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A friend of a friend's house burned down. What do they need *right now*?

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Anyone have this experience or helped someone through it?


I already gave them a small g.c. to Target so they can go buy basics--toothbrushes, etc., and included a small toy for each of the kids.


I am looking through our house for things we can share like towels or blankets, extra dishes, and so forth.


What does this family likely need most? (I cannot ask today b/c they do not have a cell phone and they and the friend I know well are occupied with basic details like fire marshal, salvaging, meals, finding a place to stay.)



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Anyone have this experience or helped someone through it?


I already gave them a small g.c. to Target so they can go buy basics--toothbrushes, etc., and included a small toy for each of the kids.


I am looking through our house for things we can share like towels or blankets, extra dishes, and so forth.


What does this family likely need most? (I cannot ask today b/c they do not have a cell phone and they and the friend I know well are occupied with basic details like fire marshal, salvaging, meals, finding a place to stay.)




Do they attend public or private school? If so, it might be a blessing if you got the school supply list and organized people to cover those.

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What does this family likely need most? (I cannot ask today b/c they do not have a cell phone and they and the friend I know well are occupied with basic details like fire marshal, salvaging, meals, finding a place to stay.)




Clothing, perhaps a gift card to a clothing store for undergarments. Socks, shoes, shampoo, creme rinse, soap, hair brush, comb, etc.

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with the other posters about school supplies, phone, fast food, etc.


If the family has any religious preferences, they may wish to have a replacement Bible, etc.


This may sound silly, but if there are girls they may appreciate some "simple" things like hair barrettes. I know this is not a "need" but it is important to a girl! Fancy stuff like that will be the last things they are purchasing as they focus on more urgent needs.


Maybe if they are staying in a motel - perhaps a few people could chip in to pay a few nights (if it isn't covered by insurance - even then it may take a while to get a claim paid)


I will pray for them.



Edited by Pam L.
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This happened to my brother and SIL, so I rememer well her needs.

Most people will help with the immediate needs.

Perhaps start organizing the longer term (beds, cribs, entertainment)

Do they need babysitting or someone to take the children out of the "temporary" housing for an ice cream?

Someone to help get the birth cert/ss cards/ id stuff (basically moral support and babysitting)


The best thing anyone did for SIL was they called all her relatives and got copies of childrens pictures and "replaced" them in a new album.



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The couple who lived in our old house (we were landlords) had a housefire and lost EVERYTHING. It was horrible.


They got a great apartment right away. But, they didn't have the essentials anymore - pots, pans, spoons, serving utensils, etc. So, some of us went to garage sales and thrift stores and gave them new stuff - mostly for the kitchen.


I think that was their most immediate need after clothing and housing were taken care of.

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Pay as you go phones for both parents. There may be social services in the community to help with such needs.


Small flashlights and nightlights for kids staying in unfamiliar settings.


A portable file box or expandable folder because they're going to be dealing with a lot of paperwork.


When someone in our church knows of a need like this often an email is sent out to church members and many needs can be filled quickly. I had spare set of children's bedding that went out to a family after a fire this way.

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Towels and toiletries! After our fire, these were the most needed things were (aside from a place to stay!) along with a microwave someone let us borrow, paper plates and cups, napkins and utensils, kitchen stuff, and the gift card for FOOD. We were home at the time so the smoke smell was on us and we wanted to shower a LOT. lol


Our church got together and they took loads of clothes and bedding and everyone pitched in to help clean what they could. Of course, that stuff was salvageable for us...

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Our house burned down Last year. Right now, they probably don't know what they need, they are in shock. If they are staying with someone or in a hotel, they don't need a lot of household supplies to have to shuffle around. One thing that a friend did for us which was a huge help was to take our son into their homeschool for a couple of weeks. It kept him occupied and busy and freed us up to take care of things - lots of things.


Susie in SWVA


PS It would be nice if someone could coordinate help. Our son has enough clothes to last him the rest of his life!!!

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All of the previous ideas are great. My thoughts were:


Rubbermaid containers, duffle/storage bags, trashbags, and all sizes of ziplocs.


They'll probably receive lots of clothes/toys/personal items for each family member and they could probably use some plastic bins or bags to help store, organize, and transport each person's items, whether in a hotel room or on the go.


They could also probably use laundry bags or hampers and some detergent, fabric softener, and stain remover. Hangers for clothes they'll be given.

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When our house burned down the biggest help was gift cards and donated books.


We were on our way out of town, so we had a few days worth of clothing, toiletries, and a vacuum (my mom wanted to borrow our vacuum). It was the middle of summer, so we weren't doing much school either.


They will probably need clothes. Basics. Look around you and what have you used over the whole day?


Now the one thing I can think of that was one of the HUGEST and BIGGEST helps. A relative or an acquaintance of a friend of mine..... go follow that somewhere.... she sent both of my kids a box. In this box was a book, a toy, a small stuffed animal (beanie baby sized), a gift card to Target for $20, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a pad of school paper, a package of pencils and a sharpener, a coloring book, a package of markers, a nightlight, and a flashlight. Just this little bit of understanding gave the kids a HUGE amount of things to occupy their time, it is the one thing I think of when I think back to the aftermath of the fire.


Oh, and since it is summer..... gift cards for gas.



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My sis went through this. Most helpful was:


Showing up at the hotel every. single. week with a home cooked meal

Small, time consuming toys for kids (video games, books, board games)

Organizing friends to clean the house site and store salvaged items

Arranging for mom and dad to get a night away from it all - babysitting, restaurant gift card & movie tickets.

Fruit, milk, crackers & other staples

Being willing to sit by her and not push for deep conversations when she doesn't want to talk about anything related to the tragedy

Expensive but worth listing anyway . . . a laptop


Love the idea of collecting photos for them - you could even "slurp" their photos from an online blog if they have one.

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