue_smilie:

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Totally missed this since I don't often stop by here. I'm glad to hear things are going as well as possible given the circumstances. Take care, Heather.


hi ladies! It's been about a month since I last posted. Things have been crazy since the motorcycle accident but here is the update:


dh is still healing...neck was broken in two places. About two weeks after his accident, as if the injuries were not enough, he got shingles. Poor guy. And now the doctor says he has to have surgery to fuse 4 of his vertabrae in his neck together because it is not healing properly. He still does not have his strength back in his right arm due to the nerve damage and the doctor says it is most likely permanent. We now have a lawsuit pending...


Despite all that, we are so very grateful that he is alive and not paralyzed. So he will have the surgery after the breaks in his neck heal fully.


The motorcycle is FOR SALE. :D


Obviously I made it back from Michigan to Malaysia and about a week later the school year started. It has been crazy hectic but every day I am stunned by how much I love this place. The people I work with are amazing. They provided meals and helped take care of my kids while dh was in the hospital and I was running back and forth. Seriously, I cannot even express how amazing they are.


So things are GOOD. We are continuously and purposefully counting our blessings. I have a beautiful home in a beautiful country, an awesome job, great friends, healthy children and a husband who is on the mend. So despite how it might look to the outside world...I am BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE.


and I'm back! :tongue_smilie:

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Glad you're doing well!!!!


DH used to have a motorcycle and I loved it. In fact, it was because of his bike that we met.


But I have heard story after story after story of people being killed or paralyzed by accidents on their bikes (neighborhood people killed on their bikes, our youth pastor has been paralyzed for 5 years or so now, because of his bike, your dh in a severe accident, etc.)


We have gotten rid of the bike and I never want to ride on one again. Ever.


I am SO glad your dh is on the mend. And I'm also glad you got rid of the bike.

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