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Can't argue with that, I guess ...

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My kids have tickets that allot them 30 minutes of tv time per ticket. They have to turn them in to me before they watch anything.


My dd8 brought me a ticket and said she was going to watch some Avatar (Last Airbender). We get it through Netflix Instant Watch.


When I noticed her turning on a second episode, I said, "Dd, if you're going to watch more tv you owe me another ticket."


She looked at me and said, very seriously, "No, Mom. Each episode is 21 minutes long. Two episodes are 42 minutes, and since 42 is rounded down to 30, one ticket covers both episodes. They would each have to be a minute and a half longer to get rounded up to one hour." :D


The look on her face was priceless, like she couldn't even conceive of the fact that anyone would argue with her logic.


Sometimes that "no commercials" thing screws up the neat little tv time-slots! :lol:



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Yep, my kids always get bonus points for creative thinking. Last night I told my kids that they had to be asleep by 10:00 since today was the first day of school. Of course, they were overly excited and couldn't sleep. At 10:30 the oldest was still awake and so I told her again that if she didn't get to sleep soon she was going to be too tired today. Her response was, "All I am doing tomorrow is getting my locker, homeroom and schedule. Exactly how awake do I need to be to do that?" Couldn't argue with that so I just let her fall alseep on her own schedule.

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Cute, but her logic is flawed. :) While most measurements rely on the decimal system, where you'd round up to 100 if you were at 50 or more (half of 100), time is based on hours, which have but 60 minutes. Since 60 is the whole, 30 is the half, and you would round up to 60 once you pass 30.


Is 2:42 closer to 2:00 or 3:00? - it's 3:00 - you round up after the half hour. 42 minutes do not get rounded down to 30 minutes, but up to the next hour.

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Cute, but her logic is flawed. :) While most measurements rely on the decimal system, where you'd round up to 100 if you were at 50 or more (half of 100), time is based on hours, which have but 60 minutes. Since 60 is the whole, 30 is the half, and you would round up to 60 once you pass 30.


Is 2:42 closer to 2:00 or 3:00? - it's 3:00 - you round up after the half hour. 42 minutes do not get rounded down to 30 minutes, but up to the next hour.


Actually I think her logic is fine. :001_smile: Since the unit they are working in the half hour instead of the hour, she applied the concept perfectly.

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She sounds like my older daughter. We don't have a formal system for how much television we allow the kids to watch, the answer is just usually "no.":lol:


One time, our whole family had had a long, stressful week, so we all took a nap on Saturday afternoon. My older daughter was the first one awake, so she woke me up. As we were walking into the living room, she asked if she could watch a cartoon. So I said, "Give me one good reason why I should let you watch a cartoon." And without missing a beat she said, "Because daddy is still sleeping and if we are watching a cartoon, it will keep all of us kids quiet." I couldn't come up with a good rebuttal, so they got to watch a cartoon. She was four years old at the time of that conversation.

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