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Favorite board games for 5 year-olds?

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We are starting school again but still want to stay relaxed... my ds asked me to please play more games with him. I realized I have "grown up" with my older 2 children who are entering middle school and don't "play" with the youngers as much.


So, I would love to hear your favorite family board games for this age. Something that can be played within 1/2 hour would be great!



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My four year old likes:


Connect Four


The Grinch Sing Your Heart Out game (I want to get him a few Dr. Seuss games actually)


Uno Moo


Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, Hi-Ho Cherry-O


and will also enjoy playing things like Monopoly, Jr. even though we have to help him significantly as he can't read or add money or anything like that yet.

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Orchard by Haba is a really great game for that age range (and beyond too). It was more fun for me than the other games as well.



One of mine really loved Hiss and Sequence. His twin didn't have the attention span for those at five but I think he's unusual in that respect. All are quick.

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My 5 year old is a beginning reader so that has opened up a few new games to us


His favorites


- Connect 4

- Monopoly Jr

- Scrabble Jr

- Boggle Jr

- Scrabble Slam

- Guess who

- Occasionally candy land or chutes and ladders

- Crazy 8's and Go fish

- Trouble

- Perfection

- Memory

- Uno

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Lots of the games are already mentioned but I'll repeat anyway with our favorites:



Guess Who

Swamp Sum (this is educational!)

Frog Juice



I will only play games that I can stand so no Candyland for me although the kids would like it.

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I'm going to repeat what others have said, since I think in this case, repetition is helpful to see what's popular among multiple children. My 5-year-old likes:



Gobblet Jr.

Dwarves and Dice

Go Fish


Sequence for Kids

TransAmerica (you do have to be able to read the city names, or at least match the ones on your cards to the cities on the board)


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DD6 enjoys CandyLand, Zingo, Uno, Shrek Matching, Trouble, Go Fish, War, Hi Ho Cherry Oh, Checkers.....and our newest family favorite....Flapdoodle. It is pure fun. My 6 and 3 year old absolutely love it and are laughing the whole game. Check it out. There's absolutely no learing about it LOL, but it sure is fun.


And I despise Shoots and Ladders.

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I looked up all your suggestions at Amazon.com, loaded my cart with my favorites and now the total is over $80....


Seems so frivolous to spend that much on board games!!! But, I suppose building great memories would be worth it... 5ds sure won't remember the OPG lessons, and history crafts, but hopefully will remember the good times playing games with ol' mom!

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I looked up all your suggestions at Amazon.com, loaded my cart with my favorites and now the total is over $80....


Seems so frivolous to spend that much on board games!!! But, I suppose building great memories would be worth it... 5ds sure won't remember the OPG lessons, and history crafts, but hopefully will remember the good times playing games with ol' mom!


You can always put some aside for Christmas presents when they arrive. That way you'll already have a head start on that. :001_smile:

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Dominoes. Splurge on a colored set.


With dominoes (and a five year old), you can match the numbers (a 4 to a 4, a 7 to a 7) or you can say that the dominoes need to add up to 10(or 13 if you have a bigger set). So 6 matches to 4, or 12 matches to 1.


Other domino games you can play with 5yo:







Mexican Train



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I've had two 5-year-old boys enjoy chess. You can try checkers first. Watching her older brothers, my 3.5 yo girl demands to play and makes legal moves about 2/3 of the time.


This is what I was going to say. :iagree:

Start by teaching them with just pawns. The first one to get a pawn to the other side of the board wins. Next add the rooks. Continue adding a piece at a time until they've learned them all.

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